Exercise and Eating??


New member
I've thought about rejoining a gym but I have some concerns. I have read that MRSA is on the rise in gym settings, and as we all know, MSRA one of the big bugs that we all strive to avoid. The study I read was just about the prevelence in normal people. I suspect if the study was just of CFers (and it wasn't), the numbers would be even greater since we are comprimised. So I am not sure if it is worth the risk.


New member
I've thought about rejoining a gym but I have some concerns. I have read that MRSA is on the rise in gym settings, and as we all know, MSRA one of the big bugs that we all strive to avoid. The study I read was just about the prevelence in normal people. I suspect if the study was just of CFers (and it wasn't), the numbers would be even greater since we are comprimised. So I am not sure if it is worth the risk.


New member
I've thought about rejoining a gym but I have some concerns. I have read that MRSA is on the rise in gym settings, and as we all know, MSRA one of the big bugs that we all strive to avoid. The study I read was just about the prevelence in normal people. I suspect if the study was just of CFers (and it wasn't), the numbers would be even greater since we are comprimised. So I am not sure if it is worth the risk.


New member
I've thought about rejoining a gym but I have some concerns. I have read that MRSA is on the rise in gym settings, and as we all know, MSRA one of the big bugs that we all strive to avoid. The study I read was just about the prevelence in normal people. I suspect if the study was just of CFers (and it wasn't), the numbers would be even greater since we are comprimised. So I am not sure if it is worth the risk.


New member
I've thought about rejoining a gym but I have some concerns. I have read that MRSA is on the rise in gym settings, and as we all know, MSRA one of the big bugs that we all strive to avoid. The study I read was just about the prevelence in normal people. I suspect if the study was just of CFers (and it wasn't), the numbers would be even greater since we are comprimised. So I am not sure if it is worth the risk.


New member
I definitely like the idea of finding a class or something. I may have to look into that and see what I can find. I really enjoy dancing and was doing ballroom classes for a while until I moved, so maybe I can find that here. That's nice because just when I think I can't do anymore the song ends and I get a short break to catch my breath. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
I haven't really tried the Wii Fit so I don't know anything about that. I think my parents have one that they never use. Maybe I can convince them to send it to me for my health. haha. Maybe that can give me an idea of what I can handle before I go jumping into classes...
Thanks for all the ideas!!


New member
I definitely like the idea of finding a class or something. I may have to look into that and see what I can find. I really enjoy dancing and was doing ballroom classes for a while until I moved, so maybe I can find that here. That's nice because just when I think I can't do anymore the song ends and I get a short break to catch my breath. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
I haven't really tried the Wii Fit so I don't know anything about that. I think my parents have one that they never use. Maybe I can convince them to send it to me for my health. haha. Maybe that can give me an idea of what I can handle before I go jumping into classes...
Thanks for all the ideas!!


New member
I definitely like the idea of finding a class or something. I may have to look into that and see what I can find. I really enjoy dancing and was doing ballroom classes for a while until I moved, so maybe I can find that here. That's nice because just when I think I can't do anymore the song ends and I get a short break to catch my breath. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
I haven't really tried the Wii Fit so I don't know anything about that. I think my parents have one that they never use. Maybe I can convince them to send it to me for my health. haha. Maybe that can give me an idea of what I can handle before I go jumping into classes...
Thanks for all the ideas!!


New member
I definitely like the idea of finding a class or something. I may have to look into that and see what I can find. I really enjoy dancing and was doing ballroom classes for a while until I moved, so maybe I can find that here. That's nice because just when I think I can't do anymore the song ends and I get a short break to catch my breath. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
I haven't really tried the Wii Fit so I don't know anything about that. I think my parents have one that they never use. Maybe I can convince them to send it to me for my health. haha. Maybe that can give me an idea of what I can handle before I go jumping into classes...
Thanks for all the ideas!!


New member
I definitely like the idea of finding a class or something. I may have to look into that and see what I can find. I really enjoy dancing and was doing ballroom classes for a while until I moved, so maybe I can find that here. That's nice because just when I think I can't do anymore the song ends and I get a short break to catch my breath. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />I haven't really tried the Wii Fit so I don't know anything about that. I think my parents have one that they never use. Maybe I can convince them to send it to me for my health. haha. Maybe that can give me an idea of what I can handle before I go jumping into classes...
<br />Thanks for all the ideas!!


i lift weights 3-4 times a week. i can eat before without throwing up as i don't really cough from lifting weights.

however with cardio, anything consumed before--> water/food/etc will come out the same end it went in. to try and stop this from happening i try to run/jog on an empty stomach.

i tend to throw up too if coughing a lot after eating. again i try to do my treatments on an empty stomach/after small snack if only option.

