Culture Question MRSA vs staph areus


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I had a question or was looking for input about culturing staph areus. My daughter ' last culture showed a few staph aureus which is sensitive to penicillen and oxacillen. Maggie has cultured MRSA as well but not since Aug of last year though we can assume it's always there. Anyway, her newest culture showed this other staph that has more sensitivities, the nurse is going to mail me the report so I can see. Otherwise she had mod normal flora. The nurse said they don't treat it unless Maggie is sick. maggie has a little dry cough not keeping her up at night, nor does she have a runny nose or cold. It's something I would "keep an eye on" unless she starts coughing more or at night. I guess to me it gets confusing now that she has this other staph areus. Do they treat that if she gets sick ot just go with the "big guns" for her MRSA that has been kept at bay lately? I guess i get worried I'm going to miss something or let her develop a bronchitis by not treating the staph areus. I'm glad the Mrsa isn't showing up though. Also, the person who did the culture was very gentle, not the regular person who does it who seems to get a good culture(of course Maggie doesn't like it ) but I know it's accurate.

Just feeling a little worried.


Super Moderator
I had a question or was looking for input about culturing staph areus. My daughter ' last culture showed a few staph aureus which is sensitive to penicillen and oxacillen. Maggie has cultured MRSA as well but not since Aug of last year though we can assume it's always there. Anyway, her newest culture showed this other staph that has more sensitivities, the nurse is going to mail me the report so I can see. Otherwise she had mod normal flora. The nurse said they don't treat it unless Maggie is sick. maggie has a little dry cough not keeping her up at night, nor does she have a runny nose or cold. It's something I would "keep an eye on" unless she starts coughing more or at night. I guess to me it gets confusing now that she has this other staph areus. Do they treat that if she gets sick ot just go with the "big guns" for her MRSA that has been kept at bay lately? I guess i get worried I'm going to miss something or let her develop a bronchitis by not treating the staph areus. I'm glad the Mrsa isn't showing up though. Also, the person who did the culture was very gentle, not the regular person who does it who seems to get a good culture(of course Maggie doesn't like it ) but I know it's accurate.

Just feeling a little worried.


Super Moderator
I had a question or was looking for input about culturing staph areus. My daughter ' last culture showed a few staph aureus which is sensitive to penicillen and oxacillen. Maggie has cultured MRSA as well but not since Aug of last year though we can assume it's always there. Anyway, her newest culture showed this other staph that has more sensitivities, the nurse is going to mail me the report so I can see. Otherwise she had mod normal flora. The nurse said they don't treat it unless Maggie is sick. maggie has a little dry cough not keeping her up at night, nor does she have a runny nose or cold. It's something I would "keep an eye on" unless she starts coughing more or at night. I guess to me it gets confusing now that she has this other staph areus. Do they treat that if she gets sick ot just go with the "big guns" for her MRSA that has been kept at bay lately? I guess i get worried I'm going to miss something or let her develop a bronchitis by not treating the staph areus. I'm glad the Mrsa isn't showing up though. Also, the person who did the culture was very gentle, not the regular person who does it who seems to get a good culture(of course Maggie doesn't like it ) but I know it's accurate.

Just feeling a little worried.


I know how you feel. Both of my girls have cultured MRSA almost constantly for the past couple of years. And once in a while just Staph. They were never treated for it unless they were sick. My older daughter has been on IV Vanc once for a flare up, and it did knock it down a bit. Then six months later on oral Zyvox...and she has had two clear cultures of MRSA since then. She did have just plain Staph two cultures ago. She got sick and went on Bactrim, and this past culture showed no signs of Staph, although I know it could still be lurking...

My younger daughter just hasn't really had any problems at all. She is now culturing Staph, but not having any symptoms, so they are not treating it. She was on Bactrim, but her last culture is still showing abundant Staph, but not MRSA.

Both girls have cultured the Staph for about the same amount of time, and only the older one has any lung damage (and Staph...and MRSA...are the only things she has cultured). I was releived to get rid of the Staph and MRSA for now, but then Aspergillus popped up this past culture for the first time!! We just can't win!

