Do you share a room in the hospital?


New member
People do not go to hospitals just to die. I am sorry but I take offense to your post. First of all the hospital was also where my beautiful child entered this world and my life. Second of all I would love to do all her IV's at home - but, unfortunately due to the fact that she is allergic to everything and has to go through desensitization with her antibiotics (which require telemetry monitors) I do not have this luxury.


At Columbia Presbyterian/Morgan Stanley Children's, Coll is always in her own room The room is so fantastic (your own shower/bathroom, internet acceds via the Get Well Network [who also send clowns and dogs to your room to visit), a nice section for a parent which is a leather daybead!


New member
I have never been in a hospital that didn't have all private rooms. The children's hospital and main hospital(adult) with CF clinics all have private rooms as does the local hospital. No room sharing.

I too take offense about hospitals only being where you go to die. I don't have the luxury of being able nor do I want to do home IVs. I have many severe antibiotic allergies and doing home IVs might literally kill me. So anything more than oral(which thankfully for me hardly happens currently) and its hospital
I too have only shared a room one time. At that time they said that they were putting Cfers with the same types of bugs in the same room. Still not very smart. They have since made a wing for just Cfers to have their own room and bathroom. It is much nicer and my husband and baby get to stay with me!!! YEah!! They also don't want people sharing due to new HIPPA laws



New member
I also have only had my own room when I have been put in the hospital....Last time I was in, I was put in isolation.... and it made me cry every time someone came into my room... other then that I usually have just a private room.. One time last year....when I was in the hospital for chest pain.. I was put in a room with someone who had a heart attack.... But the next day they requested to be moved.. They couldn't sleep because of my coughing....

I don't have a lot of room to talk about being put in a private room because I work in a hospital so it would be a hard arguement to say I need my own room so I don't get germs..but thankfully I have always been assigned my own room..

I am not sure why the posted said ppl only go into the hospital to die.... but maybe you have had a bad experience or were just trying to make a point... My life has been saved quite a few times by my hospital... and also.... I am going to nursing school to help ppl get better not to become a mortician....but I do understand what you mean about the germs.....

33/w CF and Addison's... and on to much PREDNISONE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


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I take my child to Johns Hopkins and if we are on the school age floor (6-11) we have a private room but if
we are on the teen floor ( 12-21 ) we have to share a room and bathroom with one other person without CF.


New member
When I was younger I had to share a room with other kids, of course they didn't have CF. Then when I got older I started getting private rooms and now I have to have a private since I have MRSA and other drug resistant bacterias. It's great though. The rooms are huge. We get a fridge our own bathroom and shower and of course a TV with a dvd and playstatio. Although I hate being in there at least the room makes it a bit better.


New member
When i was in the hospital for sick children in toronto i got my own awesome room, it was big with a big tv and my own bathroom. It was awesome. When they made me change to St. micheals hospital i was alittle upset. I've been in there once and it was defniatly really sucky. eventually i got this old lady as a room mate who never slept and burdened the nurses so much they like stopped coming into the room... luckly though i was able to go home for the rest of the time, oh and the bathrooms not only did you share it with your roommate but you shared it with the people next door... it was a tiny closet of a bathroom with no privacy because of the two doors and nothing to absorb the sounds, so the heavy antibiotics which make you poop more.. you had no privacy to do that... and the showers were separate from the room and that sucked too..the only good thing is they had a cepacia negitive and positive shower... i did not enjoy being there at all (not that anyone enjoys the hospital)

Ashley 21 w/cf


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I've always had my own room (which is convenient, because now Mike crashes on the chairs or couches). And my own bathroom as well, including a shower. My hospital is pretty good to me.


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Please, do not go to the hospital to get your cleanouts! Do them at home. You're more likley to catch a nasty bug at a hospital that anywhere else.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>Please, do not go to the hospital to get your cleanouts! Do them at home. You're more likley to catch a nasty bug at a hospital that anywhere else.<hr></blockquote>

No kidding. Sometimes you can't help it.


New member
I start at the hospital and then a few days later go home to do a home cleanout. My mom is a nurse so she does everything at home.


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I am quite aware of the bugs that U catch at the hospital. HOWEVER; I know for me that I need a certain amount of time away from home both to get a jumpstart on the iv that I will continue at home & get a bit of extra good CPT. In addition (I hate to compare it, but its true) its nice to not have to cook, clean, take care of anyone except myself when I need it the most. Its not the ideal situation, but as my doctor & I have discussed many times.....for me its important to have hospital time! I have a fabulous hubby & daughter, but in reality even the best situation at home can still take a if I won the lottery & could afford a hotel instead.....I might go with that!


New member
I recently had an admission and was told that without a doubt CF patients should be kept alone. The hospital is the best place to catch nasty things. In the hospital I go to they are considering limiting the time CF patients can be out of their rooms. They are making the private rooms nicer by adding min fridges and dvd players. I would demand a private room.


New member
I recently had an admission and was told that without a doubt CF patients should be kept alone. The hospital is the best place to catch nasty things. In the hospital I go to they are considering limiting the time CF patients can be out of their rooms. They are making the private rooms nicer by adding min fridges and dvd players. I would demand a private room.

Elizabeth 22 w/ CF


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Does anyone know if the foundation has a protocol set up specifically for this? It would be helpful if I did have to go back to the hospital that makes me have a room mate if I could print something from the foundation web site that says that patients should have their own room.


New member
Brady has been in the hospital about 6 times and has never shared a room. We have never even had an issues with it. Thank goodness.

Step-Mom to Brittany 13 no cf
Mom to Tyler 12 no cf, cf carrier
Mom to Brady 4 with cf
Mom to Taylor 3 no cf, but chromosome 9q deletion q21.2 q22.1