drinking alcohol?


New member
i'm 18 yrs male. i ve cf. i only drink when i goes out for party and stuff, unfort i end up vomit, i thought tat the way it goes. someday i was told i sudn't drink cos i ve cf, is tat true? i mean do any of ye drink? do u find it effect you? make u sick? i'm started to stop drinking now! i'm worried about my health! anyway just want to no do any of ye drink? or smoke? i never smoke and i never will. i hate smoke, thank god in ireland they banned smoke. phew!!!


New member
Hey, I have never drank before,
But I have had a Liver transplant because a small amount of cf people get "serosis of the liver" (sc?)
I had that. I would hate for you to end up that way because you where a drinker! But that's just me!
I doubt you would get that into it but just a little friendly warning!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Drinking dehydrates you, which is really the basic cause of CF, not enough water to thin out the mucus. I find if I overdo it not only do I get a headache and sick to my stomach but the stuff in my lungs is even harder to cough up. Also if you're drinking to the point where you are throwing up you are drinking too much. Vomitting is a sign of alcohol poisoning, your body is saying you've had too much and is trying to get rid of it. People with CF can drink as long as you don't overdo it. Besides getting totally smashed makes you do and say things you never would anyway, so it really isn't more fun.

Oh yeah, I'm 23 by the way <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I just happened to see this thread.


New member
hi. i dont have cf and i dont smoke but i have a cousin that does. i kno that he does get sick and does vomit. personally i dont think it's good for anyone , and i dont understand y my cuz does this almost nightly. i guess he is jst tryin to fit in with everyone else.


New member
1st off...you shouldnt drink period...2nd off..i used to drink alot..and it didnt do chit...but i dont advice you do it...so make me happy (along with many others) and DONT DRINK! and im glad your starting to stop...


New member
its true that people need to live a little but when you take it overboard and have three or more your just asking for trouble evev i knew that and im just 15


New member
its true that people need to live a little but when you take it overboard and have three or more your just asking for trouble evev i knew that and im just 15


New member
"3 or more" is a bit generalized. It takes some people 1 drink to get smashed, and others it may take as many as 10++. You can't say something like 3 or more and expect it to stick to everyone. Besides which, when people start drinking, you learn pretty fast (especially if you have one bad night, hangover from hell) what your limit is. Just thought I'd point out, even if you're 15 and you know drinking too many isn't good for you, doesn't mean you can tell everyone what their limit is.


New member
wow chill....i didnt mean NEVER drink..im just saying..when you think you can go without one..do so...and he is too young to be drinking!!! think about that one before you dissagree will ya? so basicaly your saying kids my age can drink eh?


New member
Is that what I'm saying? Absolutely not. I didn't check to see the age of the original poster, nor was I really replying to them. I was stating an opinion on the use of the single phrase "3 or more" and how it was too generalized.


New member
Okay. Haha. I was like... o_O <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">