Disinfecting/Cleaning things used by other CFers



So I got the frequencer on loan, and it's been used by other CF patients so I asked if they clean it. They told me they wipe it down with virox wipes. Is this enough or should I get a family member to clean it more? Anything else I can do to clean it? Is it generally safe to use even if others have used it. I just don't want to catch any bugs.


So I got the frequencer on loan, and it's been used by other CF patients so I asked if they clean it. They told me they wipe it down with virox wipes. Is this enough or should I get a family member to clean it more? Anything else I can do to clean it? Is it generally safe to use even if others have used it. I just don't want to catch any bugs.


So I got the frequencer on loan, and it's been used by other CF patients so I asked if they clean it. They told me they wipe it down with virox wipes. Is this enough or should I get a family member to clean it more? Anything else I can do to clean it? Is it generally safe to use even if others have used it. I just don't want to catch any bugs.


So I got the frequencer on loan, and it's been used by other CF patients so I asked if they clean it. They told me they wipe it down with virox wipes. Is this enough or should I get a family member to clean it more? Anything else I can do to clean it? Is it generally safe to use even if others have used it. I just don't want to catch any bugs.


So I got the frequencer on loan, and it's been used by other CF patients so I asked if they clean it. They told me they wipe it down with virox wipes. Is this enough or should I get a family member to clean it more? Anything else I can do to clean it? Is it generally safe to use even if others have used it. I just don't want to catch any bugs.


58 views and no responses... come on people what would you guys use to clean it if anything.


58 views and no responses... come on people what would you guys use to clean it if anything.


58 views and no responses... come on people what would you guys use to clean it if anything.


58 views and no responses... come on people what would you guys use to clean it if anything.


58 views and no responses... come on people what would you guys use to clean it if anything.


Super Moderator
I would have a family member wipe it again with disinfectant wipes...just to be sure. You never know how well they wiped and I don't know the shape of it...are there any grooves that need extra attention? Anyway, that's what I would do.


Super Moderator
I would have a family member wipe it again with disinfectant wipes...just to be sure. You never know how well they wiped and I don't know the shape of it...are there any grooves that need extra attention? Anyway, that's what I would do.


Super Moderator
I would have a family member wipe it again with disinfectant wipes...just to be sure. You never know how well they wiped and I don't know the shape of it...are there any grooves that need extra attention? Anyway, that's what I would do.


Super Moderator
I would have a family member wipe it again with disinfectant wipes...just to be sure. You never know how well they wiped and I don't know the shape of it...are there any grooves that need extra attention? Anyway, that's what I would do.


Super Moderator
I would have a family member wipe it again with disinfectant wipes...just to be sure. You never know how well they wiped and I don't know the shape of it...are there any grooves that need extra attention? Anyway, that's what I would do.


New member
just like 2005CFmom said I would wipe it down with disinfectant wipes and then you should be good that seems like it's about all you can do


New member
just like 2005CFmom said I would wipe it down with disinfectant wipes and then you should be good that seems like it's about all you can do


New member
just like 2005CFmom said I would wipe it down with disinfectant wipes and then you should be good that seems like it's about all you can do


New member
just like 2005CFmom said I would wipe it down with disinfectant wipes and then you should be good that seems like it's about all you can do


New member
just like 2005CFmom said I would wipe it down with disinfectant wipes and then you should be good that seems like it's about all you can do