I was diagnosed 5 years ago when I was 25 years old.... I, too, had been sick on and off my whole life, seems I ALWAYS had bronchitus and ALWAYS had a cough... I remember my mom telling me that when I was born that the doctors had to take me to the other hospital in town that had a nicu because I had pneumonia or something like that... Good Heavens you think I would have that story straight but I am such a space cadet!! Anyways, I have had 3 different sinus surgeries to remove polyps, nothing (obviously) helped. I finally switched to a new primary care doctor (thank goodness) who referred me to a DIFFERENT ENT Doctor. This doctor referred me to an allergist, who sent me to get a sweat test. When she mentioned to me that I may have "Cystic Fibrosis".....I didn't have any idea what that even was (I feel stupid admitting that). When the results came back, my numbers were very high and they referred me to the CF clinic. My CF Doctor at that time (they have since changed <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">) talked to me for a few minutes, asked me a few questions, looked at my fingers and said, Yes, you have CF. I cried like a baby. I finally had an answer. She then did the DNA test and it was confirmed. When I asked my Doctor how has it taken so long to be diagnosed?? She thought that maybe it was because everytime I went to the doctor for bronchitus, etc., that they NEVER once asked me about my stools, etc., and, well, why would they. I always always have had greasy, smelly stools (sorry TMI) and my sisters would always make fun of me because my stools looked different. I didn't know that was a problem, I guess...
Sorry that was so long. That's the story of how I was diagnosed! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I am so happy to have found all of you!!!!!!
Robin 29F w/CF