Daughter has new PICC line


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<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">

So, its been a while since i've been on here. Alot has happened with my daughter since my last post. In September she had pneumonia and got her first PICC line. Now here were are 7 months later and same situation. The pneumonia came back to her right lung again but was a bit worse then last time. We were in the hospital for 5 days and we are now home and I am doing her antibiotics through her line at home.

Here is where the venting comes in. Alayna's father and I are going through a divorce. The situation between her father and I is pretty nasty most of the time. We have or good days but most days are bad. During her stay in the hospital I hoped for good days but that didn't happen. We all know when you are in a hospital you don't get any sleep or rest because someone is always coming in doing something. We went in Wednesday and by Friday I wanted to go home for the night and get some rest. I had bronchitis myself so I wasn't feeling well either <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">. I asked her father to come and stay in the hospital and he wouldn't stay. He would come up and stay for a few hours then go home. He wanted nothing to do with helping me out because he is not happy with me. I am dating someone and he thinks thats why I wanted to go home. When the reality behind it was I was exhausted and needed a break and he should've wanted to stay with her and be with her. He doesn't want to learn to do her PICC line so I am doing that myself as well. Thank god for my mom because without her I would be going crazy. She has helped me out so much. She gave me a break Friday night so I was able to get a little break. I just don't know what to do.

Has anyone gone through this where the dad wont step up and help during a divorce?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">

So, its been a while since i've been on here. Alot has happened with my daughter since my last post. In September she had pneumonia and got her first PICC line. Now here were are 7 months later and same situation. The pneumonia came back to her right lung again but was a bit worse then last time. We were in the hospital for 5 days and we are now home and I am doing her antibiotics through her line at home.

Here is where the venting comes in. Alayna's father and I are going through a divorce. The situation between her father and I is pretty nasty most of the time. We have or good days but most days are bad. During her stay in the hospital I hoped for good days but that didn't happen. We all know when you are in a hospital you don't get any sleep or rest because someone is always coming in doing something. We went in Wednesday and by Friday I wanted to go home for the night and get some rest. I had bronchitis myself so I wasn't feeling well either <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">. I asked her father to come and stay in the hospital and he wouldn't stay. He would come up and stay for a few hours then go home. He wanted nothing to do with helping me out because he is not happy with me. I am dating someone and he thinks thats why I wanted to go home. When the reality behind it was I was exhausted and needed a break and he should've wanted to stay with her and be with her. He doesn't want to learn to do her PICC line so I am doing that myself as well. Thank god for my mom because without her I would be going crazy. She has helped me out so much. She gave me a break Friday night so I was able to get a little break. I just don't know what to do.

Has anyone gone through this where the dad wont step up and help during a divorce?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">

So, its been a while since i've been on here. Alot has happened with my daughter since my last post. In September she had pneumonia and got her first PICC line. Now here were are 7 months later and same situation. The pneumonia came back to her right lung again but was a bit worse then last time. We were in the hospital for 5 days and we are now home and I am doing her antibiotics through her line at home.

Here is where the venting comes in. Alayna's father and I are going through a divorce. The situation between her father and I is pretty nasty most of the time. We have or good days but most days are bad. During her stay in the hospital I hoped for good days but that didn't happen. We all know when you are in a hospital you don't get any sleep or rest because someone is always coming in doing something. We went in Wednesday and by Friday I wanted to go home for the night and get some rest. I had bronchitis myself so I wasn't feeling well either <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">. I asked her father to come and stay in the hospital and he wouldn't stay. He would come up and stay for a few hours then go home. He wanted nothing to do with helping me out because he is not happy with me. I am dating someone and he thinks thats why I wanted to go home. When the reality behind it was I was exhausted and needed a break and he should've wanted to stay with her and be with her. He doesn't want to learn to do her PICC line so I am doing that myself as well. Thank god for my mom because without her I would be going crazy. She has helped me out so much. She gave me a break Friday night so I was able to get a little break. I just don't know what to do.

Has anyone gone through this where the dad wont step up and help during a divorce?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">

So, its been a while since i've been on here. Alot has happened with my daughter since my last post. In September she had pneumonia and got her first PICC line. Now here were are 7 months later and same situation. The pneumonia came back to her right lung again but was a bit worse then last time. We were in the hospital for 5 days and we are now home and I am doing her antibiotics through her line at home.

