diagnosis story


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M was fine when she was born, a little small(2.4kg) but otherwise ok. When she had to go for her first vacinations the sr said she was not gaining enough weight and told me to supplement breast milk with formula. At three weeks she had bronchitis and was addmitted for treatment(at a local country clinic) and at the same time they thought they might try and fatten her up by feeding her double the formula! Her hands and feet started swelling up and took her out of the the hospital. A week later we were refered to the nearest large town hospital and the peadiatritian suggested Turners syndrome, they transfused her with some of my blood and she seemed a little better so they sent her home. A week later she started projectile vomiting and we were referred to the nearest University hospital because they noticed a heart murmer. Anyway she was test for everything including CF(then only the sweat test was available) and nothing came up positive so we went home for Christmas with instructions to return early January (her weight then was 2.6kg). Finaly, in January I had reached the stage of telling God that if he really wanted her he should take her and not let her suffer anymore, well, that same day the test came back positive for CF and I was so relieved.


New member
I always had stomachaches as a kid. They thought I had food allergies so that was a pain for many years (no dairy, no wheat, etc.) - and still the stomachaches kept coming. Then I started coughing. Some of my family thought I was faking the cough for attention. My mom kept dragging me back to the pediatrician and they thought she was one of those crazy, overprotective types. Finally we got a referral to a lung specialist and he knew right away. We did a couple sweat tests to be sure and they both confirmed the CF diagnosis. I was 11 and just starting middle school. I was in denial until my first hospitalization, which was just before my 16th birthday. It was one of the worst times in my life so far. I wish I'd been diagnosed early on.


New member
I always had stomachaches as a kid. They thought I had food allergies so that was a pain for many years (no dairy, no wheat, etc.) - and still the stomachaches kept coming. Then I started coughing. Some of my family thought I was faking the cough for attention. My mom kept dragging me back to the pediatrician and they thought she was one of those crazy, overprotective types. Finally we got a referral to a lung specialist and he knew right away. We did a couple sweat tests to be sure and they both confirmed the CF diagnosis. I was 11 and just starting middle school. I was in denial until my first hospitalization, which was just before my 16th birthday. It was one of the worst times in my life so far. I wish I'd been diagnosed early on.


New member
I always had stomachaches as a kid. They thought I had food allergies so that was a pain for many years (no dairy, no wheat, etc.) - and still the stomachaches kept coming. Then I started coughing. Some of my family thought I was faking the cough for attention. My mom kept dragging me back to the pediatrician and they thought she was one of those crazy, overprotective types. Finally we got a referral to a lung specialist and he knew right away. We did a couple sweat tests to be sure and they both confirmed the CF diagnosis. I was 11 and just starting middle school. I was in denial until my first hospitalization, which was just before my 16th birthday. It was one of the worst times in my life so far. I wish I'd been diagnosed early on.


New member
I always had stomachaches as a kid. They thought I had food allergies so that was a pain for many years (no dairy, no wheat, etc.) - and still the stomachaches kept coming. Then I started coughing. Some of my family thought I was faking the cough for attention. My mom kept dragging me back to the pediatrician and they thought she was one of those crazy, overprotective types. Finally we got a referral to a lung specialist and he knew right away. We did a couple sweat tests to be sure and they both confirmed the CF diagnosis. I was 11 and just starting middle school. I was in denial until my first hospitalization, which was just before my 16th birthday. It was one of the worst times in my life so far. I wish I'd been diagnosed early on.


New member
I always had stomachaches as a kid. They thought I had food allergies so that was a pain for many years (no dairy, no wheat, etc.) - and still the stomachaches kept coming. Then I started coughing. Some of my family thought I was faking the cough for attention. My mom kept dragging me back to the pediatrician and they thought she was one of those crazy, overprotective types. Finally we got a referral to a lung specialist and he knew right away. We did a couple sweat tests to be sure and they both confirmed the CF diagnosis. I was 11 and just starting middle school. I was in denial until my first hospitalization, which was just before my 16th birthday. It was one of the worst times in my life so far. I wish I'd been diagnosed early on.


New member
My parents were some of the first to get prenatal carrier testing(Some kind of trial, i think) So they knew there was a chance. I was born with an MI, requiring surgery. My brother was tested because they knew my parents were carriers.


New member
My parents were some of the first to get prenatal carrier testing(Some kind of trial, i think) So they knew there was a chance. I was born with an MI, requiring surgery. My brother was tested because they knew my parents were carriers.


New member
My parents were some of the first to get prenatal carrier testing(Some kind of trial, i think) So they knew there was a chance. I was born with an MI, requiring surgery. My brother was tested because they knew my parents were carriers.


New member
My parents were some of the first to get prenatal carrier testing(Some kind of trial, i think) So they knew there was a chance. I was born with an MI, requiring surgery. My brother was tested because they knew my parents were carriers.


