does anyone have to take insaline shots for cf diabetes


New member
I am 12 yrs old and i have just started taking insaline shots for cf diabetes and i was wondering how many people have to take them.
i weigh 65 lbs and they said if the insaline shots does'nt help my pancrease absorb sugar better than i will need a feeding tube anyone here have a feeding tube with that also


New member
I am 12 yrs old and i have just started taking insaline shots for cf diabetes and i was wondering how many people have to take them.
i weigh 65 lbs and they said if the insaline shots does'nt help my pancrease absorb sugar better than i will need a feeding tube anyone here have a feeding tube with that also


New member
I am 12 yrs old and i have just started taking insaline shots for cf diabetes and i was wondering how many people have to take them.
i weigh 65 lbs and they said if the insaline shots does'nt help my pancrease absorb sugar better than i will need a feeding tube anyone here have a feeding tube with that also


New member
I am 12 yrs old and i have just started taking insaline shots for cf diabetes and i was wondering how many people have to take them.
i weigh 65 lbs and they said if the insaline shots does'nt help my pancrease absorb sugar better than i will need a feeding tube anyone here have a feeding tube with that also


New member
I am 12 yrs old and i have just started taking insaline shots for cf diabetes and i was wondering how many people have to take them.
i weigh 65 lbs and they said if the insaline shots does'nt help my pancrease absorb sugar better than i will need a feeding tube anyone here have a feeding tube with that also


New member
I am 12 yrs old and i have just started taking insaline shots for cf diabetes and i was wondering how many people have to take them.
i weigh 65 lbs and they said if the insaline shots does'nt help my pancrease absorb sugar better than i will need a feeding tube anyone here have a feeding tube with that also
yeah. i do. my names Gina, im 15 years old, and i have CF related diabetes. i have to take lantis shots which is like insulin. i was just diagnoste with it this year so its very new to me too. i have to do it every night before i go to sleep.. (can you imagine sticking yourself with a needle when your exhausted? SCAREY lol) i also have to do it for my old sister who also just got it. SHES 18 and shes scared to do it herself! lol.
last i checked i was 75 pounds. i am 3 years older, adn only 10 pounds heavier. =[
i have hope for you though. i didnt get yor name, but ill call you mini. lol.

mini, when mysister was younger than you, she got a feeding tube cause any other way there was no hope. BUT, God didnt think so! a few years later she wanted it out, but the doc's said no. we prayed that somehow she wouldnt need it. so one day shes watching TV and it jsut POPS OUT!! it sounds gross, and ill tell ya it was! BUT, the docs pu one back in, and later that year it did it again!! and it startd to heal itsself!!
ill tell ya now mini, she has a scar from that tube letting ppl knwo that she deff had it, BUT, God said "ya knwo what, tis outta there!" and sure nough' it was!after that. like 5 or so years after she was gaining weight liek any "normal" CFer. not nedding any stupid tube! she was fine until it was only this year that she got diabetes liek i have now.

but mini, thats nto all. i have a whole other LOOOOOOONG story about my sister that shows Gods goodness, but it is just too long. i want you to hear it,but ill have to type it up another time. and ill put it up as a bulliten. I WILL soon enough.

God is so good mini, you have no idea. so ill be praying for you. that you wont need that tube adn that youll be heathy enough to not need it.

yeah. i do. my names Gina, im 15 years old, and i have CF related diabetes. i have to take lantis shots which is like insulin. i was just diagnoste with it this year so its very new to me too. i have to do it every night before i go to sleep.. (can you imagine sticking yourself with a needle when your exhausted? SCAREY lol) i also have to do it for my old sister who also just got it. SHES 18 and shes scared to do it herself! lol.
last i checked i was 75 pounds. i am 3 years older, adn only 10 pounds heavier. =[
i have hope for you though. i didnt get yor name, but ill call you mini. lol.

mini, when mysister was younger than you, she got a feeding tube cause any other way there was no hope. BUT, God didnt think so! a few years later she wanted it out, but the doc's said no. we prayed that somehow she wouldnt need it. so one day shes watching TV and it jsut POPS OUT!! it sounds gross, and ill tell ya it was! BUT, the docs pu one back in, and later that year it did it again!! and it startd to heal itsself!!
ill tell ya now mini, she has a scar from that tube letting ppl knwo that she deff had it, BUT, God said "ya knwo what, tis outta there!" and sure nough' it was!after that. like 5 or so years after she was gaining weight liek any "normal" CFer. not nedding any stupid tube! she was fine until it was only this year that she got diabetes liek i have now.

but mini, thats nto all. i have a whole other LOOOOOOONG story about my sister that shows Gods goodness, but it is just too long. i want you to hear it,but ill have to type it up another time. and ill put it up as a bulliten. I WILL soon enough.

