Face masks


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Uli</b></i>

I´m 44 with cf. I spent my vacations as kid mostly on a farm, had different pets, visited school and studied. I worked at the foreigners office for over 20 years, going to work in buses and underground trains filled with people, and met several customers each day from many countries. I travelled mostly by plane to many destinations like USA, Africa, Australia, Asia, ate at streetcookings, tried fresh fruit on the street without a possibility to wash my hands, petted dogs and cats, used some very weird toilets.

Of course I got a cold sometimes, but only once a high fever with diarroeh and I would do it all again! For me thats life and I would never want to wear a mask.

In my opinion everybodys immune system needs to fight germs to get stronger and not get allergies instead.

Uli,44,Germany,cf/cfrd</end quote></div>

I would have love to been along for these adventures. It sounds so much fun. Even with the fevers & diahreah. Worth it all - TO LIVE TO THE FULLEST!


New member
I'm agree with others that they are hot and sweaty and suffocating. And I am too vain...if you consider not wanting to announce my health issues to the world vain that is. Also, my issue has never been in "catching" anything from anyone, for me it's more like the bugs I have get out of control or seasonal triggers set my lungs off....not like I catch someones flu or cold. I will wear a mask in the hospital if I have to leave my room or something (I'm not nutso) but I honestly see zero value in just wearing one on a daily basis. I already feel like I'm gasping a lot I certainly wouldn't want to exacerbate that feeling.


New member
I'm agree with others that they are hot and sweaty and suffocating. And I am too vain...if you consider not wanting to announce my health issues to the world vain that is. Also, my issue has never been in "catching" anything from anyone, for me it's more like the bugs I have get out of control or seasonal triggers set my lungs off....not like I catch someones flu or cold. I will wear a mask in the hospital if I have to leave my room or something (I'm not nutso) but I honestly see zero value in just wearing one on a daily basis. I already feel like I'm gasping a lot I certainly wouldn't want to exacerbate that feeling.


New member
I'm agree with others that they are hot and sweaty and suffocating. And I am too vain...if you consider not wanting to announce my health issues to the world vain that is. Also, my issue has never been in "catching" anything from anyone, for me it's more like the bugs I have get out of control or seasonal triggers set my lungs off....not like I catch someones flu or cold. I will wear a mask in the hospital if I have to leave my room or something (I'm not nutso) but I honestly see zero value in just wearing one on a daily basis. I already feel like I'm gasping a lot I certainly wouldn't want to exacerbate that feeling.


New member
I have to agree with what most of them have said, but now on the flip side I have started to wear one more often. Not so much worried about getting something that makes me wear one all the time, but when the pollution levels are exceedingly high or I am going into a crowded area like a theather or Hospital. I agree that a person needs to get sick in order for thier immune system to get stronger. Since I no longer have an immune system or one that I am allowed to build stronger I have started wearing a mask on occasions, the yellow surgical masks. They do get very hot from time to time. I guess I am lucky in a sence that my lungs nerve endings no longer function to trigger the coughing spazms I once sufffered from. Now it is just an annoyance if it starts to effect me. I will leave it on when around a crowd or I will find a place to be alone long enough to remove to cool back down.


New member
I have to agree with what most of them have said, but now on the flip side I have started to wear one more often. Not so much worried about getting something that makes me wear one all the time, but when the pollution levels are exceedingly high or I am going into a crowded area like a theather or Hospital. I agree that a person needs to get sick in order for thier immune system to get stronger. Since I no longer have an immune system or one that I am allowed to build stronger I have started wearing a mask on occasions, the yellow surgical masks. They do get very hot from time to time. I guess I am lucky in a sence that my lungs nerve endings no longer function to trigger the coughing spazms I once sufffered from. Now it is just an annoyance if it starts to effect me. I will leave it on when around a crowd or I will find a place to be alone long enough to remove to cool back down.


New member
I have to agree with what most of them have said, but now on the flip side I have started to wear one more often. Not so much worried about getting something that makes me wear one all the time, but when the pollution levels are exceedingly high or I am going into a crowded area like a theather or Hospital. I agree that a person needs to get sick in order for thier immune system to get stronger. Since I no longer have an immune system or one that I am allowed to build stronger I have started wearing a mask on occasions, the yellow surgical masks. They do get very hot from time to time. I guess I am lucky in a sence that my lungs nerve endings no longer function to trigger the coughing spazms I once sufffered from. Now it is just an annoyance if it starts to effect me. I will leave it on when around a crowd or I will find a place to be alone long enough to remove to cool back down.


