Diaper Rash worse for CF babies???



Well, his diaper rash is now completely gone thanks to all of the suggestions to get triple paste. And we now have a big tub of it on hand for any future problems! He's a much happier baby during diaper changes now.


Well, his diaper rash is now completely gone thanks to all of the suggestions to get triple paste. And we now have a big tub of it on hand for any future problems! He's a much happier baby during diaper changes now.


Well, his diaper rash is now completely gone thanks to all of the suggestions to get triple paste. And we now have a big tub of it on hand for any future problems! He's a much happier baby during diaper changes now.


Well, his diaper rash is now completely gone thanks to all of the suggestions to get triple paste. And we now have a big tub of it on hand for any future problems! He's a much happier baby during diaper changes now.


Well, his diaper rash is now completely gone thanks to all of the suggestions to get triple paste. And we now have a big tub of it on hand for any future problems! He's a much happier baby during diaper changes now.


New member
HI, we have three kids 2 w/cf , and baby 4 on the way. When our oldest gota bad rash we used Nystatin ( perscription) and it cleared up in a couple of days. Our two cf'ers also take Ranitadine to help control some of the extra acid, that can also causea sore bum. It could also be that your baby may need an enzyme adjustment.


New member
HI, we have three kids 2 w/cf , and baby 4 on the way. When our oldest gota bad rash we used Nystatin ( perscription) and it cleared up in a couple of days. Our two cf'ers also take Ranitadine to help control some of the extra acid, that can also causea sore bum. It could also be that your baby may need an enzyme adjustment.


New member
HI, we have three kids 2 w/cf , and baby 4 on the way. When our oldest gota bad rash we used Nystatin ( perscription) and it cleared up in a couple of days. Our two cf'ers also take Ranitadine to help control some of the extra acid, that can also causea sore bum. It could also be that your baby may need an enzyme adjustment.


New member
HI, we have three kids 2 w/cf , and baby 4 on the way. When our oldest gota bad rash we used Nystatin ( perscription) and it cleared up in a couple of days. Our two cf'ers also take Ranitadine to help control some of the extra acid, that can also causea sore bum. It could also be that your baby may need an enzyme adjustment.


New member
HI, we have three kids 2 w/cf , and baby 4 on the way. When our oldest gota bad rash we used Nystatin ( perscription) and it cleared up in a couple of days. Our two cf'ers also take Ranitadine to help control some of the extra acid, that can also causea sore bum. It could also be that your baby may need an enzyme adjustment.