Effect of Mold


New member
HI Everyone!

We are the parents of an almost 2 year old (her bday is next month) and we have another CF baby due in September. We found mold in an unused bedroom in our basement on all four walls from the floor going up the wall and suspect there is mold in our bathroom on the main floor (same floor as our bedrooms) of our house.

What, if any, can this mold do to my daughter with CF? Any advice will help.



New member
HI Everyone!

We are the parents of an almost 2 year old (her bday is next month) and we have another CF baby due in September. We found mold in an unused bedroom in our basement on all four walls from the floor going up the wall and suspect there is mold in our bathroom on the main floor (same floor as our bedrooms) of our house.

What, if any, can this mold do to my daughter with CF? Any advice will help.



New member
HI Everyone!

We are the parents of an almost 2 year old (her bday is next month) and we have another CF baby due in September. We found mold in an unused bedroom in our basement on all four walls from the floor going up the wall and suspect there is mold in our bathroom on the main floor (same floor as our bedrooms) of our house.

What, if any, can this mold do to my daughter with CF? Any advice will help.



New member
I can't speak for your situation, but I will tell you mine. I had that problem 2 yrs. ago. I have two sons with CF and everytime I turned around they were getting sick. I didn't understand why, because their flare ups were very few and far between. The Dr. ask if we had made any changes recently and we said yes, we had bought a home in the country and moved out of town. He ask about mold. I wasn't sure, I knew I had never seen any. A specialist in this matter came and checked my home. It was filled with mold in the air. It was circulating through my air vents. We had to move out for 3 months until it could all be cleaned properly.
I hope you don't have that problem. But this was my situation.

Take care


New member
I can't speak for your situation, but I will tell you mine. I had that problem 2 yrs. ago. I have two sons with CF and everytime I turned around they were getting sick. I didn't understand why, because their flare ups were very few and far between. The Dr. ask if we had made any changes recently and we said yes, we had bought a home in the country and moved out of town. He ask about mold. I wasn't sure, I knew I had never seen any. A specialist in this matter came and checked my home. It was filled with mold in the air. It was circulating through my air vents. We had to move out for 3 months until it could all be cleaned properly.
I hope you don't have that problem. But this was my situation.

Take care


New member
I can't speak for your situation, but I will tell you mine. I had that problem 2 yrs. ago. I have two sons with CF and everytime I turned around they were getting sick. I didn't understand why, because their flare ups were very few and far between. The Dr. ask if we had made any changes recently and we said yes, we had bought a home in the country and moved out of town. He ask about mold. I wasn't sure, I knew I had never seen any. A specialist in this matter came and checked my home. It was filled with mold in the air. It was circulating through my air vents. We had to move out for 3 months until it could all be cleaned properly.
I hope you don't have that problem. But this was my situation.

Take care


New member
Did your kids have to be hospitalized or go on any medication because of this? We are trying to fix the problem but my husband's dad bougth the house for us (we dont actually own it yet) and wont help us fix it and honestly, we dont have the money to fix it...thinking of moving. My daughter's health comes first.


New member
Did your kids have to be hospitalized or go on any medication because of this? We are trying to fix the problem but my husband's dad bougth the house for us (we dont actually own it yet) and wont help us fix it and honestly, we dont have the money to fix it...thinking of moving. My daughter's health comes first.


New member
Did your kids have to be hospitalized or go on any medication because of this? We are trying to fix the problem but my husband's dad bougth the house for us (we dont actually own it yet) and wont help us fix it and honestly, we dont have the money to fix it...thinking of moving. My daughter's health comes first.


New member
Move - don't walk- RUN away

Mold can be so so so hard to remive completely from a home once it has grabbed hold. Having ABPA with CF can really complicate matters and long term exposure to hgih mold levels can cause ABPA even in those without CF who knows how long it woudl take but why risk it. Looking back at when I started having lung troubles it was when living in a mold filled house in a bad area (didnt know I had cf then didnt know it was causing a problem adn my parents were very poor and couldnt move).

I have heard that even if you put in time money to remove the mold it is not always successful and as the other person responded you have to have somewhere else to live while it is done and it can be costly.

I am so sorry for your unfortunate circumstance


New member
Move - don't walk- RUN away

Mold can be so so so hard to remive completely from a home once it has grabbed hold. Having ABPA with CF can really complicate matters and long term exposure to hgih mold levels can cause ABPA even in those without CF who knows how long it woudl take but why risk it. Looking back at when I started having lung troubles it was when living in a mold filled house in a bad area (didnt know I had cf then didnt know it was causing a problem adn my parents were very poor and couldnt move).

I have heard that even if you put in time money to remove the mold it is not always successful and as the other person responded you have to have somewhere else to live while it is done and it can be costly.

I am so sorry for your unfortunate circumstance


New member
Move - don't walk- RUN away

Mold can be so so so hard to remive completely from a home once it has grabbed hold. Having ABPA with CF can really complicate matters and long term exposure to hgih mold levels can cause ABPA even in those without CF who knows how long it woudl take but why risk it. Looking back at when I started having lung troubles it was when living in a mold filled house in a bad area (didnt know I had cf then didnt know it was causing a problem adn my parents were very poor and couldnt move).

I have heard that even if you put in time money to remove the mold it is not always successful and as the other person responded you have to have somewhere else to live while it is done and it can be costly.

I am so sorry for your unfortunate circumstance


New member
Thank you so much! You confirmed what I was thinking and its nice to have someone know about this stuff more than me. She was just diagnosed in November so this is allpretty new to me and at the risk of sounding "stupid", what is ABPA?


New member
Thank you so much! You confirmed what I was thinking and its nice to have someone know about this stuff more than me. She was just diagnosed in November so this is allpretty new to me and at the risk of sounding "stupid", what is ABPA?


New member
Thank you so much! You confirmed what I was thinking and its nice to have someone know about this stuff more than me. She was just diagnosed in November so this is allpretty new to me and at the risk of sounding "stupid", what is ABPA?


New member
you are not stupid at all I apologize for not explaining

In a nutshell ABPA is Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis -- means I am HIGHLY sensitive/allergic to mold bad enough to make it a condition and it really can complicate things.


New member
you are not stupid at all I apologize for not explaining

In a nutshell ABPA is Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis -- means I am HIGHLY sensitive/allergic to mold bad enough to make it a condition and it really can complicate things.


New member
you are not stupid at all I apologize for not explaining

In a nutshell ABPA is Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis -- means I am HIGHLY sensitive/allergic to mold bad enough to make it a condition and it really can complicate things.