Here is where the venting comes in. Alayna's father and I are going through a divorce. The situation between her father and I is pretty nasty most of the time. We have or good days but most days are bad. During her stay in the hospital I hoped for good days but that didn't happen. We all know when you are in a hospital you don't get any sleep or rest because someone is always coming in doing something. We went in Wednesday and by Friday I wanted to go home for the night and get some rest. I had bronchitis myself so I wasn't feeling well either <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">. I asked her father to come and stay in the hospital and he wouldn't stay. He would come up and stay for a few hours then go home. He wanted nothing to do with helping me out because he is not happy with me. I am dating someone and he thinks thats why I wanted to go home. When the reality behind it was I was exhausted and needed a break and he should've wanted to stay with her and be with her. He doesn't want to learn to do her PICC line so I am doing that myself as well. Thank god for my mom because without her I would be going crazy. She has helped me out so much. She gave me a break Friday night so I was able to get a little break. I just don't know what to do.

Has anyone gone through this where the dad wont step up and help during a divorce?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />So, its been a while since i've been on here. Alot has happened with my daughter since my last post. In September she had pneumonia and got her first PICC line. Now here were are 7 months later and same situation. The pneumonia came back to her right lung again but was a bit worse then last time. We were in the hospital for 5 days and we are now home and I am doing her antibiotics through her line at home.
<br />
<br />Here is where the venting comes in. Alayna's father and I are going through a divorce. The situation between her father and I is pretty nasty most of the time. We have or good days but most days are bad. During her stay in the hospital I hoped for good days but that didn't happen. We all know when you are in a hospital you don't get any sleep or rest because someone is always coming in doing something. We went in Wednesday and by Friday I wanted to go home for the night and get some rest. I had bronchitis myself so I wasn't feeling well either <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">. I asked her father to come and stay in the hospital and he wouldn't stay. He would come up and stay for a few hours then go home. He wanted nothing to do with helping me out because he is not happy with me. I am dating someone and he thinks thats why I wanted to go home. When the reality behind it was I was exhausted and needed a break and he should've wanted to stay with her and be with her. He doesn't want to learn to do her PICC line so I am doing that myself as well. Thank god for my mom because without her I would be going crazy. She has helped me out so much. She gave me a break Friday night so I was able to get a little break. I just don't know what to do.
<br />
<br />Has anyone gone through this where the dad wont step up and help during a divorce?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
No divorce here, but my husband rarely will do any of Nathans care. Now that Nat is 14, he will try sometimes but only because Nathan can do most of it himself and really only needs supervision and sometimes another set of hands so if I'm not around, he will. I must say that in our case, it may have been more my fault he didn't help because I wanted (needed) to have control over stuff, didn't have time to teach him, and he lacked confidence which made me nervous. He really was kind of intimidated by all of Nats stuff. He use to do cpt when we had to do it by hand but really 97% of Nats care was up to me, probably more my faulth than am willing to admit though. This made it really tough on the rare occassion that I really needed him to help. Still married and love him very much, but have some understanding of the frustration. Opportunities to help where there, he never really wanted to learn how to help though.
If I were getting a divorce, I might use that to motivate him though by letting him know that he can't have his turn with her if he doesn't learn how to take care of her and all her medical needs (picc lines especially). I don't know though, suppose it could backfire depending on things that I have no clue about in your particular situation.
Will pray for you,


New member
No divorce here, but my husband rarely will do any of Nathans care. Now that Nat is 14, he will try sometimes but only because Nathan can do most of it himself and really only needs supervision and sometimes another set of hands so if I'm not around, he will. I must say that in our case, it may have been more my fault he didn't help because I wanted (needed) to have control over stuff, didn't have time to teach him, and he lacked confidence which made me nervous. He really was kind of intimidated by all of Nats stuff. He use to do cpt when we had to do it by hand but really 97% of Nats care was up to me, probably more my faulth than am willing to admit though. This made it really tough on the rare occassion that I really needed him to help. Still married and love him very much, but have some understanding of the frustration. Opportunities to help where there, he never really wanted to learn how to help though.
If I were getting a divorce, I might use that to motivate him though by letting him know that he can't have his turn with her if he doesn't learn how to take care of her and all her medical needs (picc lines especially). I don't know though, suppose it could backfire depending on things that I have no clue about in your particular situation.
Will pray for you,