Younger one starting culturing PA (2x) last fall, and she is the one without lung damage.


I know how you feel. Both of my girls have cultured MRSA almost constantly for the past couple of years. And once in a while just Staph. They were never treated for it unless they were sick. My older daughter has been on IV Vanc once for a flare up, and it did knock it down a bit. Then six months later on oral Zyvox...and she has had two clear cultures of MRSA since then. She did have just plain Staph two cultures ago. She got sick and went on Bactrim, and this past culture showed no signs of Staph, although I know it could still be lurking...

My younger daughter just hasn't really had any problems at all. She is now culturing Staph, but not having any symptoms, so they are not treating it. She was on Bactrim, but her last culture is still showing abundant Staph, but not MRSA.

Both girls have cultured the Staph for about the same amount of time, and only the older one has any lung damage (and Staph...and MRSA...are the only things she has cultured). I was releived to get rid of the Staph and MRSA for now, but then Aspergillus popped up this past culture for the first time!! We just can't win!

Younger one starting culturing PA (2x) last fall, and she is the one without lung damage.


I know how you feel. Both of my girls have cultured MRSA almost constantly for the past couple of years. And once in a while just Staph. They were never treated for it unless they were sick. My older daughter has been on IV Vanc once for a flare up, and it did knock it down a bit. Then six months later on oral Zyvox...and she has had two clear cultures of MRSA since then. She did have just plain Staph two cultures ago. She got sick and went on Bactrim, and this past culture showed no signs of Staph, although I know it could still be lurking...

My younger daughter just hasn't really had any problems at all. She is now culturing Staph, but not having any symptoms, so they are not treating it. She was on Bactrim, but her last culture is still showing abundant Staph, but not MRSA.

Both girls have cultured the Staph for about the same amount of time, and only the older one has any lung damage (and Staph...and MRSA...are the only things she has cultured). I was releived to get rid of the Staph and MRSA for now, but then Aspergillus popped up this past culture for the first time!! We just can't win!

Younger one starting culturing PA (2x) last fall, and she is the one without lung damage.


Super Moderator

I was hoping you'ld reply! Maggie is actually on Bactrim, once a day low dose, cause she had such a tough time with the MRSA when she first started culturing it. She had IV Vanco once for a couple weeks, that was close to 2 years ago, since then she's needed the Zyvox a couple times but the zyvox does wonders for her, though it's terrible on her stomach it really makes her feel better respiratory wise. If we can avoid using Zyvox or Vanco I would love that. We'll have to see how it goes, it makes me wonder if she gets sick anytime soon, would they go with something to treat the staph or MRSA? I get nervous cause the MRSA really can cause issues in her if it goes untreated in a flare-up. Does regular staph areus ever just go away, without treatment?


Super Moderator

I was hoping you'ld reply! Maggie is actually on Bactrim, once a day low dose, cause she had such a tough time with the MRSA when she first started culturing it. She had IV Vanco once for a couple weeks, that was close to 2 years ago, since then she's needed the Zyvox a couple times but the zyvox does wonders for her, though it's terrible on her stomach it really makes her feel better respiratory wise. If we can avoid using Zyvox or Vanco I would love that. We'll have to see how it goes, it makes me wonder if she gets sick anytime soon, would they go with something to treat the staph or MRSA? I get nervous cause the MRSA really can cause issues in her if it goes untreated in a flare-up. Does regular staph areus ever just go away, without treatment?


Super Moderator

I was hoping you'ld reply! Maggie is actually on Bactrim, once a day low dose, cause she had such a tough time with the MRSA when she first started culturing it. She had IV Vanco once for a couple weeks, that was close to 2 years ago, since then she's needed the Zyvox a couple times but the zyvox does wonders for her, though it's terrible on her stomach it really makes her feel better respiratory wise. If we can avoid using Zyvox or Vanco I would love that. We'll have to see how it goes, it makes me wonder if she gets sick anytime soon, would they go with something to treat the staph or MRSA? I get nervous cause the MRSA really can cause issues in her if it goes untreated in a flare-up. Does regular staph areus ever just go away, without treatment?


