Denied again


New member
I applied for social security for a second time for my son with CF and yet again I was denied. They said becauce he doesn't required frequent hospilazation and he can do all of the things that all of the kids his age can do they say that he is not disabled. I am planning on a appealling this decision. I was wondering if anyone else has been through this and have won. I feel because of the fact that CF is terminal that he should qualify am I wrong?? I was also told by a relative that I can not appeal unless I have more facts and information, which i don't because i gave all of the facts and information that I have. My son is currently healthy as any kid his age, if not healthier than "normal" Kids. Please tell me your story and opinion on if I should keep fighting.

Masons mom ( 3yrs w/CF)


New member
I applied for social security for a second time for my son with CF and yet again I was denied. They said becauce he doesn't required frequent hospilazation and he can do all of the things that all of the kids his age can do they say that he is not disabled. I am planning on a appealling this decision. I was wondering if anyone else has been through this and have won. I feel because of the fact that CF is terminal that he should qualify am I wrong?? I was also told by a relative that I can not appeal unless I have more facts and information, which i don't because i gave all of the facts and information that I have. My son is currently healthy as any kid his age, if not healthier than "normal" Kids. Please tell me your story and opinion on if I should keep fighting.

Masons mom ( 3yrs w/CF)


New member
I applied for social security for a second time for my son with CF and yet again I was denied. They said becauce he doesn't required frequent hospilazation and he can do all of the things that all of the kids his age can do they say that he is not disabled. I am planning on a appealling this decision. I was wondering if anyone else has been through this and have won. I feel because of the fact that CF is terminal that he should qualify am I wrong?? I was also told by a relative that I can not appeal unless I have more facts and information, which i don't because i gave all of the facts and information that I have. My son is currently healthy as any kid his age, if not healthier than "normal" Kids. Please tell me your story and opinion on if I should keep fighting.

Masons mom ( 3yrs w/CF)


New member
I applied for social security for a second time for my son with CF and yet again I was denied. They said becauce he doesn't required frequent hospilazation and he can do all of the things that all of the kids his age can do they say that he is not disabled. I am planning on a appealling this decision. I was wondering if anyone else has been through this and have won. I feel because of the fact that CF is terminal that he should qualify am I wrong?? I was also told by a relative that I can not appeal unless I have more facts and information, which i don't because i gave all of the facts and information that I have. My son is currently healthy as any kid his age, if not healthier than "normal" Kids. Please tell me your story and opinion on if I should keep fighting.

Masons mom ( 3yrs w/CF)


New member
I applied for social security for a second time for my son with CF and yet again I was denied. They said becauce he doesn't required frequent hospilazation and he can do all of the things that all of the kids his age can do they say that he is not disabled. I am planning on a appealling this decision. I was wondering if anyone else has been through this and have won. I feel because of the fact that CF is terminal that he should qualify am I wrong?? I was also told by a relative that I can not appeal unless I have more facts and information, which i don't because i gave all of the facts and information that I have. My son is currently healthy as any kid his age, if not healthier than "normal" Kids. Please tell me your story and opinion on if I should keep fighting.

Masons mom ( 3yrs w/CF)


We haven't applied at this point because financially there isn't really a reason to. I don't believe that diagnosis is enough to qualify, you need to be able to show financial loss due to the illness, that the child can't do and will never do what others do. Is there a reason you are applying at this time, instead of waiting? I have applied for state aid to help with co-pays etc., but not for SS because I know we will be denied.

Maybe if you can pinpoint what you need and address why your son is different because of his CF and thus impacts those needs, you can write an appeal.


We haven't applied at this point because financially there isn't really a reason to. I don't believe that diagnosis is enough to qualify, you need to be able to show financial loss due to the illness, that the child can't do and will never do what others do. Is there a reason you are applying at this time, instead of waiting? I have applied for state aid to help with co-pays etc., but not for SS because I know we will be denied.

Maybe if you can pinpoint what you need and address why your son is different because of his CF and thus impacts those needs, you can write an appeal.


We haven't applied at this point because financially there isn't really a reason to. I don't believe that diagnosis is enough to qualify, you need to be able to show financial loss due to the illness, that the child can't do and will never do what others do. Is there a reason you are applying at this time, instead of waiting? I have applied for state aid to help with co-pays etc., but not for SS because I know we will be denied.

Maybe if you can pinpoint what you need and address why your son is different because of his CF and thus impacts those needs, you can write an appeal.


We haven't applied at this point because financially there isn't really a reason to. I don't believe that diagnosis is enough to qualify, you need to be able to show financial loss due to the illness, that the child can't do and will never do what others do. Is there a reason you are applying at this time, instead of waiting? I have applied for state aid to help with co-pays etc., but not for SS because I know we will be denied.