New member
No divorce here, but my husband rarely will do any of Nathans care. Now that Nat is 14, he will try sometimes but only because Nathan can do most of it himself and really only needs supervision and sometimes another set of hands so if I'm not around, he will. I must say that in our case, it may have been more my fault he didn't help because I wanted (needed) to have control over stuff, didn't have time to teach him, and he lacked confidence which made me nervous. He really was kind of intimidated by all of Nats stuff. He use to do cpt when we had to do it by hand but really 97% of Nats care was up to me, probably more my faulth than am willing to admit though. This made it really tough on the rare occassion that I really needed him to help. Still married and love him very much, but have some understanding of the frustration. Opportunities to help where there, he never really wanted to learn how to help though.
If I were getting a divorce, I might use that to motivate him though by letting him know that he can't have his turn with her if he doesn't learn how to take care of her and all her medical needs (picc lines especially). I don't know though, suppose it could backfire depending on things that I have no clue about in your particular situation.
Will pray for you,


New member
No divorce here, but my husband rarely will do any of Nathans care. Now that Nat is 14, he will try sometimes but only because Nathan can do most of it himself and really only needs supervision and sometimes another set of hands so if I'm not around, he will. I must say that in our case, it may have been more my fault he didn't help because I wanted (needed) to have control over stuff, didn't have time to teach him, and he lacked confidence which made me nervous. He really was kind of intimidated by all of Nats stuff. He use to do cpt when we had to do it by hand but really 97% of Nats care was up to me, probably more my faulth than am willing to admit though. This made it really tough on the rare occassion that I really needed him to help. Still married and love him very much, but have some understanding of the frustration. Opportunities to help where there, he never really wanted to learn how to help though.
If I were getting a divorce, I might use that to motivate him though by letting him know that he can't have his turn with her if he doesn't learn how to take care of her and all her medical needs (picc lines especially). I don't know though, suppose it could backfire depending on things that I have no clue about in your particular situation.
Will pray for you,


New member
No divorce here, but my husband rarely will do any of Nathans care. Now that Nat is 14, he will try sometimes but only because Nathan can do most of it himself and really only needs supervision and sometimes another set of hands so if I'm not around, he will. I must say that in our case, it may have been more my fault he didn't help because I wanted (needed) to have control over stuff, didn't have time to teach him, and he lacked confidence which made me nervous. He really was kind of intimidated by all of Nats stuff. He use to do cpt when we had to do it by hand but really 97% of Nats care was up to me, probably more my faulth than am willing to admit though. This made it really tough on the rare occassion that I really needed him to help. Still married and love him very much, but have some understanding of the frustration. Opportunities to help where there, he never really wanted to learn how to help though.
<br />If I were getting a divorce, I might use that to motivate him though by letting him know that he can't have his turn with her if he doesn't learn how to take care of her and all her medical needs (picc lines especially). I don't know though, suppose it could backfire depending on things that I have no clue about in your particular situation.
<br />Will pray for you,
<br />Patty


