
New member
Ashton is 2.5... but here recently he has been pointing to his thigh muscle and saying owie a lot.. yesterday it went on for a while he was running around playing and he just sat down holding his thigh muscle saying owie over and over.. This am he actually woke up and wouldnt walk on that leg for a while saying owie from his thing to his foot.. so not sure if its his muscle with him but im gonna watch it and maybe get some labs done on him if it continues..


New member
Ashton is 2.5... but here recently he has been pointing to his thigh muscle and saying owie a lot.. yesterday it went on for a while he was running around playing and he just sat down holding his thigh muscle saying owie over and over.. This am he actually woke up and wouldnt walk on that leg for a while saying owie from his thing to his foot.. so not sure if its his muscle with him but im gonna watch it and maybe get some labs done on him if it continues..


New member
Ashton is 2.5... but here recently he has been pointing to his thigh muscle and saying owie a lot.. yesterday it went on for a while he was running around playing and he just sat down holding his thigh muscle saying owie over and over.. This am he actually woke up and wouldnt walk on that leg for a while saying owie from his thing to his foot.. so not sure if its his muscle with him but im gonna watch it and maybe get some labs done on him if it continues..


New member
Ashton is 2.5... but here recently he has been pointing to his thigh muscle and saying owie a lot.. yesterday it went on for a while he was running around playing and he just sat down holding his thigh muscle saying owie over and over.. This am he actually woke up and wouldnt walk on that leg for a while saying owie from his thing to his foot.. so not sure if its his muscle with him but im gonna watch it and maybe get some labs done on him if it continues..


New member
Ashton is 2.5... but here recently he has been pointing to his thigh muscle and saying owie a lot.. yesterday it went on for a while he was running around playing and he just sat down holding his thigh muscle saying owie over and over.. This am he actually woke up and wouldnt walk on that leg for a while saying owie from his thing to his foot.. so not sure if its his muscle with him but im gonna watch it and maybe get some labs done on him if it continues..


New member
Yes Aspiemom I'm on a 5 day run with Prednisone. But usually it's only for 5 days that I'm on it. The last time I went to the doc my sat levels were 92 which is low for me during the day. I'm usually about 99.


New member
Yes Aspiemom I'm on a 5 day run with Prednisone. But usually it's only for 5 days that I'm on it. The last time I went to the doc my sat levels were 92 which is low for me during the day. I'm usually about 99.


New member
Yes Aspiemom I'm on a 5 day run with Prednisone. But usually it's only for 5 days that I'm on it. The last time I went to the doc my sat levels were 92 which is low for me during the day. I'm usually about 99.


New member
Yes Aspiemom I'm on a 5 day run with Prednisone. But usually it's only for 5 days that I'm on it. The last time I went to the doc my sat levels were 92 which is low for me during the day. I'm usually about 99.


New member
Yes Aspiemom I'm on a 5 day run with Prednisone. But usually it's only for 5 days that I'm on it. The last time I went to the doc my sat levels were 92 which is low for me during the day. I'm usually about 99.