Effect of Mold


New member
I would suggest getting the mold analyzed to see if it is toxic. Your CF center should be able to help you find a place to get this done. If it is toxic, you and your whole family need to get out and get mold panels ASAP. You may want to get a mld panel done on your daughter anyway. Whatever the situation turns out to be you need to get a professional in there to get rid of it and inspect the rest of the house. Mold spores can travel anywhere any if its in the walls you won't know it. Then you can paint your walls with paint that is chemically treated to inhibbit mold growth. You need to take this very seriously for the sake of your entire family and your self!


New member
I would suggest getting the mold analyzed to see if it is toxic. Your CF center should be able to help you find a place to get this done. If it is toxic, you and your whole family need to get out and get mold panels ASAP. You may want to get a mld panel done on your daughter anyway. Whatever the situation turns out to be you need to get a professional in there to get rid of it and inspect the rest of the house. Mold spores can travel anywhere any if its in the walls you won't know it. Then you can paint your walls with paint that is chemically treated to inhibbit mold growth. You need to take this very seriously for the sake of your entire family and your self!


New member
I would suggest getting the mold analyzed to see if it is toxic. Your CF center should be able to help you find a place to get this done. If it is toxic, you and your whole family need to get out and get mold panels ASAP. You may want to get a mld panel done on your daughter anyway. Whatever the situation turns out to be you need to get a professional in there to get rid of it and inspect the rest of the house. Mold spores can travel anywhere any if its in the walls you won't know it. Then you can paint your walls with paint that is chemically treated to inhibbit mold growth. You need to take this very seriously for the sake of your entire family and your self!


New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.treatallergies.com/faq/mould/
Have a look at this, you will find your answers here on what mould does, how to prevent and so on.
We have mould and damp issues also, that is why we are trying to get another house and for our landlord to fix the problem. There is more info on my blog about it. Also check out Vmhoward, she recently got the news that she got a move to a new home, they also had mould problems. So there maybe info on her blog also.


New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.treatallergies.com/faq/mould/
Have a look at this, you will find your answers here on what mould does, how to prevent and so on.
We have mould and damp issues also, that is why we are trying to get another house and for our landlord to fix the problem. There is more info on my blog about it. Also check out Vmhoward, she recently got the news that she got a move to a new home, they also had mould problems. So there maybe info on her blog also.


New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.treatallergies.com/faq/mould/
Have a look at this, you will find your answers here on what mould does, how to prevent and so on.
We have mould and damp issues also, that is why we are trying to get another house and for our landlord to fix the problem. There is more info on my blog about it. Also check out Vmhoward, she recently got the news that she got a move to a new home, they also had mould problems. So there maybe info on her blog also.


What do you do if you don't know wether or not there is mold in the house? Is there a way to check a house before you rent/buy it?


What do you do if you don't know wether or not there is mold in the house? Is there a way to check a house before you rent/buy it?


What do you do if you don't know wether or not there is mold in the house? Is there a way to check a house before you rent/buy it?


New member
you could get a survey done, not sure as to who does this in the US, is it a realator??. They have a machine that they press onto walls that will read a dampness indicator. dampness usually comes with mould. Ask them to specifically check for mould. There are mould growing seasons like all living organisms
Visually look around windows, esp in the bathroom where it gets wet, around the top of walls and bottom of walls, wallpaper will show signs of mould quite easily.If you can smell a musty smell you are smelling mildew, stick your nose into cupboards and behind wardrobes and take a wiff.
Do check out that link I put on above, this info will be in there , somewhere!


New member
you could get a survey done, not sure as to who does this in the US, is it a realator??. They have a machine that they press onto walls that will read a dampness indicator. dampness usually comes with mould. Ask them to specifically check for mould. There are mould growing seasons like all living organisms
Visually look around windows, esp in the bathroom where it gets wet, around the top of walls and bottom of walls, wallpaper will show signs of mould quite easily.If you can smell a musty smell you are smelling mildew, stick your nose into cupboards and behind wardrobes and take a wiff.
Do check out that link I put on above, this info will be in there , somewhere!


New member
you could get a survey done, not sure as to who does this in the US, is it a realator??. They have a machine that they press onto walls that will read a dampness indicator. dampness usually comes with mould. Ask them to specifically check for mould. There are mould growing seasons like all living organisms
Visually look around windows, esp in the bathroom where it gets wet, around the top of walls and bottom of walls, wallpaper will show signs of mould quite easily.If you can smell a musty smell you are smelling mildew, stick your nose into cupboards and behind wardrobes and take a wiff.
Do check out that link I put on above, this info will be in there , somewhere!