God is so good mini, you have no idea. so ill be praying for you. that you wont need that tube adn that youll be heathy enough to not need it.

yeah. i do. my names Gina, im 15 years old, and i have CF related diabetes. i have to take lantis shots which is like insulin. i was just diagnoste with it this year so its very new to me too. i have to do it every night before i go to sleep.. (can you imagine sticking yourself with a needle when your exhausted? SCAREY lol) i also have to do it for my old sister who also just got it. SHES 18 and shes scared to do it herself! lol.
last i checked i was 75 pounds. i am 3 years older, adn only 10 pounds heavier. =[
i have hope for you though. i didnt get yor name, but ill call you mini. lol.

mini, when mysister was younger than you, she got a feeding tube cause any other way there was no hope. BUT, God didnt think so! a few years later she wanted it out, but the doc's said no. we prayed that somehow she wouldnt need it. so one day shes watching TV and it jsut POPS OUT!! it sounds gross, and ill tell ya it was! BUT, the docs pu one back in, and later that year it did it again!! and it startd to heal itsself!!
ill tell ya now mini, she has a scar from that tube letting ppl knwo that she deff had it, BUT, God said "ya knwo what, tis outta there!" and sure nough' it was!after that. like 5 or so years after she was gaining weight liek any "normal" CFer. not nedding any stupid tube! she was fine until it was only this year that she got diabetes liek i have now.

but mini, thats nto all. i have a whole other LOOOOOOONG story about my sister that shows Gods goodness, but it is just too long. i want you to hear it,but ill have to type it up another time. and ill put it up as a bulliten. I WILL soon enough.

God is so good mini, you have no idea. so ill be praying for you. that you wont need that tube adn that youll be heathy enough to not need it.

yeah. i do. my names Gina, im 15 years old, and i have CF related diabetes. i have to take lantis shots which is like insulin. i was just diagnoste with it this year so its very new to me too. i have to do it every night before i go to sleep.. (can you imagine sticking yourself with a needle when your exhausted? SCAREY lol) i also have to do it for my old sister who also just got it. SHES 18 and shes scared to do it herself! lol.
last i checked i was 75 pounds. i am 3 years older, adn only 10 pounds heavier. =[
i have hope for you though. i didnt get yor name, but ill call you mini. lol.

mini, when mysister was younger than you, she got a feeding tube cause any other way there was no hope. BUT, God didnt think so! a few years later she wanted it out, but the doc's said no. we prayed that somehow she wouldnt need it. so one day shes watching TV and it jsut POPS OUT!! it sounds gross, and ill tell ya it was! BUT, the docs pu one back in, and later that year it did it again!! and it startd to heal itsself!!
ill tell ya now mini, she has a scar from that tube letting ppl knwo that she deff had it, BUT, God said "ya knwo what, tis outta there!" and sure nough' it was!after that. like 5 or so years after she was gaining weight liek any "normal" CFer. not nedding any stupid tube! she was fine until it was only this year that she got diabetes liek i have now.

but mini, thats nto all. i have a whole other LOOOOOOONG story about my sister that shows Gods goodness, but it is just too long. i want you to hear it,but ill have to type it up another time. and ill put it up as a bulliten. I WILL soon enough.

God is so good mini, you have no idea. so ill be praying for you. that you wont need that tube adn that youll be heathy enough to not need it.

yeah. i do. my names Gina, im 15 years old, and i have CF related diabetes. i have to take lantis shots which is like insulin. i was just diagnoste with it this year so its very new to me too. i have to do it every night before i go to sleep.. (can you imagine sticking yourself with a needle when your exhausted? SCAREY lol) i also have to do it for my old sister who also just got it. SHES 18 and shes scared to do it herself! lol.
last i checked i was 75 pounds. i am 3 years older, adn only 10 pounds heavier. =[
i have hope for you though. i didnt get yor name, but ill call you mini. lol.

mini, when mysister was younger than you, she got a feeding tube cause any other way there was no hope. BUT, God didnt think so! a few years later she wanted it out, but the doc's said no. we prayed that somehow she wouldnt need it. so one day shes watching TV and it jsut POPS OUT!! it sounds gross, and ill tell ya it was! BUT, the docs pu one back in, and later that year it did it again!! and it startd to heal itsself!!
ill tell ya now mini, she has a scar from that tube letting ppl knwo that she deff had it, BUT, God said "ya knwo what, tis outta there!" and sure nough' it was!after that. like 5 or so years after she was gaining weight liek any "normal" CFer. not nedding any stupid tube! she was fine until it was only this year that she got diabetes liek i have now.

but mini, thats nto all. i have a whole other LOOOOOOONG story about my sister that shows Gods goodness, but it is just too long. i want you to hear it,but ill have to type it up another time. and ill put it up as a bulliten. I WILL soon enough.

