I don't personally know of any physicians with CF, however a lot of us are nurses or paramedics.
<br>I flirted with becoming a doc, but psyched myself out. I kept thinking, "what happens if I get sick during residency?" All that time and money would be wasted. After trying out the school of nursing, and not liking it, I chose to become a paramedic.
<br>You are correct that hospitals are a great place to pick up germs, but so is your shower. I value quality over quantity. I would rather do something that I loved for a short time than do something I merely tolerate for decades. Having said that, you may not be worried about yourself, but you do need to worry about your patients. Let's say you picked up MRSA from the hospital. You would have to be very very careful around patients, especially patients who are immunosuppressed.
<br>You are doing the right thing, though. Educate yourself about the pro's and con's and then make an informed decision.