
New member
hmmmm....I'm with Dawg, seems I remember a post similar to this a few months back....has this happened to you a few times.....this is all just not adding up for me. too many unanswered questions. I would think a hospital would be in serious trouble if they claimed a patient did not have what is usually a clearly documented dx of CF. There are too many pieces to this story missing for me.


New member
hmmmm....I'm with Dawg, seems I remember a post similar to this a few months back....has this happened to you a few times.....this is all just not adding up for me. too many unanswered questions. I would think a hospital would be in serious trouble if they claimed a patient did not have what is usually a clearly documented dx of CF. There are too many pieces to this story missing for me.


New member
hmmmm....I'm with Dawg, seems I remember a post similar to this a few months back....has this happened to you a few times.....this is all just not adding up for me. too many unanswered questions. I would think a hospital would be in serious trouble if they claimed a patient did not have what is usually a clearly documented dx of CF. There are too many pieces to this story missing for me.


New member
hmmmm....I'm with Dawg, seems I remember a post similar to this a few months back....has this happened to you a few times.....this is all just not adding up for me. too many unanswered questions. I would think a hospital would be in serious trouble if they claimed a patient did not have what is usually a clearly documented dx of CF. There are too many pieces to this story missing for me.


New member
hmmmm....I'm with Dawg, seems I remember a post similar to this a few months back....has this happened to you a few times.....this is all just not adding up for me. too many unanswered questions. I would think a hospital would be in serious trouble if they claimed a patient did not have what is usually a clearly documented dx of CF. There are too many pieces to this story missing for me.


Staff member
There was someone else who used to post on this site, but her name was anika and went by cysticfibrosisgirl who had some similar posts.


Staff member
There was someone else who used to post on this site, but her name was anika and went by cysticfibrosisgirl who had some similar posts.


Staff member
There was someone else who used to post on this site, but her name was anika and went by cysticfibrosisgirl who had some similar posts.


Staff member
There was someone else who used to post on this site, but her name was anika and went by cysticfibrosisgirl who had some similar posts.


Staff member
There was someone else who used to post on this site, but her name was anika and went by cysticfibrosisgirl who had some similar posts.


New member
Thanks everyone/My Mother has already reported it to the ER Manager. They took all the details! We told them how we had delt with this same doc be4 and his bedside manners are terrible. We had heard the same from nurses when I was in the hosp. there that he was a real bad doctor with his communication with patients. I recall another cf person here that had simlar problems. With me there is just this one doctor that has come to other conclusions(I have not asked for his opinion or for him to Dx) according to HIS limited findings and DATED information about CF. Our CF accredited place here I went to for diagnosis. Because I was so old and not an infant they refused to deal with me!(I had all the symtoms and they documented that and the genes) Now I go to a Doc who sees lots of CFers late in life diagnosis and ones that are rare. They suggested I go to the closet ER today when I called about my food going right through me for soooooooooo long and chest discomfort. I followed my Dr's orders and this is what happened. The ER I went to was not my Dr.'s connected ER. Different group. They(today's ER Staff) are so ignorant about CF. That staff has pinned me for soooooooooo many things that are not the slightest thing near CF. It is VERY difficult to be called a liar! I am not a liar. I am sick with CF and some ER's just do not have caring staff. They get on a rampage about other diseses like they are trying to be heros in some problem that is not there.
Please use my story <i>nightlife </i>I am honored.
20/w/CF DDF508


New member
Thanks everyone/My Mother has already reported it to the ER Manager. They took all the details! We told them how we had delt with this same doc be4 and his bedside manners are terrible. We had heard the same from nurses when I was in the hosp. there that he was a real bad doctor with his communication with patients. I recall another cf person here that had simlar problems. With me there is just this one doctor that has come to other conclusions(I have not asked for his opinion or for him to Dx) according to HIS limited findings and DATED information about CF. Our CF accredited place here I went to for diagnosis. Because I was so old and not an infant they refused to deal with me!(I had all the symtoms and they documented that and the genes) Now I go to a Doc who sees lots of CFers late in life diagnosis and ones that are rare. They suggested I go to the closet ER today when I called about my food going right through me for soooooooooo long and chest discomfort. I followed my Dr's orders and this is what happened. The ER I went to was not my Dr.'s connected ER. Different group. They(today's ER Staff) are so ignorant about CF. That staff has pinned me for soooooooooo many things that are not the slightest thing near CF. It is VERY difficult to be called a liar! I am not a liar. I am sick with CF and some ER's just do not have caring staff. They get on a rampage about other diseses like they are trying to be heros in some problem that is not there.
Please use my story <i>nightlife </i>I am honored.
20/w/CF DDF508


