WOW redheadedmommy, 4 treatments! Good for u, and I hope that works!
And yes it totally sucks having absolute no control over your health. In my teens I was totally able to be like, "Screw you CF!" and not look after myself as well, but still be able to bounce back! I dont know if its with age and the ability to bounce back decreases over time? But i still consider myself extremely young being at 21! And im doing everything rite! Meanwhile, sometimes I feel like I miss out on alot of stuff, BECAUSE im so diligent with my CF treatments. And rite now it seems like its not worth it cause my pfts have decreased regardless.
It doesnt seem fair when theres people out there who abuse what they have, for example I have a brother in his teens (without CF) and he's recently taken up smoking!! I want to smack him on the head! I know he's probably acting out as all teenagers do, but how can he abuse the very thing he has that is completely healthy, while his sister has fought tooth and nail all her life to be able to breathe like a normal human being. Its frusturating.
I hope for all of us, things will turn a corner and get better <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">