Until DS was off formula and on regular table food, past the adjustment to whole milk we had issues with constipation from time to time. And it seemed if we adjusted his enzymes even a little bit we'd have issues. We were able to maintain 50th percentile for weight, but his stools were never well formed. They weren't greasy, but they were softer and frequent.
And we also had some issues with poop holding -- associating stooling with discomfort, which would cause a whole other set of issues.
This summer his doctor increased his enzymes and had us split them up through out the meal because of lack of weight gain. And the first couple of weeks, DS was confused because he didn't poop every single time he had to go to the bathroom. Again, he didn't really have issues with loose stools, but more so with frequency.
We usually gave the enzyme adjustment at least a week and if we had major constipation issues, we'd reduce them again. The worst time was the poop holding incidents around the same time he started whole milk at about 16 months. I was convinced the poor kid was going to be on infamil FOREVER! But eventually he adjusted.
And we also had some issues with poop holding -- associating stooling with discomfort, which would cause a whole other set of issues.
This summer his doctor increased his enzymes and had us split them up through out the meal because of lack of weight gain. And the first couple of weeks, DS was confused because he didn't poop every single time he had to go to the bathroom. Again, he didn't really have issues with loose stools, but more so with frequency.
We usually gave the enzyme adjustment at least a week and if we had major constipation issues, we'd reduce them again. The worst time was the poop holding incidents around the same time he started whole milk at about 16 months. I was convinced the poor kid was going to be on infamil FOREVER! But eventually he adjusted.