Hey Sara,
I actually just posted a topic similar to this last week. I want kids so badly too. I've been married to a great man for 3 years. We are financially set, we live next door to his parent's ( who are awesome), we really have a great situation for children. He wants more time though, and he's scared. He wants them in a few years, but I feel like I'm at my prime health now, and I want to start. The waiting is hard, not to mention that its doubly difficult to conceive, carry and give birth for us Cfers sometimes. It's sad and scary sometimes.
My sister in law, next door, just announced her 3rd pregnancy. Not to mention that she has 2 babies already, that I love SOO much, but it's still hard to see them sometimes. And my sister is pregnant too, and her baby shower was just yesterday. It was so hard for me! I'm very happy for these relatives, and I love them very much. But it's still hard to see perfectly healthy woman just getting pregnant all around you. It's normal to feel a little envious. We just can't help it.
I've been coping better, though. I have tried very hard to remember why I want children. It's b/c I love all children so much! I love playing with them, holding them when they cry, even the dirty diaper changes. I try to spend time enjoying the children in my life (neices and nephews, neighbor's kids), play with them, and not think about the fact that I don't have them. I keep positive, and remember that I was meant to be a mother. And one way or another, I will get children. I also pray when the feelings of sorrow come, or of envy for the women in my life that have them. Praying helps. I pray for endurance. Patience too. It's calming.
You have to stay positive! You have options. And one way or another you will be a mother. All I can say is be patient. Look at your options. Read alot! Get informed of what's out there to help you become a mother.