Everyone lets calm down a little here...


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>ewhsdavism</b></i>My dad bought me the Nissan Pathfinder when I wanted the BMW 350Z!!!!"</end quote></div>

the 350Z is a nissan...get your cars straight!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>littledebbie</b></i>

PS...Classic Sean, I love the way you give everyone a taste of your "Alice in wonderland-esque" thought process when they start and introduction thread. Always leaves me floundering to see if it related in anyway to the post, like a Brain teaser from school, on that one the only real tie in i got was the complaining factor...how'd i do?</end quote></div>

Well i'm tired and about to go to sleep after a long day/night. But (and no offense to the new guy poster), I saw it as pretty ironic, because he is posting stating his complaints about others complaining. Instead of pointing out such an obvious thing (to me anyways), I just thought i'd be irrelevant for no reason and post the very first fleeting complaint thought that came into my mind, and for some reason it was about strippers not warning other strippers that I didn't want to buy a dance, and in turn I get asked 1000 times.

I had a more amusing metaphor about an old lady that is part of a neighborhood watch group hanging out waiting for people to walk by so they can talk to them because they are lonely, but it occured to me only after I hit reply, and as everyone knows, i'm pretty lazy.


New member
Heh why edit that out Karen? It has always given me a chuckle when the real nice people that don't even say anything mean edit out their post, apparently thinking they might have "gone too far". That was light years away from mean.

Anyways, I gotta sleep.


New member
I think this is pretty funny. I mean, i can maybe see the relevance about people saying we should relax when it comes to us nit picking at each other (we only do it out of love, I'm sure!), but for someone to come to a cf forum that has cf to tell us we shouldn't talk about our problems...I think that's kinda funny.

Just because we talk about our issues does not necassarily mean we have a negative perspective on our health. It's just good to get it out sometimes.



Digital opinion leader
Welcome Mike, always good to have someone else's two cents. The more people we have here, the more perspectives. There is usually something on every thread that I can learn from, that's why I'm here.

I enjoyed Risa's poem and will pass it along. Thanks


New member
One, welcome and hello and such.

Two, I do agree to a point. I certainly agree when it comes to people complaining about things like "Boohoo I got a Nissan when I wanted a BMW." But generally I keep that to myself or tell other CFers about it. Occasionally I'll tell my boyfriend. I don't tell the people complaining "Hey, you're stupid!" The car thing is pretty shallow and awful. But let's take someone complaining about the flu or a cold. Yeah it's lame and short and will be gone before they know it, but it sucks in the meantime.

Three, as others have said, it's very much about perspective. I have a port and needing another one would be like "Ehhh, I don't want to, but okay." At the same time, if my doc mentioned a G tube, I'd be like "No way no way no way!" I've never had one, and I don't want one. It doesn't mean I'm a whiner or I have no real problems and should shut up.

Four, what you said to Liz was uncalled for. Very very VERY few of us take the health we do have for granted. If we have 80% PFTs, we're still doing pretty well, we know that. BUT it's still not fun to have less than we used to. We're allowed to acknowledge that. I have roughly 70% PFTs. I generally try not to complain because I can still go to school and such. But when I get a flare-up and cough so hard my head hurts, I get sweaty, my throat is raw, etc etc, YEAH I'm going to complain. Know why? It sucks! I'm not saying "Oh my god, I'm dying, and everyone should pity me right this second." I'm saying "Okay, this really sucks, and you guys will understand, so I'm going to tell you." It's not a pity-fest or a complain-a-thon. This is just the <i>best</i> place to do it because anyone you tell this stuff to here... will truly understand what you're saying.

As an attachment to number four, we all have seen people die as well. I'm sure we could make a very lovely list. We've lost people right from this board. Two I can think of that died within the past 6 months. And I'm probably forgetting some. We know what CF really does. We see it all the time. It doesn't mean that when we complain, we're forgetting these people. We're just displeased with the decline in health and the change (<i><b>AGAIN...</b></i>) in what we need to be doing in our every day routine. It doesn't mean we have any less love or respect for those who have passed before us (and their families).

Okay I think that's enough from me.


New member
Ok, so I agree with you I think! On some things anyway. For a lot of the posters on here things could be a heck of a lot worse, but on the other hand what may seem minor to one person can seem huge to another, so I guess as said before, its all relative.

It all depends on how you look at it. There are some people and I would describe them as 'very cf people'. Like everything is about their cf. And they have this terminal illness, and its awful, and its all negative, but thats just how they are. Even though they actually mightned be all that sick.

Then there are people who are very sick but yet positive, and cf isn't going to stop them, and so they don't dwell on it very much, and dont need to talk about it very much.

In conclusion (and there is one!) I'm not sure if I agree with you or not. I guess until you walk in another man's shoes you can never judge them. . .


New member
Welcome Michael

My Brother's name is Michael , it is also my Son's middle name...

I Hope You like it here,,, It can get fun at times......