New member
I can see your point and I do wear them at times. At our CF Clinic, it is required & when visiting someone in the hospital I wear them at times in the hallways, elevators and depending on what the patient I'm visiting has, I will sometimes wear them in their room.
I hate wearing them and wonder how surgeons can wear those things for hours on end?!
If I were to ever be transplanted, I would wear one more often, at least in the beginning, until the anti-rejection med levels were lowered.
I do feel freak-ish when I wear one & some people and kids stare.

The reason why I don't wear them more often? Probably because quality of life is as important as quantity to me and even if I gain a few more months of life because of wearing a mask all the time, was it really worth it?
I like to see people's faces and expressions when I'm visiting with them & assume everyone else is this way too, so that would be another reason that I would not wear one all of the time.


New member
I can see your point and I do wear them at times. At our CF Clinic, it is required & when visiting someone in the hospital I wear them at times in the hallways, elevators and depending on what the patient I'm visiting has, I will sometimes wear them in their room.
I hate wearing them and wonder how surgeons can wear those things for hours on end?!
If I were to ever be transplanted, I would wear one more often, at least in the beginning, until the anti-rejection med levels were lowered.
I do feel freak-ish when I wear one & some people and kids stare.

The reason why I don't wear them more often? Probably because quality of life is as important as quantity to me and even if I gain a few more months of life because of wearing a mask all the time, was it really worth it?
I like to see people's faces and expressions when I'm visiting with them & assume everyone else is this way too, so that would be another reason that I would not wear one all of the time.


New member
I can see your point and I do wear them at times. At our CF Clinic, it is required & when visiting someone in the hospital I wear them at times in the hallways, elevators and depending on what the patient I'm visiting has, I will sometimes wear them in their room.
I hate wearing them and wonder how surgeons can wear those things for hours on end?!
If I were to ever be transplanted, I would wear one more often, at least in the beginning, until the anti-rejection med levels were lowered.
I do feel freak-ish when I wear one & some people and kids stare.

The reason why I don't wear them more often? Probably because quality of life is as important as quantity to me and even if I gain a few more months of life because of wearing a mask all the time, was it really worth it?
I like to see people's faces and expressions when I'm visiting with them & assume everyone else is this way too, so that would be another reason that I would not wear one all of the time.


New member
I don't wear one for the same reasons most people have stated- I have a hard time breathing through them and the heat, etc. makes it hard for me to wear one for long. I do keep a blue one in my purse in case I should need it.


New member
I don't wear one for the same reasons most people have stated- I have a hard time breathing through them and the heat, etc. makes it hard for me to wear one for long. I do keep a blue one in my purse in case I should need it.


New member
I don't wear one for the same reasons most people have stated- I have a hard time breathing through them and the heat, etc. makes it hard for me to wear one for long. I do keep a blue one in my purse in case I should need it.


New member
my dr makes me wear them when i leave my room at the hospital, but other then that i never wear them (other then in shop class).

i probably should wear them when flying/beign in close corridors, but so far i havent.

my biggest complaint is the closterphobia! ahh! haha thats all i can say. too close for comfort.


New member
my dr makes me wear them when i leave my room at the hospital, but other then that i never wear them (other then in shop class).

i probably should wear them when flying/beign in close corridors, but so far i havent.

my biggest complaint is the closterphobia! ahh! haha thats all i can say. too close for comfort.


New member
my dr makes me wear them when i leave my room at the hospital, but other then that i never wear them (other then in shop class).

i probably should wear them when flying/beign in close corridors, but so far i havent.

my biggest complaint is the closterphobia! ahh! haha thats all i can say. too close for comfort.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I hate wearing them and wonder how surgeons can wear those things for hours on end?! </end quote></div>

I wondered this myself. I only have to wear them for about 45 min. while my son has his PICCs placed, and they make me feel like I'm suffocating. And I don't have CF. And I get all hot and sweaty. Plus, since I fidget with it so much, I'd actually be touching my face more than I normally would, probably making it more likely that I'd get sick.

I don't actually have CF, my son does, so sorry to butt in! I just wonder how doctors do it. (stethoscopes too, they hurt like a b----!) Must just get used to it I guess.