But, there's also the risk that you can completely overwhelm the immune system of an immunocompromised patient with vaccines. Or, what concerns me more is the MMR. I do vaccinate against MMR but I delay it significantly. Two of my children have gotten the mild case of measles that is known to be a risk of the vaccine. And, everything from the manufactor states that this live virus can be shed and can be contracted by another individual. So, do I now vaccinate the infant for MMR and risk exposing my CF child to a disease that could be fatal to him? Do I trust his MMR vaccine to protect him and vaccinate her?
I had a child who had wild measles. He was healthy and normal. He got it from my little sister as she came from Ethiopia with an active case (who the heck knows who else contracted her measles after her plane ride across the globe). My healthy son was 8 months when he contracted and I was never so frightened as a mother at that point. I've seen been scared worse by Lyme's disease and a potential brain bleed in a hemophiliac son. But, it was horrible to watch my infant struggle to breath, wheezing and turning blue from a viral infection that he was too young to have been vaccinated again in the first place.
Believe me, I do look at this from a health standpoint. Autism is something I can't answer in regards to vacccines. I CAN state that studies have conclusively linked mercury to autism. There's a reason its been removed from vaccines now.
Just because you studied vaccines and decided one way is THE safe way, doesn't mean every parent will. I've spent years studying vaccines and my opinions differ from yours. Do I not have a right to have my opinions as well? Of course I do. Thus why each parent must make the choices that are right for their own children. There is no one size fits all formula to medial needs, and that includes vaccines.