I guess I am one of the 80 % ,, Has anyone seen my lung, I would like it back,
I remember when I was 18, I was running the 60 yard dash in 6 flat, and I
could play foot ball , baseball all day long,
I am not complaining, just remembering when I my pft's were about 50


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>ewhsdavism</b></i>
<b>it really doesn't seem as if 80% of the people here are really that sick</b></end quote></div>

From PFT "survey" threads alone, it does seem there are a pretty equal number of mild, modererate, and severe cases here. Put the "that sick" line wherever you want.


New member
I think it's good to talk about issues. But I think it's also good for people to take a step back at times, like in this topic, and see that they may be very lucky in the whole scheme of things. A short man may be sad that's he's 5'6", but what about the guy that's 5'1"? It doesn't make things better, but sometimes it's frustrating for those that are even worse off to see those that are better off talking about how bad it is. And those that are worse off (like Michael) have every right to vent about feeling bad seeing the better off complain. I'm sure it's bad even in mild cases, I don't even have CF, however, my partner does. She is only 19 and it's almost a miracle when her PFTs can get up to 40, and scary when they get below 30. I basically rejoice then they're in the high 30s. I don't think many people here would be rejoiced to have PFTs in the high 30s at age 19, though some would. I hope she lives past age 30. Some people here would cry over those numbers if it were at them, which is understandable. And of course there's even those that are worse off.

I don't think the point is to stop complaining about problems, but rather appreciate some of the circumstances you are in, if you had viewed them as entirely negative before. When I read posts that talk about how bad it is that their numbers dropped to the 60s, it doesn't make me think "oh, well I have it worse, so shut up!" because I don't have the disease. But it makes me worry more and more, and even get sad that my partner will most likely never see the 60s again in her life unless they cure it. Words couldn't describe my joy if my partner's lung function was suddenly in the 60s. 80s? That wouldn't even be believable. To be a bit more graphic, if a man complains about his penis size, that it's an inch below average, and talks about how disadvantaged he is and how horrible it is, I'm sure that makes the even smaller guy feel even worse. Complaints are fine, but they do affect other people.

All complaints are relative, someone that's obese might find someone complaining about being 15 lbs overweight to be ridiculous. Someone being 15 lbs overweight might find it ridiculous that someone just 2 lbs overweight complains. Maybe some people cry about not getting the car they want. Is there really something wrong with that if it truly makes them unhappy? I'd say no, but I think their unhappiness could be changed if they appreciated what they have that is good, rather than what is bad. I think if you completely condemn Michael's views, then it would be hypocritical to draw some kind of arbitrary line at any level of complaints.


New member
When women speak, or type, or verbalise their feelings in any sense, their brains produce seratonin.

I'm pro-seratonin, and I'm sure many on this site are.

If that means complaining about FEV1's dropping from 80% to 75%, and you get a seratonin kick, that's what this site is all about. Supporting each other no matter what the struggle.

I heart seratonin.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I don't think the point is to stop complaining about problems, but rather appreciate some of the circumstances you are in, if you had viewed them as entirely negative before.</end quote></div>

That's a key point. <b>IF</b> you viewed them as entirely negative before. We're allowed to see the negative in things, even if they're not <i>all</i> negative. I see negative in my PFTs being around 70%, because for years, I was in the 90-100% range. At the same time, I see lots of positive in being 70% because it means I'm not 60, 50, 40, or anything lower. You have to have kind of a balanced view of it. Hate the parts that suck, be grateful for the things that suck that haven't happened yet.


New member
I think you should know more about cf before you bitch at people about how they feel. Just cause your sick and dont have 80, doesnt mean people at 80 dont feel sick. Ive a function of 73 and can drop to 50 over night. Now tell me how that feels on my body?? Thats right you cant, cause you have no idea. How bout the fact that I have 73, but my weight and blood can be weak, and I feel anemic and diabetic most of the time. Cf works on many different levels of sickness, numbers mean *****. You should go to a psych to control your projection and displacement over your cf. People on this site suffer too. Your not the only one. Grow up and be a soldier instead of crying about it. Now ***** off.



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Chad</b></i>

I think you should know more about cf before you bitch at people about how they feel. Just cause your sick and dont have 80, doesnt mean people at 80 dont feel sick. Ive a function of 73 and can drop to 50 over night. Now tell me how that feels on my body?? Thats right you cant, cause you have no idea. How bout the fact that I have 73, but my weight and blood can be weak, and I feel anemic and diabetic most of the time. Cf works on many different levels of sickness, numbers mean *****. You should go to a psych to control your projection and displacement over your cf. People on this site suffer too. Your not the only one. Grow up and be a soldier instead of crying about it. Now ***** off.

Chad</end quote></div>

I love canadians. We're a lovely bunch of blunt people, aren't we hehe


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>amy</b></i>

When women speak, or type, or verbalise their feelings in any sense, their brains produce seratonin.

</end quote></div>

And if a male is present, especially while driving, it can (and just today it did, I worked the accident) produce auto accidents <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">