i dont like treadmills/ellipticals/swimming (hands get too wrinkly!) it's either rowing machine/biking/jogging/walking for me.


i lift weights 3-4 times a week. i can eat before without throwing up as i don't really cough from lifting weights.

however with cardio, anything consumed before--> water/food/etc will come out the same end it went in. to try and stop this from happening i try to run/jog on an empty stomach.

i tend to throw up too if coughing a lot after eating. again i try to do my treatments on an empty stomach/after small snack if only option.

i dont like treadmills/ellipticals/swimming (hands get too wrinkly!) it's either rowing machine/biking/jogging/walking for me.


i lift weights 3-4 times a week. i can eat before without throwing up as i don't really cough from lifting weights.

however with cardio, anything consumed before--> water/food/etc will come out the same end it went in. to try and stop this from happening i try to run/jog on an empty stomach.

i tend to throw up too if coughing a lot after eating. again i try to do my treatments on an empty stomach/after small snack if only option.

i dont like treadmills/ellipticals/swimming (hands get too wrinkly!) it's either rowing machine/biking/jogging/walking for me.


i lift weights 3-4 times a week. i can eat before without throwing up as i don't really cough from lifting weights.

however with cardio, anything consumed before--> water/food/etc will come out the same end it went in. to try and stop this from happening i try to run/jog on an empty stomach.

i tend to throw up too if coughing a lot after eating. again i try to do my treatments on an empty stomach/after small snack if only option.

i dont like treadmills/ellipticals/swimming (hands get too wrinkly!) it's either rowing machine/biking/jogging/walking for me.


i lift weights 3-4 times a week. i can eat before without throwing up as i don't really cough from lifting weights.
<br />
<br />however with cardio, anything consumed before--> water/food/etc will come out the same end it went in. to try and stop this from happening i try to run/jog on an empty stomach.
<br />
<br />i tend to throw up too if coughing a lot after eating. again i try to do my treatments on an empty stomach/after small snack if only option.
<br />
<br />i dont like treadmills/ellipticals/swimming (hands get too wrinkly!) it's either rowing machine/biking/jogging/walking for me.


New member
I LOVE my Wii Fit. We also got Wii Resort. I did that today and got a good work out bowling, stick fighting and throwing basketballs.

I also dance.... turn on my I-Tunes and dance. I do like walking on spring or fall afternoons with the family. I am very limited due to my joint issues (CF and Non-CF related).

I don't have trouble with loosing my lunch. My problem is my blood sugars take a nose dive after exercising. MUST have a snack IMMEDIATELY after exercising (usually a 6-8 ounce glass of orange juice and a handful of nuts).


New member
I LOVE my Wii Fit. We also got Wii Resort. I did that today and got a good work out bowling, stick fighting and throwing basketballs.

I also dance.... turn on my I-Tunes and dance. I do like walking on spring or fall afternoons with the family. I am very limited due to my joint issues (CF and Non-CF related).

I don't have trouble with loosing my lunch. My problem is my blood sugars take a nose dive after exercising. MUST have a snack IMMEDIATELY after exercising (usually a 6-8 ounce glass of orange juice and a handful of nuts).


New member
I LOVE my Wii Fit. We also got Wii Resort. I did that today and got a good work out bowling, stick fighting and throwing basketballs.

I also dance.... turn on my I-Tunes and dance. I do like walking on spring or fall afternoons with the family. I am very limited due to my joint issues (CF and Non-CF related).

I don't have trouble with loosing my lunch. My problem is my blood sugars take a nose dive after exercising. MUST have a snack IMMEDIATELY after exercising (usually a 6-8 ounce glass of orange juice and a handful of nuts).


New member
I LOVE my Wii Fit. We also got Wii Resort. I did that today and got a good work out bowling, stick fighting and throwing basketballs.

I also dance.... turn on my I-Tunes and dance. I do like walking on spring or fall afternoons with the family. I am very limited due to my joint issues (CF and Non-CF related).

I don't have trouble with loosing my lunch. My problem is my blood sugars take a nose dive after exercising. MUST have a snack IMMEDIATELY after exercising (usually a 6-8 ounce glass of orange juice and a handful of nuts).


New member
I LOVE my Wii Fit. We also got Wii Resort. I did that today and got a good work out bowling, stick fighting and throwing basketballs.
<br />
<br />I also dance.... turn on my I-Tunes and dance. I do like walking on spring or fall afternoons with the family. I am very limited due to my joint issues (CF and Non-CF related).
<br />
<br />I don't have trouble with loosing my lunch. My problem is my blood sugars take a nose dive after exercising. MUST have a snack IMMEDIATELY after exercising (usually a 6-8 ounce glass of orange juice and a handful of nuts).