New member
My parents were some of the first to get prenatal carrier testing(Some kind of trial, i think) So they knew there was a chance. I was born with an MI, requiring surgery. My brother was tested because they knew my parents were carriers.


New member

i was diagnosed at 4 months....failure to thrive.....digestive "issues".....and reflux. my mam brought me to the local nurse every week and she was convinced i had a condition of some description. 1st they thought i was dairy intolerant...... the nurse's father was the local gp and she was always talking bout me and asking him to refer me to a consultant. so one night i was sick and my dad called the doc and he came down to the house and picked me up...and i refluxed all over him. he arranged a hosp appt 4 me and i had a sweat test. so did my 4 older sisters....none of whom have cf. so thats sorta it!!


New member

i was diagnosed at 4 months....failure to thrive.....digestive "issues".....and reflux. my mam brought me to the local nurse every week and she was convinced i had a condition of some description. 1st they thought i was dairy intolerant...... the nurse's father was the local gp and she was always talking bout me and asking him to refer me to a consultant. so one night i was sick and my dad called the doc and he came down to the house and picked me up...and i refluxed all over him. he arranged a hosp appt 4 me and i had a sweat test. so did my 4 older sisters....none of whom have cf. so thats sorta it!!


New member

i was diagnosed at 4 months....failure to thrive.....digestive "issues".....and reflux. my mam brought me to the local nurse every week and she was convinced i had a condition of some description. 1st they thought i was dairy intolerant...... the nurse's father was the local gp and she was always talking bout me and asking him to refer me to a consultant. so one night i was sick and my dad called the doc and he came down to the house and picked me up...and i refluxed all over him. he arranged a hosp appt 4 me and i had a sweat test. so did my 4 older sisters....none of whom have cf. so thats sorta it!!


New member

i was diagnosed at 4 months....failure to thrive.....digestive "issues".....and reflux. my mam brought me to the local nurse every week and she was convinced i had a condition of some description. 1st they thought i was dairy intolerant...... the nurse's father was the local gp and she was always talking bout me and asking him to refer me to a consultant. so one night i was sick and my dad called the doc and he came down to the house and picked me up...and i refluxed all over him. he arranged a hosp appt 4 me and i had a sweat test. so did my 4 older sisters....none of whom have cf. so thats sorta it!!


New member

i was diagnosed at 4 months....failure to thrive.....digestive "issues".....and reflux. my mam brought me to the local nurse every week and she was convinced i had a condition of some description. 1st they thought i was dairy intolerant...... the nurse's father was the local gp and she was always talking bout me and asking him to refer me to a consultant. so one night i was sick and my dad called the doc and he came down to the house and picked me up...and i refluxed all over him. he arranged a hosp appt 4 me and i had a sweat test. so did my 4 older sisters....none of whom have cf. so thats sorta it!!


New member

i was diagnosed at 4 months....failure to thrive.....digestive "issues".....and reflux. my mam brought me to the local nurse every week and she was convinced i had a condition of some description. 1st they thought i was dairy intolerant...... the nurse's father was the local gp and she was always talking bout me and asking him to refer me to a consultant. so one night i was sick and my dad called the doc and he came down to the house and picked me up...and i refluxed all over him. he arranged a hosp appt 4 me and i had a sweat test. so did my 4 older sisters....none of whom have cf. so thats sorta it!!


New member

i was diagnosed at 4 months....failure to thrive.....digestive "issues".....and reflux. my mam brought me to the local nurse every week and she was convinced i had a condition of some description. 1st they thought i was dairy intolerant...... the nurse's father was the local gp and she was always talking bout me and asking him to refer me to a consultant. so one night i was sick and my dad called the doc and he came down to the house and picked me up...and i refluxed all over him. he arranged a hosp appt 4 me and i had a sweat test. so did my 4 older sisters....none of whom have cf. so thats sorta it!!


New member

i was diagnosed at 4 months....failure to thrive.....digestive "issues".....and reflux. my mam brought me to the local nurse every week and she was convinced i had a condition of some description. 1st they thought i was dairy intolerant...... the nurse's father was the local gp and she was always talking bout me and asking him to refer me to a consultant. so one night i was sick and my dad called the doc and he came down to the house and picked me up...and i refluxed all over him. he arranged a hosp appt 4 me and i had a sweat test. so did my 4 older sisters....none of whom have cf. so thats sorta it!!


New member

i was diagnosed at 4 months....failure to thrive.....digestive "issues".....and reflux. my mam brought me to the local nurse every week and she was convinced i had a condition of some description. 1st they thought i was dairy intolerant...... the nurse's father was the local gp and she was always talking bout me and asking him to refer me to a consultant. so one night i was sick and my dad called the doc and he came down to the house and picked me up...and i refluxed all over him. he arranged a hosp appt 4 me and i had a sweat test. so did my 4 older sisters....none of whom have cf. so thats sorta it!!