Effect of Mold


New member

I just read your post about your research you did regarding that child and the house he/she lived in. That is terrible and that is why I am so adement about dealing with this. I dont think my in-laws understand how serious mold is in general but also how bad it is for people with CF or how serious CF is for that matter, he just doesnt get it.

I am at at the point where I ust want to moev out, who cares if it was bought for us, we dont technically own it yet (they havent signed it over) and I dotn want to own it if it is in that state. Who would buy a house that way?

We havent put much money into it so I am tempted to cut my losses and move and I think your message regarding your research has given me the strength to do that. My husband is getting upset as well but he is trying to please his father and over controlling step-mom but yes, we do need to think of Alysa and our unborn CF child and as much as I hate ot say it, say who cares to his dad.

Hopefully we can get this issue resolved. Thank you for all your help. It is deeply appreciated.


New member

I just read your post about your research you did regarding that child and the house he/she lived in. That is terrible and that is why I am so adement about dealing with this. I dont think my in-laws understand how serious mold is in general but also how bad it is for people with CF or how serious CF is for that matter, he just doesnt get it.

I am at at the point where I ust want to moev out, who cares if it was bought for us, we dont technically own it yet (they havent signed it over) and I dotn want to own it if it is in that state. Who would buy a house that way?

We havent put much money into it so I am tempted to cut my losses and move and I think your message regarding your research has given me the strength to do that. My husband is getting upset as well but he is trying to please his father and over controlling step-mom but yes, we do need to think of Alysa and our unborn CF child and as much as I hate ot say it, say who cares to his dad.

Hopefully we can get this issue resolved. Thank you for all your help. It is deeply appreciated.


New member

I just read your post about your research you did regarding that child and the house he/she lived in. That is terrible and that is why I am so adement about dealing with this. I dont think my in-laws understand how serious mold is in general but also how bad it is for people with CF or how serious CF is for that matter, he just doesnt get it.

I am at at the point where I ust want to moev out, who cares if it was bought for us, we dont technically own it yet (they havent signed it over) and I dotn want to own it if it is in that state. Who would buy a house that way?

We havent put much money into it so I am tempted to cut my losses and move and I think your message regarding your research has given me the strength to do that. My husband is getting upset as well but he is trying to please his father and over controlling step-mom but yes, we do need to think of Alysa and our unborn CF child and as much as I hate ot say it, say who cares to his dad.

Hopefully we can get this issue resolved. Thank you for all your help. It is deeply appreciated.


New member
Our doctors explained to us that aspergillus is everywhere. If so there is no way to really get away from it, how are we to protect ourselves. It can be in air, dirt, any type of buildings (homes, schools, stores) It was found at my work, which was removed by specialists but it was found in the air and soil there too, can't remove that and no guarentee that it won't regrow in the office. Of course I don't bring my son here but I don't see a way to get away from this particular mold.


New member
Our doctors explained to us that aspergillus is everywhere. If so there is no way to really get away from it, how are we to protect ourselves. It can be in air, dirt, any type of buildings (homes, schools, stores) It was found at my work, which was removed by specialists but it was found in the air and soil there too, can't remove that and no guarentee that it won't regrow in the office. Of course I don't bring my son here but I don't see a way to get away from this particular mold.


New member
Our doctors explained to us that aspergillus is everywhere. If so there is no way to really get away from it, how are we to protect ourselves. It can be in air, dirt, any type of buildings (homes, schools, stores) It was found at my work, which was removed by specialists but it was found in the air and soil there too, can't remove that and no guarentee that it won't regrow in the office. Of course I don't bring my son here but I don't see a way to get away from this particular mold.


New member
We dont even know what type of mold it is, or even if its creating a problem or not. I just cant believe they bought the house KNOWING there was mold in it and not having it looked at it, knowing we would be taking it over (havent yet) and would be living there with our daughter and stuff.


New member
We dont even know what type of mold it is, or even if its creating a problem or not. I just cant believe they bought the house KNOWING there was mold in it and not having it looked at it, knowing we would be taking it over (havent yet) and would be living there with our daughter and stuff.


New member
We dont even know what type of mold it is, or even if its creating a problem or not. I just cant believe they bought the house KNOWING there was mold in it and not having it looked at it, knowing we would be taking it over (havent yet) and would be living there with our daughter and stuff.


