everyone is right, do your research, make your choice. Being that I work in the occupational health field, I'm knowledgeable in toxicology and knew where to find accurate information to base my decision on...you can't believe everything you read on the internet. Use information from reputable agencies. Here is a link to The registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Suibstances from the US Centre for Disease Control page on 1,6 - Heptadiene - 3,5 - dione, 1,7 - bis (4 - hydroxy - 3 - methoxyphenyl) which is the chemical name for curcumin. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/rtecs/mi4fcdb0.html It lists the results of many experiments and lowest known toxic doses, which are all extremely high doses.Humans have a very high tolerance to this chemical. Hopefully the trials currently taking place will show similar results to the lab experiments and allow Dr.'s to come up with accurate doses required to achieve those results, but in the mean time, even if it's just something that MIGHT or MIGHT NOT be helping me...I'm personally willing to continue taking curcumin as I am feeling better and have not felt any bad side effects from it. And considering the side effects from CF and the ultimate fate of those of use with this disease, $40 a month for some capsules that might not be helping is something I'm willing to chance.Richard 30 w/cf