It is an odd thing about pregnancy and cf. It is hard to tell how a person is going to do. Some do really really good and don't have much trouble. I am not a good source tho, cause I have pfts that are super high. They are always above 100 percent. The docs often don't even think I need any treatment. The part that did creep out last time was the gestational diabetes. My PFTS actually went up during my first pregnancy. YEs, they went up. The docs still argue over the numbers. This is my second pregnancy now, and I don't know if I will be as healthy or not. It is all a chance you know.... Plus with carrying for the toddler now, there is less time for my own self care. That really is the riskiest part about getting pregnant is when the baby is born. There are those weeks and sometimes months of exhaustion cause you can't get the sleep you need..... That is the hardest part. Then, when they get to be toddlers and are more demanding. You can't just be sick have to be sick and still take care of your toddler. Kids are awesome don't get me wrong, but they do make even me who is pretty healthy... (current pfts are well over 100 and my weight is always more than it should absorption is great.).... pretty darn tired by the time the day is up. I have to stress if you do go the route of having a crucial naps are. Naps will make you or break you if you dont get em.
Anyways, I am rambling...I wish you the ultimate best in whatever you decide. Kids wear the heck out of anyone, but they sure are a treasure. The biggest thing is that if you are going to get pregnant to make sure your at your healthiest possible. That is always key in how any pregnancy turns out..and what your outcome is as well.
You take Care of Yourself
Much Love