New member
Isn't it a monty python movie that they says "run away, run away" but, seriously, please go. keep explaining to your husband that it is the right thing to do for HIS family.

please keep us posted, I am now hooked on this soap oprah of will she move or will she fix it. lol


New member
Isn't it a monty python movie that they says "run away, run away" but, seriously, please go. keep explaining to your husband that it is the right thing to do for HIS family.

please keep us posted, I am now hooked on this soap oprah of will she move or will she fix it. lol


New member
Isn't it a monty python movie that they says "run away, run away" but, seriously, please go. keep explaining to your husband that it is the right thing to do for HIS family.

please keep us posted, I am now hooked on this soap oprah of will she move or will she fix it. lol


New member
As it stands now, we are still in this stupid house because we cant afford to move anywhere else right now. I am not working because I am 6 months preg and my husband is only considered "casual" at the bank he works at.

We cut out the mold in the basement and it seems to make it better but honestly we are both concerned and upset that my father-in-law (who picked out the house for us) isnt doing much to help us out as far as trying to figure out what the problem is.

BUT... Alysa is now suspected to have asythma (and not sure if her pseudomonous is still there - find out in a week for both things) so I am totally pushing to move out of here.

We'll see... the saga continues.


New member
As it stands now, we are still in this stupid house because we cant afford to move anywhere else right now. I am not working because I am 6 months preg and my husband is only considered "casual" at the bank he works at.

We cut out the mold in the basement and it seems to make it better but honestly we are both concerned and upset that my father-in-law (who picked out the house for us) isnt doing much to help us out as far as trying to figure out what the problem is.

BUT... Alysa is now suspected to have asythma (and not sure if her pseudomonous is still there - find out in a week for both things) so I am totally pushing to move out of here.

We'll see... the saga continues.


New member
As it stands now, we are still in this stupid house because we cant afford to move anywhere else right now. I am not working because I am 6 months preg and my husband is only considered "casual" at the bank he works at.

We cut out the mold in the basement and it seems to make it better but honestly we are both concerned and upset that my father-in-law (who picked out the house for us) isnt doing much to help us out as far as trying to figure out what the problem is.

BUT... Alysa is now suspected to have asythma (and not sure if her pseudomonous is still there - find out in a week for both things) so I am totally pushing to move out of here.

We'll see... the saga continues.


New member
As it stands now, we are still in this stupid house because we cant afford to move anywhere else right now. I am not working because I am 6 months preg and my husband is only considered "casual" at the bank he works at.

We cut out the mold in the basement and it seems to make it better but honestly we are both concerned and upset that my father-in-law (who picked out the house for us) isnt doing much to help us out as far as trying to figure out what the problem is.

BUT... Alysa is now suspected to have asythma (and not sure if her pseudomonous is still there - find out in a week for both things) so I am totally pushing to move out of here.

We'll see... the saga continues.


New member
As it stands now, we are still in this stupid house because we cant afford to move anywhere else right now. I am not working because I am 6 months preg and my husband is only considered "casual" at the bank he works at.

We cut out the mold in the basement and it seems to make it better but honestly we are both concerned and upset that my father-in-law (who picked out the house for us) isnt doing much to help us out as far as trying to figure out what the problem is.

BUT... Alysa is now suspected to have asythma (and not sure if her pseudomonous is still there - find out in a week for both things) so I am totally pushing to move out of here.

We'll see... the saga continues.


New member
As it stands now, we are still in this stupid house because we cant afford to move anywhere else right now. I am not working because I am 6 months preg and my husband is only considered "casual" at the bank he works at.

We cut out the mold in the basement and it seems to make it better but honestly we are both concerned and upset that my father-in-law (who picked out the house for us) isnt doing much to help us out as far as trying to figure out what the problem is.

BUT... Alysa is now suspected to have asythma (and not sure if her pseudomonous is still there - find out in a week for both things) so I am totally pushing to move out of here.

We'll see... the saga continues.


New member
the exposure to mold can be causing the 'asthma' seriously you have to get out of there, no two ways about it. Either you have it professionally removed which will more than likely reqire you to move out for a period of time or you ove out - period!

I am sorry I do not know baout your finances but even if you have to live in a less than ideal situation--erphas with his parents it will be better than the damage you may be doing to her lungs. Please, I am begginnign you, one of the ways a CF'er develops ABAP which seriously complicates CF is chronic mold exposure. There is a HUGE difference between environmental exposure and living in ahouse full of it.


New member
the exposure to mold can be causing the 'asthma' seriously you have to get out of there, no two ways about it. Either you have it professionally removed which will more than likely reqire you to move out for a period of time or you ove out - period!

I am sorry I do not know baout your finances but even if you have to live in a less than ideal situation--erphas with his parents it will be better than the damage you may be doing to her lungs. Please, I am begginnign you, one of the ways a CF'er develops ABAP which seriously complicates CF is chronic mold exposure. There is a HUGE difference between environmental exposure and living in ahouse full of it.