Escape from "Care Bear Land"


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it's not petty - i'm just curious what the scoop is.

a thread was started by someone who said they needed a break. a natural question is, what does a break entail?

i didn't start the thread! if one is going to start a thread, one must anticipate being asked questions.

Fred spoke about how he can't stand the drama anymore and how much he needs a break. But he's still around. So this contradiction naturally brings up the question - was he just posting in the beginning to get sympathy and attention with no intentions to leave? OR is there something else going on ? i think it's a very logical question.


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Escape from "Care Bear Land

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>65rosessamurai</b>[/

So, for now, I'm taking a longer "sabbatical" from this site.

</end quote></div>

The 1st contradiction was that Fred said he was forced to move to Japan. Then he came back and said that he wasn't.

Now he's saying that the drama is just too much for him to take - he needs a sabbatical from the site. But he's still around.

This is nothing personal - but when I see contradictions, I'm gunna call people out on it. Regardless of who you are.


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>amy</b></i>

So this contradiction naturally brings up the question - was he just posting in the beginning to get sympathy and attention with no intentions to leave? OR is there something else going on ? i think it's a very logical question.</end quote></div>

My logical question is.....does it really matter what his intentions are/were?
Don't we have better things to do with our time than nit-pick at each other?
If that's all I had time to do, then I would consider that I need to get a life or use the shortened life that I do have for more constructive things.


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amy , your sig " fight on " you really live up to that. why are you deliberately picking fights? are you bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! janet uk


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I think as Fred knows, he is an asset to this forum. He is never one to pick fights or stoop to anyone's level.
When people pick fights over trivial matters, it usually indicates something else going on. I wouldn't take it personally.


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We must all pick and choose our battles wisely....this one ( the past few posts) is stupid. Fred i am glad you are back and staying, if you contradicted anything in a past post, i couldnt care less.... I'm not the internet police .

Amy , give him a break, he just wanted a break, he took it and came back, who cares how long his version of a break is, as long as he feels better about things. This is the kind of nonsense that starts needless arguments . Now let's all have a group hug <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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AMEN Diane

Group Hug <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


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<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">Group hug here too<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


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Yeah man! Those of you who pick one sentence out of a post and harp on it are just assinine. You missed the entire point of the post (Fred's) that people tear each other apart here over the smallest misstatements or errors. It makes some of us sad that we come here and find such wonderful people fighting literally for their, or their loved ones lives, looking for a little sanity in an insane situation, and have to deal with the wasteful pettiness of some of the reactions to the post. And then there's the reactions to the reactions...I'd better stop now--I'm reacting.


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Amy you know I love you, but even this is over nothing. Let it go. He took a break, and now he's back. A break means a different time period for everyone. If he wanted to take a break for a day then great, if he wants one longer that's great too. Just let it go.

((((((((((((Group HUg)))))))))))))))


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kayleesgrandma</b></i>

It makes some of us sad that we come here and find such wonderful people fighting literally for their, or their loved ones lives, looking for a little sanity in an insane situation, and have to deal with the wasteful pettiness of some of the reactions to the post..</end quote></div>

You go Teri!!! Well said.


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

amy , your sig " fight on " you really live up to that. why are you deliberately picking fights? are you bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! janet uk</end quote></div>

FIGHT ON is the matto of my alma mater.

And I'm not picking fights. I just think it's stupid when people try to get attention by saying good bye just to hear others tell them how great they are and how much they'll be missed. Then the person doesn't leave.


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i still don't get why i'm the only one on this site besides julie or seana who is able to post with balls. care to help me out on that one, anon?


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Amy what part of the previous posts on this thread don't you get? Obviously, the term "sabbatical". It can be one day, one week, one month and so. If you notice the date of Fred's blog--it was the 20th, he came back on the 25th. He was just fed up the night he posted. I have not been here long, but have [I<b>]never</b></i> seen Fred act in any way that would suggest that he is doing this all for attention. It doesn't take "balls" to be jealous of someone else. You have been here alot longer than me, so I don't know you, but all the others here are saying knock it off, you're being petty. Why would they say this? Fred is 41yrs old, for heaven's sake, he is a little old for these sandbox games. Why is it every time somebody says that this place is driving them crazy, and they're going to take a break, someone always says that person is doing it for attention? And I just went back and read your replys to Fred--and yes, you did miss the point of his post--that (some) people are mean to each other here...


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Escape from "Care Bear Land

A lot of boards have their drama queens, self-appointed "experts", bigots, oldtimers who don't think the rules apply to them, attention whores, and just plain "stupid" people. (This board being no expection.)

But Fred isn't one of them.

Fred has always posted and chatted as a gentlemen, knows other cultures well, and has tried hard over the years to balance his personal life with his management of his illness and his other personal needs.

Which is why his oriinal post concerned me. (If <b>he</b> is alientated by member behavior-by the lack of civility and empathy for other cultures eetc, then what do newcomers from all over the world make of us?)

And why nit picky attacks on him seem so very inappropriate and mean spirited.



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Escape from "Care Bear Land

Well said Lisa! I must admit that I'm actually getting scared at what is happening to this site--look at the remarks from overnite. I think the best way to stop these people is to not even reply to their remarks--to skip over their remarks as if they weren't there. But then what about the newcomers...I can understand SD being this way, but I don't understand why Amy is attacking Fred as she is. As you said, he has always been honorable and classy. Thank you for putting into words what I felt about all this.