DF508 and 3359delC Mutation



Dori. Good luck with your pregnancy! My sister in law had severe pre-e with her first pregnancy necessitating an emergency c/s at 33 weeks. She just had her second baby boy 2 weeks ago and went full term with NO health complications and had an uneventful delivery. While of course you are at an increased risk for toxemia again, there are many women who go on to have normal healthy subsequent pregnancy. I wish you the best!


Dori. Good luck with your pregnancy! My sister in law had severe pre-e with her first pregnancy necessitating an emergency c/s at 33 weeks. She just had her second baby boy 2 weeks ago and went full term with NO health complications and had an uneventful delivery. While of course you are at an increased risk for toxemia again, there are many women who go on to have normal healthy subsequent pregnancy. I wish you the best!


Dori. Good luck with your pregnancy! My sister in law had severe pre-e with her first pregnancy necessitating an emergency c/s at 33 weeks. She just had her second baby boy 2 weeks ago and went full term with NO health complications and had an uneventful delivery. While of course you are at an increased risk for toxemia again, there are many women who go on to have normal healthy subsequent pregnancy. I wish you the best!


Dori. Good luck with your pregnancy! My sister in law had severe pre-e with her first pregnancy necessitating an emergency c/s at 33 weeks. She just had her second baby boy 2 weeks ago and went full term with NO health complications and had an uneventful delivery. While of course you are at an increased risk for toxemia again, there are many women who go on to have normal healthy subsequent pregnancy. I wish you the best!


Dori. Good luck with your pregnancy! My sister in law had severe pre-e with her first pregnancy necessitating an emergency c/s at 33 weeks. She just had her second baby boy 2 weeks ago and went full term with NO health complications and had an uneventful delivery. While of course you are at an increased risk for toxemia again, there are many women who go on to have normal healthy subsequent pregnancy. I wish you the best!