I've been waiting to get the results back from DS' well child appointment a couple of weeks ago. He's never, ever had a good chest Xray from the local clinic. In the past the reports have mentioned infiltration -- thus the reasons his CF doctor had ordered a ct scan with contrast last fall. It showed everything was clear.
Still haven't received the requested reports, but received a call last week that he wasn't culturing pseudo and his vitamin levels were fine. Was like pulling teeth to get additional info and then the nurse continued to read the report which indicated, why yes, he was still culturing steno malt -- rare. Grrr! Didn't they think they needed to share that tidbit of info?
Now at noon I get a call indicating that DS has Right Middle Lobe Infiltration and was asked how he was feeling. Similar to other parents comments mentioned here -- thought we were doing okay. Thought this was an exceptional year and then the local clinic drops the CXR bomb. Heck, when I left the clinic a couple weeks ago, I thought things were going great. In fact, we were shown his chest xrays and I thought they looked pretty darned good -- clear -- I was able to show DS where his heart was, his ribs, intestines... Sigh.
Just feeling bummed. Called the clinic and requested that they also send copies of the films to the CF doctor in the city along with the reports I'd previously requested. Feel like I've been punched in the stomach, although DH has pointed out that every single xray he's gotten at the local clinic has been similar.
Just had to have a little vent.
Still haven't received the requested reports, but received a call last week that he wasn't culturing pseudo and his vitamin levels were fine. Was like pulling teeth to get additional info and then the nurse continued to read the report which indicated, why yes, he was still culturing steno malt -- rare. Grrr! Didn't they think they needed to share that tidbit of info?
Now at noon I get a call indicating that DS has Right Middle Lobe Infiltration and was asked how he was feeling. Similar to other parents comments mentioned here -- thought we were doing okay. Thought this was an exceptional year and then the local clinic drops the CXR bomb. Heck, when I left the clinic a couple weeks ago, I thought things were going great. In fact, we were shown his chest xrays and I thought they looked pretty darned good -- clear -- I was able to show DS where his heart was, his ribs, intestines... Sigh.
Just feeling bummed. Called the clinic and requested that they also send copies of the films to the CF doctor in the city along with the reports I'd previously requested. Feel like I've been punched in the stomach, although DH has pointed out that every single xray he's gotten at the local clinic has been similar.
Just had to have a little vent.