<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kaylasdad</b></i>
I think is was because she was having trouble gaining weight.</end quote></div>
Getting put on enzymes in my thirties was wonderful for me. It stabilized my blood sugar for the first time in my life and I quit feeling like I was "starving" all the time. Healing my gut so I no longer needed them was even more fantastic. My son with CF has also bulked up nicely, in a healthy way.
Some things that have helped us:
Coconut oil
Probiotics (which I get via organic yogurt but there are lots of other options)
Sea salt
Dietary changes to avoid/reduce foods that either contain yeast or promote yeast
Reducing the excess acidity of our system, mostly via diet but also with the help of a little diet tonic water when diet alone is not enough.
We have also done a lot to make our home cleaner -- like moving to non-toxic cleaners and getting rid of unnecessary papers and the like -- and that has helped generally take stress off our system.