eflow and Hypertonic Saline?


Super Moderator
my doc said i can do whichever % of HTS i can tolerate. i don't have major issues with the 7% other than what i mentioned above but as melissa said, i would recommend starting at 3% and working your way up.


Super Moderator
my doc said i can do whichever % of HTS i can tolerate. i don't have major issues with the 7% other than what i mentioned above but as melissa said, i would recommend starting at 3% and working your way up.


Super Moderator
my doc said i can do whichever % of HTS i can tolerate. i don't have major issues with the 7% other than what i mentioned above but as melissa said, i would recommend starting at 3% and working your way up.


Super Moderator
my doc said i can do whichever % of HTS i can tolerate. i don't have major issues with the 7% other than what i mentioned above but as melissa said, i would recommend starting at 3% and working your way up.


Super Moderator
my doc said i can do whichever % of HTS i can tolerate. i don't have major issues with the 7% other than what i mentioned above but as melissa said, i would recommend starting at 3% and working your way up.


New member
I do 7% in my eflow and have for awhile now. I've found that if I mix my xopenex in with the HTS I feel ok, and then I don't have to do two separate nebs. It does hurt my throat, though, so I sip on water throughout the treatment. One problem I've noticed is that the HTS gunks up the metal part a lot quicker than other meds so it needs to be boiled more/soaked in alcohol for longer, and even then it wears out. I try to keep a separate head for HTS so even if that takes longer, my other meds are still quick


New member
I do 7% in my eflow and have for awhile now. I've found that if I mix my xopenex in with the HTS I feel ok, and then I don't have to do two separate nebs. It does hurt my throat, though, so I sip on water throughout the treatment. One problem I've noticed is that the HTS gunks up the metal part a lot quicker than other meds so it needs to be boiled more/soaked in alcohol for longer, and even then it wears out. I try to keep a separate head for HTS so even if that takes longer, my other meds are still quick


New member
I do 7% in my eflow and have for awhile now. I've found that if I mix my xopenex in with the HTS I feel ok, and then I don't have to do two separate nebs. It does hurt my throat, though, so I sip on water throughout the treatment. One problem I've noticed is that the HTS gunks up the metal part a lot quicker than other meds so it needs to be boiled more/soaked in alcohol for longer, and even then it wears out. I try to keep a separate head for HTS so even if that takes longer, my other meds are still quick


New member
I do 7% in my eflow and have for awhile now. I've found that if I mix my xopenex in with the HTS I feel ok, and then I don't have to do two separate nebs. It does hurt my throat, though, so I sip on water throughout the treatment. One problem I've noticed is that the HTS gunks up the metal part a lot quicker than other meds so it needs to be boiled more/soaked in alcohol for longer, and even then it wears out. I try to keep a separate head for HTS so even if that takes longer, my other meds are still quick


New member
I do 7% in my eflow and have for awhile now. I've found that if I mix my xopenex in with the HTS I feel ok, and then I don't have to do two separate nebs. It does hurt my throat, though, so I sip on water throughout the treatment. One problem I've noticed is that the HTS gunks up the metal part a lot quicker than other meds so it needs to be boiled more/soaked in alcohol for longer, and even then it wears out. I try to keep a separate head for HTS so even if that takes longer, my other meds are still quick


So Jaime...you said that you take breaks while you are nebbing and vesting. I can see that working for me, as I do the vest while doing hts in other neb, so it would work timewise for me. But do you ever have a problem with the hts leaking out...since the eflow mouthpiece has to sit at such a precise angle? I had a few problems with that and the azli...the azli would just sorta fall through the metal head. Do you hold the moutpiece in your hand while you wait it out or do you lay it flat on a table (or other type of surface?

I am thinking from what you all said, I will wait till the weekend to try it. This way I dont have to go to work still sounding nasty and tight-chested. I am going to soak it for a bit tonight to clean out the azli...since I am off of it anyway for a few more weeks.


So Jaime...you said that you take breaks while you are nebbing and vesting. I can see that working for me, as I do the vest while doing hts in other neb, so it would work timewise for me. But do you ever have a problem with the hts leaking out...since the eflow mouthpiece has to sit at such a precise angle? I had a few problems with that and the azli...the azli would just sorta fall through the metal head. Do you hold the moutpiece in your hand while you wait it out or do you lay it flat on a table (or other type of surface?

I am thinking from what you all said, I will wait till the weekend to try it. This way I dont have to go to work still sounding nasty and tight-chested. I am going to soak it for a bit tonight to clean out the azli...since I am off of it anyway for a few more weeks.


So Jaime...you said that you take breaks while you are nebbing and vesting. I can see that working for me, as I do the vest while doing hts in other neb, so it would work timewise for me. But do you ever have a problem with the hts leaking out...since the eflow mouthpiece has to sit at such a precise angle? I had a few problems with that and the azli...the azli would just sorta fall through the metal head. Do you hold the moutpiece in your hand while you wait it out or do you lay it flat on a table (or other type of surface?

I am thinking from what you all said, I will wait till the weekend to try it. This way I dont have to go to work still sounding nasty and tight-chested. I am going to soak it for a bit tonight to clean out the azli...since I am off of it anyway for a few more weeks.


So Jaime...you said that you take breaks while you are nebbing and vesting. I can see that working for me, as I do the vest while doing hts in other neb, so it would work timewise for me. But do you ever have a problem with the hts leaking out...since the eflow mouthpiece has to sit at such a precise angle? I had a few problems with that and the azli...the azli would just sorta fall through the metal head. Do you hold the moutpiece in your hand while you wait it out or do you lay it flat on a table (or other type of surface?

I am thinking from what you all said, I will wait till the weekend to try it. This way I dont have to go to work still sounding nasty and tight-chested. I am going to soak it for a bit tonight to clean out the azli...since I am off of it anyway for a few more weeks.


So Jaime...you said that you take breaks while you are nebbing and vesting. I can see that working for me, as I do the vest while doing hts in other neb, so it would work timewise for me. But do you ever have a problem with the hts leaking out...since the eflow mouthpiece has to sit at such a precise angle? I had a few problems with that and the azli...the azli would just sorta fall through the metal head. Do you hold the moutpiece in your hand while you wait it out or do you lay it flat on a table (or other type of surface?
<br />
<br />I am thinking from what you all said, I will wait till the weekend to try it. This way I dont have to go to work still sounding nasty and tight-chested. I am going to soak it for a bit tonight to clean out the azli...since I am off of it anyway for a few more weeks.