New member
Thanks everyone/My Mother has already reported it to the ER Manager. They took all the details! We told them how we had delt with this same doc be4 and his bedside manners are terrible. We had heard the same from nurses when I was in the hosp. there that he was a real bad doctor with his communication with patients. I recall another cf person here that had simlar problems. With me there is just this one doctor that has come to other conclusions(I have not asked for his opinion or for him to Dx) according to HIS limited findings and DATED information about CF. Our CF accredited place here I went to for diagnosis. Because I was so old and not an infant they refused to deal with me!(I had all the symtoms and they documented that and the genes) Now I go to a Doc who sees lots of CFers late in life diagnosis and ones that are rare. They suggested I go to the closet ER today when I called about my food going right through me for soooooooooo long and chest discomfort. I followed my Dr's orders and this is what happened. The ER I went to was not my Dr.'s connected ER. Different group. They(today's ER Staff) are so ignorant about CF. That staff has pinned me for soooooooooo many things that are not the slightest thing near CF. It is VERY difficult to be called a liar! I am not a liar. I am sick with CF and some ER's just do not have caring staff. They get on a rampage about other diseses like they are trying to be heros in some problem that is not there.
Please use my story <i>nightlife </i>I am honored.
20/w/CF DDF508


New member
Thanks everyone/My Mother has already reported it to the ER Manager. They took all the details! We told them how we had delt with this same doc be4 and his bedside manners are terrible. We had heard the same from nurses when I was in the hosp. there that he was a real bad doctor with his communication with patients. I recall another cf person here that had simlar problems. With me there is just this one doctor that has come to other conclusions(I have not asked for his opinion or for him to Dx) according to HIS limited findings and DATED information about CF. Our CF accredited place here I went to for diagnosis. Because I was so old and not an infant they refused to deal with me!(I had all the symtoms and they documented that and the genes) Now I go to a Doc who sees lots of CFers late in life diagnosis and ones that are rare. They suggested I go to the closet ER today when I called about my food going right through me for soooooooooo long and chest discomfort. I followed my Dr's orders and this is what happened. The ER I went to was not my Dr.'s connected ER. Different group. They(today's ER Staff) are so ignorant about CF. That staff has pinned me for soooooooooo many things that are not the slightest thing near CF. It is VERY difficult to be called a liar! I am not a liar. I am sick with CF and some ER's just do not have caring staff. They get on a rampage about other diseses like they are trying to be heros in some problem that is not there.
Please use my story <i>nightlife </i>I am honored.
20/w/CF DDF508


New member
Thanks everyone/My Mother has already reported it to the ER Manager. They took all the details! We told them how we had delt with this same doc be4 and his bedside manners are terrible. We had heard the same from nurses when I was in the hosp. there that he was a real bad doctor with his communication with patients. I recall another cf person here that had simlar problems. With me there is just this one doctor that has come to other conclusions(I have not asked for his opinion or for him to Dx) according to HIS limited findings and DATED information about CF. Our CF accredited place here I went to for diagnosis. Because I was so old and not an infant they refused to deal with me!(I had all the symtoms and they documented that and the genes) Now I go to a Doc who sees lots of CFers late in life diagnosis and ones that are rare. They suggested I go to the closet ER today when I called about my food going right through me for soooooooooo long and chest discomfort. I followed my Dr's orders and this is what happened. The ER I went to was not my Dr.'s connected ER. Different group. They(today's ER Staff) are so ignorant about CF. That staff has pinned me for soooooooooo many things that are not the slightest thing near CF. It is VERY difficult to be called a liar! I am not a liar. I am sick with CF and some ER's just do not have caring staff. They get on a rampage about other diseses like they are trying to be heros in some problem that is not there.
<br />Please use my story <i>nightlife </i>I am honored.
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<br />20/w/CF DDF508
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