Crib - to keep or not, want opinions



Hi Melissa,

Yes, we tried moving the Dora bed to our room when we used it. She moves a lot in her sleep so we think it's just too small for her and it wakes her up when she hits the sides. Oh well. I don't blame you on the birthday parties and toys, we were inundated over xmas. Toys are everywhere.

I put Amelia in regular underwear today for an hour until she peed on the floor. I'm reverting back to saying nothing about going pee pee on the potty and instead just sitting her on it and saying "pssssss". That worked in the past. OMG anal retention... I can't even imagine.


Hi Melissa,

Yes, we tried moving the Dora bed to our room when we used it. She moves a lot in her sleep so we think it's just too small for her and it wakes her up when she hits the sides. Oh well. I don't blame you on the birthday parties and toys, we were inundated over xmas. Toys are everywhere.

I put Amelia in regular underwear today for an hour until she peed on the floor. I'm reverting back to saying nothing about going pee pee on the potty and instead just sitting her on it and saying "pssssss". That worked in the past. OMG anal retention... I can't even imagine.


Hi Melissa,

Yes, we tried moving the Dora bed to our room when we used it. She moves a lot in her sleep so we think it's just too small for her and it wakes her up when she hits the sides. Oh well. I don't blame you on the birthday parties and toys, we were inundated over xmas. Toys are everywhere.

I put Amelia in regular underwear today for an hour until she peed on the floor. I'm reverting back to saying nothing about going pee pee on the potty and instead just sitting her on it and saying "pssssss". That worked in the past. OMG anal retention... I can't even imagine.


Hi Melissa,

Yes, we tried moving the Dora bed to our room when we used it. She moves a lot in her sleep so we think it's just too small for her and it wakes her up when she hits the sides. Oh well. I don't blame you on the birthday parties and toys, we were inundated over xmas. Toys are everywhere.

I put Amelia in regular underwear today for an hour until she peed on the floor. I'm reverting back to saying nothing about going pee pee on the potty and instead just sitting her on it and saying "pssssss". That worked in the past. OMG anal retention... I can't even imagine.


Hi Melissa,
<br />
<br />Yes, we tried moving the Dora bed to our room when we used it. She moves a lot in her sleep so we think it's just too small for her and it wakes her up when she hits the sides. Oh well. I don't blame you on the birthday parties and toys, we were inundated over xmas. Toys are everywhere.
<br />
<br />I put Amelia in regular underwear today for an hour until she peed on the floor. I'm reverting back to saying nothing about going pee pee on the potty and instead just sitting her on it and saying "pssssss". That worked in the past. OMG anal retention... I can't even imagine.


New member
Well what I do is start the baby out in the crib and than after BFing her I let them into the bed to cosleep. Usually Sophie sleeps until 4 am.


New member
Well what I do is start the baby out in the crib and than after BFing her I let them into the bed to cosleep. Usually Sophie sleeps until 4 am.


New member
Well what I do is start the baby out in the crib and than after BFing her I let them into the bed to cosleep. Usually Sophie sleeps until 4 am.


New member
Well what I do is start the baby out in the crib and than after BFing her I let them into the bed to cosleep. Usually Sophie sleeps until 4 am.


New member
Well what I do is start the baby out in the crib and than after BFing her I let them into the bed to cosleep. Usually Sophie sleeps until 4 am.