New member
I chose to vaccinate but here in N. CA was able to split up most of the vaccines so my boy didn't have too many at once. Our pedi also made sure to provide preservative free, no thimerisol/mercury, doses. We chose to space them all out every few months.
Also the recent case won by the parents of the autistic girl wasn't reported on properly. The reasons given for the win was that she had a preexisting mitochondrial issue, sorry can't remember the name, that accounted for the vaccines affecting her.
I am not saying that the vaccinations were not ultimately to blame either, or that they didn't deserve to win. Clearly they did! I'm saying that there was much more to the case than was recognized in the press.
I truly believe that the doses given are too many and too much at a time! There has never been this quantity given to children before. I really believe that we need to slow down and look at every ingredient also. It all worries me.
I also do believe though that if your child isn't vaccinated then you need to respect the fact that you may pass unwanted disease to others and you might not be able to participate in "public" activities. School for example. There was recently a case where all families of non-vaccinated children had warrants threatened and no school access. Baltimore? I can't remember.
My nephew has ASD/Asbergers. No one is sure if it's vaccinations, food allergies or something else. I think food allergies is a big big issue these days. Also nutritional deficiencies.
Also the recent case won by the parents of the autistic girl wasn't reported on properly. The reasons given for the win was that she had a preexisting mitochondrial issue, sorry can't remember the name, that accounted for the vaccines affecting her.
I am not saying that the vaccinations were not ultimately to blame either, or that they didn't deserve to win. Clearly they did! I'm saying that there was much more to the case than was recognized in the press.
I truly believe that the doses given are too many and too much at a time! There has never been this quantity given to children before. I really believe that we need to slow down and look at every ingredient also. It all worries me.
I also do believe though that if your child isn't vaccinated then you need to respect the fact that you may pass unwanted disease to others and you might not be able to participate in "public" activities. School for example. There was recently a case where all families of non-vaccinated children had warrants threatened and no school access. Baltimore? I can't remember.
My nephew has ASD/Asbergers. No one is sure if it's vaccinations, food allergies or something else. I think food allergies is a big big issue these days. Also nutritional deficiencies.