Hey what's up everybody? I know I havent posted anything in a while but I read all of the post from this topic and I would like to say a couple of things. I'm not saying these things to put down any one or anything like that. What appears to me is that since Brandi posted some things about her leaving or her being ugly or some other things, some thought that she was trying to get attention or trying get people to feel sorry for her. Maybe she was, maybe she wasn't. If she was trying to get attention or tring to get people to feel sorry for her than the truth is that she needs to quit feeling sorry for "her self". Even if she was trying to get attention or trying to get people to feel sorry for her it's not anyone else's place to talk down to her in an ugly way. Now, about her being ugly I know, alot of others know, and even she knows that she's NOT ugly.
Now, if she was NOT trying to draw attention or trying get people to feel sorry for her than everyone needs to just shut up because obviously she's going through a rough time. I bet that we all have gone through rough times and it's not my place or anybody else's place to judge others. What my point is, is that "if" Brandi is trying to get attention or trying to get people to feel sorry for her it's wrong and she she needs to grow up and quit feeling sorry for herself. But if she isn't that's a totally different thing. Also, It's not mine or anybody else's place to judge her or say things rudely about her or anybody else for that matter. This message was not directed to any one person it is to all. If any one get's affended I'm Sorry but In think that needed to be said. For one final thought, I've noticed that people have been fighting alot now and that needs to stop. Some people need to grow up.
Note: Sorry if I offended anyone, but that is my opinion.