Effect of Mold


New member
The mold was in the house when we moved in and therefore it was probably there when my father-in-law bought it for us (we are supposed to take it over next year), wouldnt a house inspection have caught this stuff and not let it sell without getting it fixed?


New member
The mold was in the house when we moved in and therefore it was probably there when my father-in-law bought it for us (we are supposed to take it over next year), wouldnt a house inspection have caught this stuff and not let it sell without getting it fixed?


New member
Hi, I read about your mold problem. Be gratefull that you don't own the house. Don't take it over next year - It sounds like your father in law is not helping you now and what are you going to do if this house becomes yours.

His homeowners ins. might cover some or all of it. You need <i>him</i> to check and call them and get the things moving. Also, if he just bought it I think depending where you live you can go back to the realtor/past home owner and get money from them.

Another thing to think about if you want or need to stay is that if you do get it in your name, your homeowners ins. that you may want to get might not cover the problem because you already knew about it.

Good luck, keep us posted.


New member
Hi, I read about your mold problem. Be gratefull that you don't own the house. Don't take it over next year - It sounds like your father in law is not helping you now and what are you going to do if this house becomes yours.

His homeowners ins. might cover some or all of it. You need <i>him</i> to check and call them and get the things moving. Also, if he just bought it I think depending where you live you can go back to the realtor/past home owner and get money from them.

Another thing to think about if you want or need to stay is that if you do get it in your name, your homeowners ins. that you may want to get might not cover the problem because you already knew about it.

Good luck, keep us posted.


New member
Hi, I read about your mold problem. Be gratefull that you don't own the house. Don't take it over next year - It sounds like your father in law is not helping you now and what are you going to do if this house becomes yours.

His homeowners ins. might cover some or all of it. You need <i>him</i> to check and call them and get the things moving. Also, if he just bought it I think depending where you live you can go back to the realtor/past home owner and get money from them.

Another thing to think about if you want or need to stay is that if you do get it in your name, your homeowners ins. that you may want to get might not cover the problem because you already knew about it.

Good luck, keep us posted.


New member
Mold is going to present a BIG issue if it's not dealt with as soon as possible. Here are some very short articles about CF, mold, allergies, and indoor air quality.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/78634/limiting_exposure_to_mold_in_the_home.html">Limiting Exposure to Mold in the Home</a>
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.helium.com/tm/112521">Allergic Broncho-Pulmonary Aspergilliosis</a>
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.helium.com/tm/112526">Benefits of HEPA filters</a>
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.helium.com/tm/116201">Tips for Improving Indoor Air Quality to Prevent Allergies</a>


New member
Mold is going to present a BIG issue if it's not dealt with as soon as possible. Here are some very short articles about CF, mold, allergies, and indoor air quality.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/78634/limiting_exposure_to_mold_in_the_home.html">Limiting Exposure to Mold in the Home</a>
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.helium.com/tm/112521">Allergic Broncho-Pulmonary Aspergilliosis</a>
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.helium.com/tm/112526">Benefits of HEPA filters</a>
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.helium.com/tm/116201">Tips for Improving Indoor Air Quality to Prevent Allergies</a>


New member
Mold is going to present a BIG issue if it's not dealt with as soon as possible. Here are some very short articles about CF, mold, allergies, and indoor air quality.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/78634/limiting_exposure_to_mold_in_the_home.html">Limiting Exposure to Mold in the Home</a>
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.helium.com/tm/112521">Allergic Broncho-Pulmonary Aspergilliosis</a>
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.helium.com/tm/112526">Benefits of HEPA filters</a>
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.helium.com/tm/116201">Tips for Improving Indoor Air Quality to Prevent Allergies</a>


New member

I just asked my father in law for a copy of the house inspection and his exact reasponse was

"Only official inpections done were the fire marshall's inspecton (because it is a duplex) and one by the building inspector because of an oustanding building permit that had to do with the deck and outside staircase. Bobbie and I did the final inspection of the property to make sure that it had been cleaned and that everything was good to have you move in. We also had the furnance inspection done. Bobbie will probably have copies of these with the final papers from the lawyers. I will copy her on this email and if you call her tonight she could probably help you with what you want. I am on afternoons this week.
> Hope this helps. "

So basically he and his wife, Bobbie, were more concerned with the stairs and deck that lead up to the apartment (which we also own) than the leaks and mold issue he knew about before he even bought the place. I mean seriously? Wouldnt peopl ehave checked this? He isnt a qualified mold/leak inspector and now he is going back on his word about promising to help us fix this leak and mold issue so we are on our own and honestly, we dont have teh fiances to fix it. Totally screwed!

Any suggestions? Run away really fast?


