Ever had nasal polyps because of CF


New member
My son is 15 with C.F., and has very bad headaches from sinus infections. He has had 3 surgeries and is still with pressure headaches. Nothing seems to relieve the pain. He uses Neilmed sinus rinse 2x/day. Do you have these very bad headaches? What are you using to relieve the pain?


New member
My son is 15 with C.F., and has very bad headaches from sinus infections. He has had 3 surgeries and is still with pressure headaches. Nothing seems to relieve the pain. He uses Neilmed sinus rinse 2x/day. Do you have these very bad headaches? What are you using to relieve the pain?


New member
My daughter is 9 and when she was first dx'ed she had a lot of polyps on the left side of her nasal passage. We were going to have them removed surgically but we were advised to wait. The cf doctor prescribed Fluticasone (generic flonase) and they shrunk completely within a very short time. I am not sure that this nose spray will work that well for everyone or if it will continue to work for us. It has been just about 1 year on this med. So far so good.


New member
My daughter is 9 and when she was first dx'ed she had a lot of polyps on the left side of her nasal passage. We were going to have them removed surgically but we were advised to wait. The cf doctor prescribed Fluticasone (generic flonase) and they shrunk completely within a very short time. I am not sure that this nose spray will work that well for everyone or if it will continue to work for us. It has been just about 1 year on this med. So far so good.


New member
My daughter is 9 and when she was first dx'ed she had a lot of polyps on the left side of her nasal passage. We were going to have them removed surgically but we were advised to wait. The cf doctor prescribed Fluticasone (generic flonase) and they shrunk completely within a very short time. I am not sure that this nose spray will work that well for everyone or if it will continue to work for us. It has been just about 1 year on this med. So far so good.


New member
My daughter is 9 and when she was first dx'ed she had a lot of polyps on the left side of her nasal passage. We were going to have them removed surgically but we were advised to wait. The cf doctor prescribed Fluticasone (generic flonase) and they shrunk completely within a very short time. I am not sure that this nose spray will work that well for everyone or if it will continue to work for us. It has been just about 1 year on this med. So far so good.


New member
My daughter is 9 and when she was first dx'ed she had a lot of polyps on the left side of her nasal passage. We were going to have them removed surgically but we were advised to wait. The cf doctor prescribed Fluticasone (generic flonase) and they shrunk completely within a very short time. I am not sure that this nose spray will work that well for everyone or if it will continue to work for us. It has been just about 1 year on this med. So far so good.


New member
<center>I also have had many. I have already had 3 going on 4 surgeries.I've been told that they may go away for a while but they will never completely go away.


New member
<center>I also have had many. I have already had 3 going on 4 surgeries.I've been told that they may go away for a while but they will never completely go away.


New member
<center>I also have had many. I have already had 3 going on 4 surgeries.I've been told that they may go away for a while but they will never completely go away.


New member
<center>I also have had many. I have already had 3 going on 4 surgeries.I've been told that they may go away for a while but they will never completely go away.


New member
<center>I also have had many. I have already had 3 going on 4 surgeries.I've been told that they may go away for a while but they will never completely go away.