Cystic Fibrosis and Menopause



I went through menopause at 48. In the beginning it wasn't too bad. When things got worse I went on HRT. Then I ended up with blood clots in my lungs and stopped the HRT I was so scared. After 15 months off the HRT the symptoms came back even worse. I had around 20 hot flashes a day in which I would sweat profusely. I also had severe insomnia. Once I finally got to sleep I would wake up every night at 3:00 and would not be able to go back to sleep.
It was determined that my blood clots were caused by removal of my PICC line--a new nurse who had no idea what she was doing. Even though I still could be at risk for blood clots I finally decided that quality of life was more important. The hot flashes interfered with my day and I felt my like of sleep was affecting my overall health so I went back on the lowest dose of HRT. I now use the patch plus take Prometrium orally.
Just this week I started to have some spotting so I may have to increase the dose slightly but still feel that my quality of life at this point is important.
I wish you luck. I tried to tough it out for a long time but being on HRT is great for me.


I went through menopause at 48. In the beginning it wasn't too bad. When things got worse I went on HRT. Then I ended up with blood clots in my lungs and stopped the HRT I was so scared. After 15 months off the HRT the symptoms came back even worse. I had around 20 hot flashes a day in which I would sweat profusely. I also had severe insomnia. Once I finally got to sleep I would wake up every night at 3:00 and would not be able to go back to sleep.
<br />It was determined that my blood clots were caused by removal of my PICC line--a new nurse who had no idea what she was doing. Even though I still could be at risk for blood clots I finally decided that quality of life was more important. The hot flashes interfered with my day and I felt my like of sleep was affecting my overall health so I went back on the lowest dose of HRT. I now use the patch plus take Prometrium orally.
<br />Just this week I started to have some spotting so I may have to increase the dose slightly but still feel that my quality of life at this point is important.
<br />I wish you luck. I tried to tough it out for a long time but being on HRT is great for me.


By the way, I have also cultured mycobacteria so I know the frustration of wondering whether it is menopause or infection. It is frustrating, but as others have said I guess we are lucky to face such a dilemma with this disease. It is the other accompanying symptoms that help determine menopause vs infection. (emotions, loss of sex drive, insomnia, memory loss)


By the way, I have also cultured mycobacteria so I know the frustration of wondering whether it is menopause or infection. It is frustrating, but as others have said I guess we are lucky to face such a dilemma with this disease. It is the other accompanying symptoms that help determine menopause vs infection. (emotions, loss of sex drive, insomnia, memory loss)


By the way, I have also cultured mycobacteria so I know the frustration of wondering whether it is menopause or infection. It is frustrating, but as others have said I guess we are lucky to face such a dilemma with this disease. It is the other accompanying symptoms that help determine menopause vs infection. (emotions, loss of sex drive, insomnia, memory loss)


There are some patent Chinese remedies that deal effectively with menopause - I'm speaking from personal experience. Two of them are also used with lung conditions/unexplained fevers etc..

Much to my surprise after being on it for a month (and also culturing mycobacterium), the fevers went away and I no longer cultured mycobacterium. I did some research and discovered that one of the herbs in the patent that I used inhibits mycobacterium as well. However these are two widely used patents for menopausal hot flashes, etc. (also used for other debilitating and chronic conditions where fever, fatigue etc. is an issue.)

The pin yin names for the remedies are:

Da Bu Yin Wan (includes a herb that inhibits mycobacterium; and the formula is also indicated if you are coughing up blood; also used with TB and AIDS, bronchiectasis and diabetes and hyperthyroidism)
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan (doesn't include the herb that inhibits mycobacterium, but is better for long term cortiscosteroid use and can also be used with diabetes)

There is also a wonderful patent remedy for dealing with what I term "menobrain" - you can't sleep, or you don't sleep well, you're hot and your memory? What memory?

It is Suan Zao Ren Tang pills. (Great for calming anxiety, helping insomnia and also includes that herb that inhibits mycobacterium.

The actual herb that inhibits mycobacterium is zhi mu - anemarrhena, but it is better to take it in a safe formula like this, because only small amounts are used. (It's not something you would take singly.)

Haven't taken either of these for two years or so, and it allowed me to get through menopause quite well.


There are some patent Chinese remedies that deal effectively with menopause - I'm speaking from personal experience. Two of them are also used with lung conditions/unexplained fevers etc..

Much to my surprise after being on it for a month (and also culturing mycobacterium), the fevers went away and I no longer cultured mycobacterium. I did some research and discovered that one of the herbs in the patent that I used inhibits mycobacterium as well. However these are two widely used patents for menopausal hot flashes, etc. (also used for other debilitating and chronic conditions where fever, fatigue etc. is an issue.)