New member

I just asked my father in law for a copy of the house inspection and his exact reasponse was

"Only official inpections done were the fire marshall's inspecton (because it is a duplex) and one by the building inspector because of an oustanding building permit that had to do with the deck and outside staircase. Bobbie and I did the final inspection of the property to make sure that it had been cleaned and that everything was good to have you move in. We also had the furnance inspection done. Bobbie will probably have copies of these with the final papers from the lawyers. I will copy her on this email and if you call her tonight she could probably help you with what you want. I am on afternoons this week.
> Hope this helps. "

So basically he and his wife, Bobbie, were more concerned with the stairs and deck that lead up to the apartment (which we also own) than the leaks and mold issue he knew about before he even bought the place. I mean seriously? Wouldnt peopl ehave checked this? He isnt a qualified mold/leak inspector and now he is going back on his word about promising to help us fix this leak and mold issue so we are on our own and honestly, we dont have teh fiances to fix it. Totally screwed!

Any suggestions? Run away really fast?


New member

I just asked my father in law for a copy of the house inspection and his exact reasponse was

"Only official inpections done were the fire marshall's inspecton (because it is a duplex) and one by the building inspector because of an oustanding building permit that had to do with the deck and outside staircase. Bobbie and I did the final inspection of the property to make sure that it had been cleaned and that everything was good to have you move in. We also had the furnance inspection done. Bobbie will probably have copies of these with the final papers from the lawyers. I will copy her on this email and if you call her tonight she could probably help you with what you want. I am on afternoons this week.
> Hope this helps. "

So basically he and his wife, Bobbie, were more concerned with the stairs and deck that lead up to the apartment (which we also own) than the leaks and mold issue he knew about before he even bought the place. I mean seriously? Wouldnt peopl ehave checked this? He isnt a qualified mold/leak inspector and now he is going back on his word about promising to help us fix this leak and mold issue so we are on our own and honestly, we dont have teh fiances to fix it. Totally screwed!

Any suggestions? Run away really fast?


New member
If you can find somewhere else to live, PLEASE do so. Mold is a HUGE problem for CFers, especially once we're colonized. Dealing with ABPA is a never ending circus, and seasonal allergies alone are very troublesome.

Forget about walking on egg-shells to keep the in-laws happy. It is your JOB and your UTMOST RESPONSIBILITY to protect your child.

I feel very strongly about this because I once a researcher for pediatric asthma. In one home, we observed mold in almost every room, not to mention plenty of other things that were dangerous for respiratory health. The child we were working with in that home DIED of an acute asthma attack. That tragedy could have been prevented.

Please, don't subject your kid to the conditions you've described.


New member
If you can find somewhere else to live, PLEASE do so. Mold is a HUGE problem for CFers, especially once we're colonized. Dealing with ABPA is a never ending circus, and seasonal allergies alone are very troublesome.

Forget about walking on egg-shells to keep the in-laws happy. It is your JOB and your UTMOST RESPONSIBILITY to protect your child.

I feel very strongly about this because I once a researcher for pediatric asthma. In one home, we observed mold in almost every room, not to mention plenty of other things that were dangerous for respiratory health. The child we were working with in that home DIED of an acute asthma attack. That tragedy could have been prevented.

Please, don't subject your kid to the conditions you've described.


New member
If you can find somewhere else to live, PLEASE do so. Mold is a HUGE problem for CFers, especially once we're colonized. Dealing with ABPA is a never ending circus, and seasonal allergies alone are very troublesome.

Forget about walking on egg-shells to keep the in-laws happy. It is your JOB and your UTMOST RESPONSIBILITY to protect your child.

I feel very strongly about this because I once a researcher for pediatric asthma. In one home, we observed mold in almost every room, not to mention plenty of other things that were dangerous for respiratory health. The child we were working with in that home DIED of an acute asthma attack. That tragedy could have been prevented.

Please, don't subject your kid to the conditions you've described.


New member
What state do you live in? I can probably help you find some info in the state regulations that require mold remediation/inspection for real estate. (I'm an environmental scientist by profession)


New member
What state do you live in? I can probably help you find some info in the state regulations that require mold remediation/inspection for real estate. (I'm an environmental scientist by profession)


New member
What state do you live in? I can probably help you find some info in the state regulations that require mold remediation/inspection for real estate. (I'm an environmental scientist by profession)


New member
We are actually in Ontario, Canada.

We have already talked to our CF centre and they have put a request in to do something regarding this but I am sure that will take longer then I haev patience for hehe. I am not only dealing with this mold, leak issue but also with wonderful pregnancy hormones.

Do you know anything regarding regulations in Canada by chance?


New member
We are actually in Ontario, Canada.

We have already talked to our CF centre and they have put a request in to do something regarding this but I am sure that will take longer then I haev patience for hehe. I am not only dealing with this mold, leak issue but also with wonderful pregnancy hormones.

Do you know anything regarding regulations in Canada by chance?


New member
We are actually in Ontario, Canada.

We have already talked to our CF centre and they have put a request in to do something regarding this but I am sure that will take longer then I haev patience for hehe. I am not only dealing with this mold, leak issue but also with wonderful pregnancy hormones.

Do you know anything regarding regulations in Canada by chance?