Hi, This is my first visit to the CysticFibrosis.Com forum. I'm a mother of a 20 year old daughter with CF. My daughter had her first episode, as well as my first, with coughing up blood this past weekend. It scared her and me. She is sick and needs to be hospitalized but she wants to wait a week to go in so she can cover someone's vacation @ work. She thinks she is immortal. Does this happen because the disease is progressing or is it "normal"??? There is no handbook for us parents who do not know what to expect...or is there?? I don't know, I think maybe I'm rambling here. I'm just looking for some help in how to handle a young, 20 year old, fantastic person with a terrible disease. I guess I need some sanity. Am I wrong for pushing her to do her breathing treatments and take her meds or should I leave her alone as it is her life??? I'm scared.