New member
Hi, yep been there, done that and got used to it. My husband and I divorced when our son was about 1 1/2 years old. Not a pretty sight. It was easier being married lol.My problem was he would promise the world infront of everyone ( including the docs ) but never step up to the plate. I was told by a so called professional that it was because men have a harder time dealing with the imperfect offspring ( BULL !!! ) I think it is because they know that someone else is there to do it. It took me a long time to learn that if I keep stepping up to take the full responsibility he never would ( not that it got much better ) So I did not ask him to stay when our son was there to have a g tube placed last year but he came to visit and you know what, I left ( I cried the whole way and turned around before getting home ) but he learnt that I was sick of the bull.
I still get mad if the tube is dirty and sore and the treatments have not been given all weekend or he has not eaten since breakfast. That will never go away but I can fix those things when he is back home, what I can not do is end up in hospital again with exhaustion / pneumonia ( spelling sorry )so I have to look after me to be there for my son. People told me this ( honestly ) but I always felt that it was my responsibility and that if I did not do it then who would.Guess what it takes two to make the baby and two need to take responsibility.I should have listened, maybe if I woould have cried in the car seven years ago it would have been different.
be strong, if not make sure you take boxing lessons !lol<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi, yep been there, done that and got used to it. My husband and I divorced when our son was about 1 1/2 years old. Not a pretty sight. It was easier being married lol.My problem was he would promise the world infront of everyone ( including the docs ) but never step up to the plate. I was told by a so called professional that it was because men have a harder time dealing with the imperfect offspring ( BULL !!! ) I think it is because they know that someone else is there to do it. It took me a long time to learn that if I keep stepping up to take the full responsibility he never would ( not that it got much better ) So I did not ask him to stay when our son was there to have a g tube placed last year but he came to visit and you know what, I left ( I cried the whole way and turned around before getting home ) but he learnt that I was sick of the bull.
I still get mad if the tube is dirty and sore and the treatments have not been given all weekend or he has not eaten since breakfast. That will never go away but I can fix those things when he is back home, what I can not do is end up in hospital again with exhaustion / pneumonia ( spelling sorry )so I have to look after me to be there for my son. People told me this ( honestly ) but I always felt that it was my responsibility and that if I did not do it then who would.Guess what it takes two to make the baby and two need to take responsibility.I should have listened, maybe if I woould have cried in the car seven years ago it would have been different.
be strong, if not make sure you take boxing lessons !lol<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi, yep been there, done that and got used to it. My husband and I divorced when our son was about 1 1/2 years old. Not a pretty sight. It was easier being married lol.My problem was he would promise the world infront of everyone ( including the docs ) but never step up to the plate. I was told by a so called professional that it was because men have a harder time dealing with the imperfect offspring ( BULL !!! ) I think it is because they know that someone else is there to do it. It took me a long time to learn that if I keep stepping up to take the full responsibility he never would ( not that it got much better ) So I did not ask him to stay when our son was there to have a g tube placed last year but he came to visit and you know what, I left ( I cried the whole way and turned around before getting home ) but he learnt that I was sick of the bull.
I still get mad if the tube is dirty and sore and the treatments have not been given all weekend or he has not eaten since breakfast. That will never go away but I can fix those things when he is back home, what I can not do is end up in hospital again with exhaustion / pneumonia ( spelling sorry )so I have to look after me to be there for my son. People told me this ( honestly ) but I always felt that it was my responsibility and that if I did not do it then who would.Guess what it takes two to make the baby and two need to take responsibility.I should have listened, maybe if I woould have cried in the car seven years ago it would have been different.
be strong, if not make sure you take boxing lessons !lol<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi, yep been there, done that and got used to it. My husband and I divorced when our son was about 1 1/2 years old. Not a pretty sight. It was easier being married lol.My problem was he would promise the world infront of everyone ( including the docs ) but never step up to the plate. I was told by a so called professional that it was because men have a harder time dealing with the imperfect offspring ( BULL !!! ) I think it is because they know that someone else is there to do it. It took me a long time to learn that if I keep stepping up to take the full responsibility he never would ( not that it got much better ) So I did not ask him to stay when our son was there to have a g tube placed last year but he came to visit and you know what, I left ( I cried the whole way and turned around before getting home ) but he learnt that I was sick of the bull.
I still get mad if the tube is dirty and sore and the treatments have not been given all weekend or he has not eaten since breakfast. That will never go away but I can fix those things when he is back home, what I can not do is end up in hospital again with exhaustion / pneumonia ( spelling sorry )so I have to look after me to be there for my son. People told me this ( honestly ) but I always felt that it was my responsibility and that if I did not do it then who would.Guess what it takes two to make the baby and two need to take responsibility.I should have listened, maybe if I woould have cried in the car seven years ago it would have been different.
be strong, if not make sure you take boxing lessons !lol<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi, yep been there, done that and got used to it. My husband and I divorced when our son was about 1 1/2 years old. Not a pretty sight. It was easier being married lol.My problem was he would promise the world infront of everyone ( including the docs ) but never step up to the plate. I was told by a so called professional that it was because men have a harder time dealing with the imperfect offspring ( BULL !!! ) I think it is because they know that someone else is there to do it. It took me a long time to learn that if I keep stepping up to take the full responsibility he never would ( not that it got much better ) So I did not ask him to stay when our son was there to have a g tube placed last year but he came to visit and you know what, I left ( I cried the whole way and turned around before getting home ) but he learnt that I was sick of the bull.
<br />I still get mad if the tube is dirty and sore and the treatments have not been given all weekend or he has not eaten since breakfast. That will never go away but I can fix those things when he is back home, what I can not do is end up in hospital again with exhaustion / pneumonia ( spelling sorry )so I have to look after me to be there for my son. People told me this ( honestly ) but I always felt that it was my responsibility and that if I did not do it then who would.Guess what it takes two to make the baby and two need to take responsibility.I should have listened, maybe if I woould have cried in the car seven years ago it would have been different.
<br />be strong, if not make sure you take boxing lessons !lol<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">