The pin yin names for the remedies are:

Da Bu Yin Wan (includes a herb that inhibits mycobacterium; and the formula is also indicated if you are coughing up blood; also used with TB and AIDS, bronchiectasis and diabetes and hyperthyroidism)
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan (doesn't include the herb that inhibits mycobacterium, but is better for long term cortiscosteroid use and can also be used with diabetes)

There is also a wonderful patent remedy for dealing with what I term "menobrain" - you can't sleep, or you don't sleep well, you're hot and your memory? What memory?

It is Suan Zao Ren Tang pills. (Great for calming anxiety, helping insomnia and also includes that herb that inhibits mycobacterium.

The actual herb that inhibits mycobacterium is zhi mu - anemarrhena, but it is better to take it in a safe formula like this, because only small amounts are used. (It's not something you would take singly.)

Haven't taken either of these for two years or so, and it allowed me to get through menopause quite well.


There are some patent Chinese remedies that deal effectively with menopause - I'm speaking from personal experience. Two of them are also used with lung conditions/unexplained fevers etc..
<br />
<br />Much to my surprise after being on it for a month (and also culturing mycobacterium), the fevers went away and I no longer cultured mycobacterium. I did some research and discovered that one of the herbs in the patent that I used inhibits mycobacterium as well. However these are two widely used patents for menopausal hot flashes, etc. (also used for other debilitating and chronic conditions where fever, fatigue etc. is an issue.)
<br />
<br />The pin yin names for the remedies are:
<br />
<br />Da Bu Yin Wan (includes a herb that inhibits mycobacterium; and the formula is also indicated if you are coughing up blood; also used with TB and AIDS, bronchiectasis and diabetes and hyperthyroidism)
<br />Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan (doesn't include the herb that inhibits mycobacterium, but is better for long term cortiscosteroid use and can also be used with diabetes)
<br />
<br />There is also a wonderful patent remedy for dealing with what I term "menobrain" - you can't sleep, or you don't sleep well, you're hot and your memory? What memory?
<br />
<br />It is Suan Zao Ren Tang pills. (Great for calming anxiety, helping insomnia and also includes that herb that inhibits mycobacterium.
<br />
<br />The actual herb that inhibits mycobacterium is zhi mu - anemarrhena, but it is better to take it in a safe formula like this, because only small amounts are used. (It's not something you would take singly.)
<br />
<br />Haven't taken either of these for two years or so, and it allowed me to get through menopause quite well.
<br />
<br />
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New member
Yes you could be. I'm 38 now and have been going through it since 2007. I too have lost total interest in sex and the mood swings are horrendous. I have been on bioidentical hrt for over a year now and it worked great at first but now it seems that I'm not being affected that much anymore. My blood levels were still low after taking it twice a day. My GYN said that it is common for a cfer to have early menopause. I hope things work out.


New member
Yes you could be. I'm 38 now and have been going through it since 2007. I too have lost total interest in sex and the mood swings are horrendous. I have been on bioidentical hrt for over a year now and it worked great at first but now it seems that I'm not being affected that much anymore. My blood levels were still low after taking it twice a day. My GYN said that it is common for a cfer to have early menopause. I hope things work out.


New member
Yes you could be. I'm 38 now and have been going through it since 2007. I too have lost total interest in sex and the mood swings are horrendous. I have been on bioidentical hrt for over a year now and it worked great at first but now it seems that I'm not being affected that much anymore. My blood levels were still low after taking it twice a day. My GYN said that it is common for a cfer to have early menopause. I hope things work out.


I put up a ceiling fan, got a small fan to place where ever I was sitting, watching TV, reading, or whatever? I started weaing tanktops in the winter with a long sleeve on top and wld strip when necessary. I did not take anything, as I did not want to add more to the daily other stuff. It wld come on fast, all of sudden sweat on my upper lip and then leave as fast, it lasted a few years. But now that's it's over, I think well it seemed bad at the time but now not so. I also agree with the person abt the cold pack at night under yr. neck whatever you need to cool yourself down for the few mins they last, good luck. Pat -56/Cf


I put up a ceiling fan, got a small fan to place where ever I was sitting, watching TV, reading, or whatever? I started weaing tanktops in the winter with a long sleeve on top and wld strip when necessary. I did not take anything, as I did not want to add more to the daily other stuff. It wld come on fast, all of sudden sweat on my upper lip and then leave as fast, it lasted a few years. But now that's it's over, I think well it seemed bad at the time but now not so. I also agree with the person abt the cold pack at night under yr. neck whatever you need to cool yourself down for the few mins they last, good luck. Pat -56/Cf


I put up a ceiling fan, got a small fan to place where ever I was sitting, watching TV, reading, or whatever? I started weaing tanktops in the winter with a long sleeve on top and wld strip when necessary. I did not take anything, as I did not want to add more to the daily other stuff. It wld come on fast, all of sudden sweat on my upper lip and then leave as fast, it lasted a few years. But now that's it's over, I think well it seemed bad at the time but now not so. I also agree with the person abt the cold pack at night under yr. neck whatever you need to cool yourself down for the few mins they last, good luck. Pat -56/Cf