So far in our experience, I would have to say it doesn't just go away. But that is just how it seems in our situation. I know that our CF doc doesn't like to pull out the 'big guns' unless they are absolutely needed. Kayla has had a tough time with the MRSA in the past, and I am not in any way saying that it is 100% gone, but it sure feels good to not seeing it right now in her cultures.
Now Hannah has never had Vanc or Zyvox, and her MRSA did not show up on this past culture, just Staph. So did it (MRSA) go away on it's own, or is it just hiding? Who knows!?
The girls doc normally treats what shows up in the most recent culture. If they become sick, they treat accordingly. If they do not show improvement within a week, then he may bring them in and re-culture them to assure that we are fighting the correct bug, or he may treat as if they were culturing something different. For example, Kayla has never cultured PA, but last year when she became sick, he treated her for the MRSA that we knew she had. She got somewhat better, but was still sick. So he started her on Tobi just in case she was hiding PA in there someplace, but just not getting it to come up in her culture.
So she was on Zyvox and the Tobi at the same time, but only knew she had MRSA, and she did get much better.
I am not sure that I am really helping you...I know it is frustrating! There just seems to be no clear cut answer. I am kind of feeling that way about the 'new' Aspergillus that she started culturing. She has had a few symptoms and her IGe levels have went to over 700 from 224 last year. But so far, not treating anything. I just cannot stand all the guess work that seems to go into it.
I am sorry you are feeling stressed right now. Go with your heart, and when she gets sick, let her doctor know your concerns.


So far in our experience, I would have to say it doesn't just go away. But that is just how it seems in our situation. I know that our CF doc doesn't like to pull out the 'big guns' unless they are absolutely needed. Kayla has had a tough time with the MRSA in the past, and I am not in any way saying that it is 100% gone, but it sure feels good to not seeing it right now in her cultures.
Now Hannah has never had Vanc or Zyvox, and her MRSA did not show up on this past culture, just Staph. So did it (MRSA) go away on it's own, or is it just hiding? Who knows!?
The girls doc normally treats what shows up in the most recent culture. If they become sick, they treat accordingly. If they do not show improvement within a week, then he may bring them in and re-culture them to assure that we are fighting the correct bug, or he may treat as if they were culturing something different. For example, Kayla has never cultured PA, but last year when she became sick, he treated her for the MRSA that we knew she had. She got somewhat better, but was still sick. So he started her on Tobi just in case she was hiding PA in there someplace, but just not getting it to come up in her culture.
So she was on Zyvox and the Tobi at the same time, but only knew she had MRSA, and she did get much better.
I am not sure that I am really helping you...I know it is frustrating! There just seems to be no clear cut answer. I am kind of feeling that way about the 'new' Aspergillus that she started culturing. She has had a few symptoms and her IGe levels have went to over 700 from 224 last year. But so far, not treating anything. I just cannot stand all the guess work that seems to go into it.
I am sorry you are feeling stressed right now. Go with your heart, and when she gets sick, let her doctor know your concerns.


So far in our experience, I would have to say it doesn't just go away. But that is just how it seems in our situation. I know that our CF doc doesn't like to pull out the 'big guns' unless they are absolutely needed. Kayla has had a tough time with the MRSA in the past, and I am not in any way saying that it is 100% gone, but it sure feels good to not seeing it right now in her cultures.
Now Hannah has never had Vanc or Zyvox, and her MRSA did not show up on this past culture, just Staph. So did it (MRSA) go away on it's own, or is it just hiding? Who knows!?
The girls doc normally treats what shows up in the most recent culture. If they become sick, they treat accordingly. If they do not show improvement within a week, then he may bring them in and re-culture them to assure that we are fighting the correct bug, or he may treat as if they were culturing something different. For example, Kayla has never cultured PA, but last year when she became sick, he treated her for the MRSA that we knew she had. She got somewhat better, but was still sick. So he started her on Tobi just in case she was hiding PA in there someplace, but just not getting it to come up in her culture.
So she was on Zyvox and the Tobi at the same time, but only knew she had MRSA, and she did get much better.
I am not sure that I am really helping you...I know it is frustrating! There just seems to be no clear cut answer. I am kind of feeling that way about the 'new' Aspergillus that she started culturing. She has had a few symptoms and her IGe levels have went to over 700 from 224 last year. But so far, not treating anything. I just cannot stand all the guess work that seems to go into it.
I am sorry you are feeling stressed right now. Go with your heart, and when she gets sick, let her doctor know your concerns.