Maybe if you can pinpoint what you need and address why your son is different because of his CF and thus impacts those needs, you can write an appeal.


We haven't applied at this point because financially there isn't really a reason to. I don't believe that diagnosis is enough to qualify, you need to be able to show financial loss due to the illness, that the child can't do and will never do what others do. Is there a reason you are applying at this time, instead of waiting? I have applied for state aid to help with co-pays etc., but not for SS because I know we will be denied.

Maybe if you can pinpoint what you need and address why your son is different because of his CF and thus impacts those needs, you can write an appeal.


New member
There is a woman on this site, Julie, who has battled with the social security system and has helped people appeal and get benefits. You should contact her (her screen name is Julie).

Also, there is an attorney named Beth Sulfin (I think) that has CF and does work like this, so you might want to contact her.


New member
There is a woman on this site, Julie, who has battled with the social security system and has helped people appeal and get benefits. You should contact her (her screen name is Julie).

Also, there is an attorney named Beth Sulfin (I think) that has CF and does work like this, so you might want to contact her.


New member
There is a woman on this site, Julie, who has battled with the social security system and has helped people appeal and get benefits. You should contact her (her screen name is Julie).

Also, there is an attorney named Beth Sulfin (I think) that has CF and does work like this, so you might want to contact her.


New member
There is a woman on this site, Julie, who has battled with the social security system and has helped people appeal and get benefits. You should contact her (her screen name is Julie).

Also, there is an attorney named Beth Sulfin (I think) that has CF and does work like this, so you might want to contact her.


New member
There is a woman on this site, Julie, who has battled with the social security system and has helped people appeal and get benefits. You should contact her (her screen name is Julie).

Also, there is an attorney named Beth Sulfin (I think) that has CF and does work like this, so you might want to contact her.


New member
Social Security has certain guidelines for CF & Disability. They include certain amount of iv's &/or hospitilizations, hemoptysis and nebulized antibiotics in addition to certain fev1 etc. Having CF alone doesnt guarantee approval.

When I applied I hired Beth Sufian to help with my appeal. Although I only met some of the criteria at the time. What helped me was the amount of time required to maintain my health & the limited employment in a certain mile radius of my home that could accomodate a schedule allowing me to maintain my health routine.

Julie is very good at helping and she will let you know if she thinks you dont have a case.


New member
Social Security has certain guidelines for CF & Disability. They include certain amount of iv's &/or hospitilizations, hemoptysis and nebulized antibiotics in addition to certain fev1 etc. Having CF alone doesnt guarantee approval.

When I applied I hired Beth Sufian to help with my appeal. Although I only met some of the criteria at the time. What helped me was the amount of time required to maintain my health & the limited employment in a certain mile radius of my home that could accomodate a schedule allowing me to maintain my health routine.

Julie is very good at helping and she will let you know if she thinks you dont have a case.


New member
Social Security has certain guidelines for CF & Disability. They include certain amount of iv's &/or hospitilizations, hemoptysis and nebulized antibiotics in addition to certain fev1 etc. Having CF alone doesnt guarantee approval.

When I applied I hired Beth Sufian to help with my appeal. Although I only met some of the criteria at the time. What helped me was the amount of time required to maintain my health & the limited employment in a certain mile radius of my home that could accomodate a schedule allowing me to maintain my health routine.

Julie is very good at helping and she will let you know if she thinks you dont have a case.


New member
Social Security has certain guidelines for CF & Disability. They include certain amount of iv's &/or hospitilizations, hemoptysis and nebulized antibiotics in addition to certain fev1 etc. Having CF alone doesnt guarantee approval.

When I applied I hired Beth Sufian to help with my appeal. Although I only met some of the criteria at the time. What helped me was the amount of time required to maintain my health & the limited employment in a certain mile radius of my home that could accomodate a schedule allowing me to maintain my health routine.

Julie is very good at helping and she will let you know if she thinks you dont have a case.


New member
Social Security has certain guidelines for CF & Disability. They include certain amount of iv's &/or hospitilizations, hemoptysis and nebulized antibiotics in addition to certain fev1 etc. Having CF alone doesnt guarantee approval.

When I applied I hired Beth Sufian to help with my appeal. Although I only met some of the criteria at the time. What helped me was the amount of time required to maintain my health & the limited employment in a certain mile radius of my home that could accomodate a schedule allowing me to maintain my health routine.

Julie is very good at helping and she will let you know if she thinks you dont have a case.