God is so good mini, you have no idea. so ill be praying for you. that you wont need that tube adn that youll be heathy enough to not need it.

yeah. i do. my names Gina, im 15 years old, and i have CF related diabetes. i have to take lantis shots which is like insulin. i was just diagnoste with it this year so its very new to me too. i have to do it every night before i go to sleep.. (can you imagine sticking yourself with a needle when your exhausted? SCAREY lol) i also have to do it for my old sister who also just got it. SHES 18 and shes scared to do it herself! lol.
last i checked i was 75 pounds. i am 3 years older, adn only 10 pounds heavier. =[
i have hope for you though. i didnt get yor name, but ill call you mini. lol.

mini, when mysister was younger than you, she got a feeding tube cause any other way there was no hope. BUT, God didnt think so! a few years later she wanted it out, but the doc's said no. we prayed that somehow she wouldnt need it. so one day shes watching TV and it jsut POPS OUT!! it sounds gross, and ill tell ya it was! BUT, the docs pu one back in, and later that year it did it again!! and it startd to heal itsself!!
ill tell ya now mini, she has a scar from that tube letting ppl knwo that she deff had it, BUT, God said "ya knwo what, tis outta there!" and sure nough' it was!after that. like 5 or so years after she was gaining weight liek any "normal" CFer. not nedding any stupid tube! she was fine until it was only this year that she got diabetes liek i have now.

but mini, thats nto all. i have a whole other LOOOOOOONG story about my sister that shows Gods goodness, but it is just too long. i want you to hear it,but ill have to type it up another time. and ill put it up as a bulliten. I WILL soon enough.

God is so good mini, you have no idea. so ill be praying for you. that you wont need that tube adn that youll be heathy enough to not need it.



New member
my daughter has had a feeing button since she was 5 mos old. It has been alife saver. She get feedings during the night which gives her an extra 2000 calories while she sleeps. Even with this she still stuggles to gain weight. She also has diabetes and started taking insulin shots and then got an insulin pump which is awesome- no more shots. It 's especially great because she gets continous insulin while she sleeps. If you have questions we can be reached through haley's my space--


New member
my daughter has had a feeing button since she was 5 mos old. It has been alife saver. She get feedings during the night which gives her an extra 2000 calories while she sleeps. Even with this she still stuggles to gain weight. She also has diabetes and started taking insulin shots and then got an insulin pump which is awesome- no more shots. It 's especially great because she gets continous insulin while she sleeps. If you have questions we can be reached through haley's my space--


New member
my daughter has had a feeing button since she was 5 mos old. It has been alife saver. She get feedings during the night which gives her an extra 2000 calories while she sleeps. Even with this she still stuggles to gain weight. She also has diabetes and started taking insulin shots and then got an insulin pump which is awesome- no more shots. It 's especially great because she gets continous insulin while she sleeps. If you have questions we can be reached through haley's my space--


New member
my daughter has had a feeing button since she was 5 mos old. It has been alife saver. She get feedings during the night which gives her an extra 2000 calories while she sleeps. Even with this she still stuggles to gain weight. She also has diabetes and started taking insulin shots and then got an insulin pump which is awesome- no more shots. It 's especially great because she gets continous insulin while she sleeps. If you have questions we can be reached through haley's my space--


New member
my daughter has had a feeing button since she was 5 mos old. It has been alife saver. She get feedings during the night which gives her an extra 2000 calories while she sleeps. Even with this she still stuggles to gain weight. She also has diabetes and started taking insulin shots and then got an insulin pump which is awesome- no more shots. It 's especially great because she gets continous insulin while she sleeps. If you have questions we can be reached through haley's my space--


New member
my daughter has had a feeing button since she was 5 mos old. It has been alife saver. She get feedings during the night which gives her an extra 2000 calories while she sleeps. Even with this she still stuggles to gain weight. She also has diabetes and started taking insulin shots and then got an insulin pump which is awesome- no more shots. It 's especially great because she gets continous insulin while she sleeps. If you have questions we can be reached through haley's my space--


New member
I am 17 (18 in October) and have been on insulin shots since I was 12. They are a hassle at first but eventually become just another normal daily routine like everything else. I'll admit for awhile when I was 15 & 16 I rarely took the shots and ended up in a diabetic coma for a day and lots of damage to my lungs after the breathing machine. So make sure you always take the insulin and make sure you are taking enough by checking your blood sugar often. I have become much more compliant now and one reason is because the doctor gave me a Novolog pen. It is so much easier than having to draw up insulin all the time and overall just makes it a lot easier for me to take it especially since I eat out a lot.

About the feeding tube, I also have one of those. It has been a life saver a few times, but I will say that I think it has caused more problems than it fixed. I guess results vary, but please try to consider it as a very last option. I've had it for 2 years now and have so many problems over it.


New member
I am 17 (18 in October) and have been on insulin shots since I was 12. They are a hassle at first but eventually become just another normal daily routine like everything else. I'll admit for awhile when I was 15 & 16 I rarely took the shots and ended up in a diabetic coma for a day and lots of damage to my lungs after the breathing machine. So make sure you always take the insulin and make sure you are taking enough by checking your blood sugar often. I have become much more compliant now and one reason is because the doctor gave me a Novolog pen. It is so much easier than having to draw up insulin all the time and overall just makes it a lot easier for me to take it especially since I eat out a lot.

About the feeding tube, I also have one of those. It has been a life saver a few times, but I will say that I think it has caused more problems than it fixed. I guess results vary, but please try to consider it as a very last option. I've had it for 2 years now and have so many problems over it.