New member
The folks that come out to check for mold or other environmental hazards are called Industrial hygenists (in my neck of the woods).

I had mold in my workplace and in my home (small water leak) and became very ill. Was in and out of the hospital and basically near death until we figured out it was caused by mold and were able to remediate it.

They have air and wall censors to check areas and do a study based on indoor/vs outdoor levels.

Mold is not good for anyone especially someone that already has pulmonary problems (asthma, cf etc.). If you are allergic to mold it is even worse.

To clean up my small leak which was on a joint of a pipe (slow drip) they tore apart the wall, removed the mold, treated the wood with anti mold sealant (while sealing the room off from the rest of the house and venting to the outside - negative air pressure). Then everything was rebuilt... in my case it was all covered by my homeowners insurance. The area that was encapsulated is guaranteed not to re-grow mold.

Good Luck to you.


New member
The folks that come out to check for mold or other environmental hazards are called Industrial hygenists (in my neck of the woods).

I had mold in my workplace and in my home (small water leak) and became very ill. Was in and out of the hospital and basically near death until we figured out it was caused by mold and were able to remediate it.

They have air and wall censors to check areas and do a study based on indoor/vs outdoor levels.

Mold is not good for anyone especially someone that already has pulmonary problems (asthma, cf etc.). If you are allergic to mold it is even worse.

To clean up my small leak which was on a joint of a pipe (slow drip) they tore apart the wall, removed the mold, treated the wood with anti mold sealant (while sealing the room off from the rest of the house and venting to the outside - negative air pressure). Then everything was rebuilt... in my case it was all covered by my homeowners insurance. The area that was encapsulated is guaranteed not to re-grow mold.

Good Luck to you.


New member
The folks that come out to check for mold or other environmental hazards are called Industrial hygenists (in my neck of the woods).

I had mold in my workplace and in my home (small water leak) and became very ill. Was in and out of the hospital and basically near death until we figured out it was caused by mold and were able to remediate it.

They have air and wall censors to check areas and do a study based on indoor/vs outdoor levels.

Mold is not good for anyone especially someone that already has pulmonary problems (asthma, cf etc.). If you are allergic to mold it is even worse.

To clean up my small leak which was on a joint of a pipe (slow drip) they tore apart the wall, removed the mold, treated the wood with anti mold sealant (while sealing the room off from the rest of the house and venting to the outside - negative air pressure). Then everything was rebuilt... in my case it was all covered by my homeowners insurance. The area that was encapsulated is guaranteed not to re-grow mold.

Good Luck to you.


New member
Thanks for the help guys.

Craig, I clicked on the link and it said the page was not available, could have been my comp though i will keep trying.

I know the issue is a MAJOR problem which is why I want to get it dealt with, I will phone my local CF centre and see what they can do to help me. If we have to move to make it better for my family and esp. my daughter then I will do that in a heartbeat (I am not that attached to this old house anyway). We also discovered not one, but TWO, leaks in our basement so yeah.... even if the mold is not an issue I think moving is in my near future.


New member
Thanks for the help guys.

Craig, I clicked on the link and it said the page was not available, could have been my comp though i will keep trying.

I know the issue is a MAJOR problem which is why I want to get it dealt with, I will phone my local CF centre and see what they can do to help me. If we have to move to make it better for my family and esp. my daughter then I will do that in a heartbeat (I am not that attached to this old house anyway). We also discovered not one, but TWO, leaks in our basement so yeah.... even if the mold is not an issue I think moving is in my near future.


New member
Thanks for the help guys.

Craig, I clicked on the link and it said the page was not available, could have been my comp though i will keep trying.

I know the issue is a MAJOR problem which is why I want to get it dealt with, I will phone my local CF centre and see what they can do to help me. If we have to move to make it better for my family and esp. my daughter then I will do that in a heartbeat (I am not that attached to this old house anyway). We also discovered not one, but TWO, leaks in our basement so yeah.... even if the mold is not an issue I think moving is in my near future.


New member
The mold was in the house when we moved in and therefore it was probably there when my father-in-law bought it for us (we are supposed to take it over next year), wouldnt a house inspection have caught this stuff and not let it sell without getting it fixed?