Do You Wear Face Masks?


New member
Hi all.<br>
I'm curious if anyone here wears face masks other places than
doctors offices/hospitals. I wear a face mask everyday in school,
whenever I go to the movies, if I feel like I'm getting sick or
someone I live with is getting sick, and of course, doctors
offices. Now granted I don't have the most severe cases of CF, but
I've certainly had my share of infections. I started wearing them
after my first P.A infection that I cleared, and I've been
infection free for almost 10 months *Knock On Wood*. I think that
the masks have been a huge contributor running close along
with regular medicine regime. So I was curious if anyone else has
worn face masks in the way I do and if they've had any sort of
similar reaction.<br>
Hope you're all well. Thanks in advance.<br>


New member
Hi all.<br>
I'm curious if anyone here wears face masks other places than
doctors offices/hospitals. I wear a face mask everyday in school,
whenever I go to the movies, if I feel like I'm getting sick or
someone I live with is getting sick, and of course, doctors
offices. Now granted I don't have the most severe cases of CF, but
I've certainly had my share of infections. I started wearing them
after my first P.A infection that I cleared, and I've been
infection free for almost 10 months *Knock On Wood*. I think that
the masks have been a huge contributor running close along
with regular medicine regime. So I was curious if anyone else has
worn face masks in the way I do and if they've had any sort of
similar reaction.<br>
Hope you're all well. Thanks in advance.<br>


New member
Hi all.<br>
I'm curious if anyone here wears face masks other places than
doctors offices/hospitals. I wear a face mask everyday in school,
whenever I go to the movies, if I feel like I'm getting sick or
someone I live with is getting sick, and of course, doctors
offices. Now granted I don't have the most severe cases of CF, but
I've certainly had my share of infections. I started wearing them
after my first P.A infection that I cleared, and I've been
infection free for almost 10 months *Knock On Wood*. I think that
the masks have been a huge contributor running close along
with regular medicine regime. So I was curious if anyone else has
worn face masks in the way I do and if they've had any sort of
similar reaction.<br>
Hope you're all well. Thanks in advance.<br>


New member
To me that sounds a bit extreme, but hey that's just me. I've never
worn one, except when I've been painting and such, but that's just
to keep the fumes out. I also used to wear one when my friends and
I skateboarded in parking garages during the snow season, but just
to keep all the dust out.<br>
I've had P.A since I was 10 or 12, that's 20 years. Maybe things
are different in Norway. I've been around CFers since I was a kid,
during summer camp, during treatments in the hospital, and of
course my younger brother. Never gotten and sicker from hanging out
with other CFers, I think the benefits of hanging out with other
CFers are far greater than the risks. I used to work in a hosptial,
and a nursing home when I was younger, and never used masks there
either. I only took care to always wash my hands properly, but that
had nothing to do with the CF, just common hospital practice.<br>
I socialize normally, I go to pubs and bars with my friends, never
even thought of not doing whatever my friends do, apart from
smoking <img src="">. And I've had IVs every three months for 20
years, and plenty of infections, but hey that goes with the
territory. And as long as you take your meds and treatments they
won't harm you too much, at least they haven't harmed me all that
much. <img src="">


New member
To me that sounds a bit extreme, but hey that's just me. I've never
worn one, except when I've been painting and such, but that's just
to keep the fumes out. I also used to wear one when my friends and
I skateboarded in parking garages during the snow season, but just
to keep all the dust out.<br>
I've had P.A since I was 10 or 12, that's 20 years. Maybe things
are different in Norway. I've been around CFers since I was a kid,
during summer camp, during treatments in the hospital, and of
course my younger brother. Never gotten and sicker from hanging out
with other CFers, I think the benefits of hanging out with other
CFers are far greater than the risks. I used to work in a hosptial,
and a nursing home when I was younger, and never used masks there
either. I only took care to always wash my hands properly, but that
had nothing to do with the CF, just common hospital practice.<br>
I socialize normally, I go to pubs and bars with my friends, never
even thought of not doing whatever my friends do, apart from
smoking <img src="">. And I've had IVs every three months for 20
years, and plenty of infections, but hey that goes with the
territory. And as long as you take your meds and treatments they
won't harm you too much, at least they haven't harmed me all that
much. <img src="">


