Deceiving appearances


New member
Though having only visited this site for the first time a few days ago, I have seen many comments concerning how people living with cystic fibrosis tend to appear younger than their actual biological ages...does anyone know why this is? Perhaps a lack of nutrition due to poor digestion as a child might have caused some of you not to have developed fully? I myself am 17 years old with minor symptoms of the disease and appear to be my biological age (i.e. I am about 5'10'' and 150 lbs., though my facial features are fairly youngish...) Any information would be very enlightening and much appreciated.

-Zachary D.

"Nobilitas sola est atque unica virtus" -Juvenal


New member
Hmmm, I think I'm the only one, but people usually assume I'm older than I actually am. Not that I'm complaining, of course. =-) I think it is because of my hairline, which is receeding mightily. =-)

By the way, Juvenal also wrote, "Our virtues are most frequently but vices disguised." (that's me, always having to be contradictory. =-) And it is silly to quote latin. The meaning is lost due to the fact hardly anyone speaks it anymore. If you're going to put a quote, then you might as well translate it so it isn't lost. =-)

22 w/cf


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr>it is silly to quote latin. The meaning is lost due to the fact hardly anyone speaks it anymore. If you're going to put a quote, then you might as well translate it so it isn't lost. =-)<hr></blockquote>

It is not my fault that people are intellectually lazy, but very well...

"Nobility is the one and only virtue" -Juvenal

But getting back on subject, I really would appreciate some information?


New member
It's not that we are intelectually lazy, but most people on the site are in the US, most of the others in Australia and the UK and we speak ENGLISH so please do us the favor if you are going to entertain the idea of talking to our countries. I don't go to latin america, or mexico and expect to speak english and have people understand me. that is just ignorant! and so are you.


New member
Intellectually lazy or not, not everyone knows Latin. I took Spanish in high school, not Latin. And now I don't go around expecting everyone to know American Sign Language. So you shouldn't expect everyone to know Latin. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr>that is just ignorant! and so are you.<hr></blockquote>

That is rather rude and uncouth of you. And no, I don't expect many people at all to know Latin. Nor did I know there is a law that states your signature must be in English.

Why has the subject of this post become my signature anyway? Is anyone going to even try to answer my question, or must I take my inquiry elsewhere? I am not trying to sound rude, but this is ridiculous.


New member
"it is not my fault that people are intellectually lazy, but very well"...

when you write something like this it is pretty obvious that your gonna get some negative dont have to be a genius to figure that out!!!!!!!!!


New member
I'm interested in knowing if anyone actually knows the answer to the original question in the post. Why do I look so young????

I personally find nothing wrong with putting a quote in Latin in your signature.....
I don't know much Latin either, but who cares what someone chooses to put in their profile?

And the intellectually lazy comment may have been a little snotty, but I would have been kind of annoyed if someone called my signature silly and pointless too.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
I think alot of people with CF look young cos we start pubity quiet late i mean i am 20 and get told i look 16 LOL but i ove it just means i will look younger when i am older say 60 for instance LOL . And lets all stop the arguing cos everyone is intitled to there opinion wether it's good or bad <img src="i/expressions/lips.gif" border="0">


New member
i can't believe that so many people actually commented on the latin quote..geez, get a life..anyway, back to the topic at hand, i am 25 and often get carded to see R movies..i agree that maybe it is because of growth troubles, i am 5ft and 95lbs..who knows..i kinda like it..but i don't know if it an actual CF trait..ciao..( thats "bye" in italian)


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr>Perhaps a lack of nutrition due to poor digestion as a child might have caused some of you not to have developed fully?<hr></blockquote>

As far as I know the above is.

I (21) look much younger than my age. (Ive been esxtimated anywhere between 12 to 17 in the last few months). When I started collage my class thought I was some sort of child prodigy <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">.

I put it down to the fact that I ate very little in my teenage years and anything I did eat wasnt fully absorbed due to cf. What was absorbed then went into trying to fight infection instead of growth.

My brother is 19 and is ave. height and weight. He has young facial features but I think thats just down to (other) genes.


New member
Hey David,

How r u doing with the girls pal? I'm very interested to know, and would you mind sharing your height and weight with us?Thanx dude.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Jo20784</b></i><br>I think alot of people with CF look young cos we start pubity quiet late i mean i am 20 and get told i look 16 LOL but i ove it just means i will look younger when i am older say 60 for instance LOL . And lets all stop the arguing cos everyone is intitled to there opinion wether it's good or bad <img src="i/expressions/lips.gif" border="0"><hr></blockquote>

It's funny, I am 22 and are 5'2 and weigh 100 punds. Now my body looks my age I mean I was the first to develpp in my class, but it's my face and my height that makes me look so young. people usually range me from 12-16. It's pretty funny to see their faces when I say I am 22. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr>How r u doing with the girls pal<hr></blockquote>
As you can imagine - badly <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

Im currently about 5'4 5'5 and 125lbs


New member
So it seems the problem of mistaken age is related more to height and not facial /physical features?

P.S. Thank you for your input, I was beginning to think this was a lost cause!

-Zachary D.


New member
I am 30 and do look younger, especially if I wear a baseball hat, it makes me look like a young teenager.

Dave 30 w/cf


New member
I am 31...and look much younger as well. I have a daughter that is almost 7. When she was born people would look at me like " Look at that girl with a baby!" It was funny!


New member
my age bein mistaken is mostly my face i think but then sayin that my mum is looks for her age and she doesnt have CF . but people mistaken my age is nothng to do with my height as i am 5ft 8 and 110 pounds


New member
See I know we all tend to be shorter and smaller than people our age, but I've noticed a lot of CFers get mistaken for people quite a bit younger. I'm figuring it's also in the facial features, but I don't know how that could be connected. I know I have kind of a childlike face.