New member
My daughter has cultured staph aureus since she was 6yrs. She was on augmentin duo forte oral tablets permanently. Her staph never went away. the last time she had a flare up of staph they changed her oral antibiotic to erythromycin (sp) and this worked wonders. she was cough free for a while. But sadly her staph always rears its ugly head.

she is now growing staph, pseudo and steno

I feel like screaming!!

I wish all these bugs would just nick offffffffff
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">


New member
My daughter has cultured staph aureus since she was 6yrs. She was on augmentin duo forte oral tablets permanently. Her staph never went away. the last time she had a flare up of staph they changed her oral antibiotic to erythromycin (sp) and this worked wonders. she was cough free for a while. But sadly her staph always rears its ugly head.

she is now growing staph, pseudo and steno

I feel like screaming!!

I wish all these bugs would just nick offffffffff
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">


New member
My daughter has cultured staph aureus since she was 6yrs. She was on augmentin duo forte oral tablets permanently. Her staph never went away. the last time she had a flare up of staph they changed her oral antibiotic to erythromycin (sp) and this worked wonders. she was cough free for a while. But sadly her staph always rears its ugly head.

she is now growing staph, pseudo and steno

I feel like screaming!!

I wish all these bugs would just nick offffffffff
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi, Rebecca! I'm Jen. I just joined this site. My 8 year old son, Brayden, has CF. He is currently fighting his 3rd staph infection in 3 months. We just started Bactrim as well. Brayden has been on anti-biotics pretty much since November & is still getting staph. He is pretty symptomatic. I'm just wondering if iv anti-biotics is on the horizon for us?!?! Do you know if there is a rule of thumb for something like this??? What exactly is MRSA?


New member
Hi, Rebecca! I'm Jen. I just joined this site. My 8 year old son, Brayden, has CF. He is currently fighting his 3rd staph infection in 3 months. We just started Bactrim as well. Brayden has been on anti-biotics pretty much since November & is still getting staph. He is pretty symptomatic. I'm just wondering if iv anti-biotics is on the horizon for us?!?! Do you know if there is a rule of thumb for something like this??? What exactly is MRSA?


New member
Hi, Rebecca! I'm Jen. I just joined this site. My 8 year old son, Brayden, has CF. He is currently fighting his 3rd staph infection in 3 months. We just started Bactrim as well. Brayden has been on anti-biotics pretty much since November & is still getting staph. He is pretty symptomatic. I'm just wondering if iv anti-biotics is on the horizon for us?!?! Do you know if there is a rule of thumb for something like this??? What exactly is MRSA?


Super Moderator
Hi Jen,

MRSA is methicillen resistant staph areus. It just means it is more difficult to treat than regular old staph areus and for antibiotic treatment there are less options available. When your child has a culture done, the report has sensitivites for what antibiotics can be used agianst that bug. Maybe asking your CF doc exactly what type of staph your child is growing and what med options are available. I ask our CF nurse to mail me our culture report if something new is growing or if I have any concerns cause I can read it with my own eyes.


Super Moderator
Hi Jen,

MRSA is methicillen resistant staph areus. It just means it is more difficult to treat than regular old staph areus and for antibiotic treatment there are less options available. When your child has a culture done, the report has sensitivites for what antibiotics can be used agianst that bug. Maybe asking your CF doc exactly what type of staph your child is growing and what med options are available. I ask our CF nurse to mail me our culture report if something new is growing or if I have any concerns cause I can read it with my own eyes.