New member
To me that sounds a bit extreme, but hey that's just me. I've never
worn one, except when I've been painting and such, but that's just
to keep the fumes out. I also used to wear one when my friends and
I skateboarded in parking garages during the snow season, but just
to keep all the dust out.<br>
I've had P.A since I was 10 or 12, that's 20 years. Maybe things
are different in Norway. I've been around CFers since I was a kid,
during summer camp, during treatments in the hospital, and of
course my younger brother. Never gotten and sicker from hanging out
with other CFers, I think the benefits of hanging out with other
CFers are far greater than the risks. I used to work in a hosptial,
and a nursing home when I was younger, and never used masks there
either. I only took care to always wash my hands properly, but that
had nothing to do with the CF, just common hospital practice.<br>
I socialize normally, I go to pubs and bars with my friends, never
even thought of not doing whatever my friends do, apart from
smoking <img src="">. And I've had IVs every three months for 20
years, and plenty of infections, but hey that goes with the
territory. And as long as you take your meds and treatments they
won't harm you too much, at least they haven't harmed me all that
much. <img src="">


New member
I dont wear one on a regular basis. IN fact off the top of my head except during construction at home, I dont remember wearing any. This is just me. I get quite of a bit of anxiety with them on. I feel like I am being chocked & cant get air.


New member
I dont wear one on a regular basis. IN fact off the top of my head except during construction at home, I dont remember wearing any. This is just me. I get quite of a bit of anxiety with them on. I feel like I am being chocked & cant get air.


New member
I dont wear one on a regular basis. IN fact off the top of my head except during construction at home, I dont remember wearing any. This is just me. I get quite of a bit of anxiety with them on. I feel like I am being chocked & cant get air.


New member
most illnesses are not airborn (viruses, bacteria). they are found on surfaces.

so if you touch a surface with a virus or bacteria, then touch your face or food, no face mask will protect you.

face masks are promoted at CF centers because CF patients cough with their hands covering their mouths. then bacteria gets on their hands and it spreads to surfaces. so if you cough into the mask, this reduces the spread of bacteria in CF clinics. everyone has to wear a mask in order for it to work, though. not just one person.


New member
most illnesses are not airborn (viruses, bacteria). they are found on surfaces.

so if you touch a surface with a virus or bacteria, then touch your face or food, no face mask will protect you.

face masks are promoted at CF centers because CF patients cough with their hands covering their mouths. then bacteria gets on their hands and it spreads to surfaces. so if you cough into the mask, this reduces the spread of bacteria in CF clinics. everyone has to wear a mask in order for it to work, though. not just one person.


New member
most illnesses are not airborn (viruses, bacteria). they are found on surfaces.

so if you touch a surface with a virus or bacteria, then touch your face or food, no face mask will protect you.

face masks are promoted at CF centers because CF patients cough with their hands covering their mouths. then bacteria gets on their hands and it spreads to surfaces. so if you cough into the mask, this reduces the spread of bacteria in CF clinics. everyone has to wear a mask in order for it to work, though. not just one person.


My transplant surgeon told me that after 5 minutes, a mask is useless anyway, because it is moist from your breath. I read an article about airplanes that said that the majority of illnesses come from touching the tray/armrests and are not airborne. My doctor told me that if I'm a faithful handwasher.. that is better than any mask. Even cepacia is spread through hand to hand contact or hand to surface contact. Anyway, I have kept away colds and other bugs, and I haven't had a mask on since a month post-tx.
I guess if you have a mask on though, it will keep you from touching your face. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


My transplant surgeon told me that after 5 minutes, a mask is useless anyway, because it is moist from your breath. I read an article about airplanes that said that the majority of illnesses come from touching the tray/armrests and are not airborne. My doctor told me that if I'm a faithful handwasher.. that is better than any mask. Even cepacia is spread through hand to hand contact or hand to surface contact. Anyway, I have kept away colds and other bugs, and I haven't had a mask on since a month post-tx.
I guess if you have a mask on though, it will keep you from touching your face. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


My transplant surgeon told me that after 5 minutes, a mask is useless anyway, because it is moist from your breath. I read an article about airplanes that said that the majority of illnesses come from touching the tray/armrests and are not airborne. My doctor told me that if I'm a faithful handwasher.. that is better than any mask. Even cepacia is spread through hand to hand contact or hand to surface contact. Anyway, I have kept away colds and other bugs, and I haven't had a mask on since a month post-tx.
I guess if you have a mask on though, it will keep you from touching your face. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">