One, welcome and hello and such.
Two, I do agree to a point. I certainly agree when it comes to people complaining about things like "Boohoo I got a Nissan when I wanted a BMW." But generally I keep that to myself or tell other CFers about it. Occasionally I'll tell my boyfriend. I don't tell the people complaining "Hey, you're stupid!" The car thing is pretty shallow and awful. But let's take someone complaining about the flu or a cold. Yeah it's lame and short and will be gone before they know it, but it sucks in the meantime.
Three, as others have said, it's very much about perspective. I have a port and needing another one would be like "Ehhh, I don't want to, but okay." At the same time, if my doc mentioned a G tube, I'd be like "No way no way no way!" I've never had one, and I don't want one. It doesn't mean I'm a whiner or I have no real problems and should shut up.
Four, what you said to Liz was uncalled for. Very very VERY few of us take the health we do have for granted. If we have 80% PFTs, we're still doing pretty well, we know that. BUT it's still not fun to have less than we used to. We're allowed to acknowledge that. I have roughly 70% PFTs. I generally try not to complain because I can still go to school and such. But when I get a flare-up and cough so hard my head hurts, I get sweaty, my throat is raw, etc etc, YEAH I'm going to complain. Know why? It sucks! I'm not saying "Oh my god, I'm dying, and everyone should pity me right this second." I'm saying "Okay, this really sucks, and you guys will understand, so I'm going to tell you." It's not a pity-fest or a complain-a-thon. This is just the <i>best</i> place to do it because anyone you tell this stuff to here... will truly understand what you're saying.
As an attachment to number four, we all have seen people die as well. I'm sure we could make a very lovely list. We've lost people right from this board. Two I can think of that died within the past 6 months. And I'm probably forgetting some. We know what CF really does. We see it all the time. It doesn't mean that when we complain, we're forgetting these people. We're just displeased with the decline in health and the change (<i><b>AGAIN...</b></i>) in what we need to be doing in our every day routine. It doesn't mean we have any less love or respect for those who have passed before us (and their families).
Okay I think that's enough from me.