I don't mean to get on my soapbox, but I had to ask how many of you out there cannot stand your doctor?????????? I am an adult with CF and I absolutely cannot stand my doctor. I have put up with her for several years (over 5)and I cannot stand her anymore. I have recently inquired about changing doctors and was told by several people that SHE is the ONLY Adult Cf doctor in my city. Needless to say, I was completely shocked. It has gotten to the point that I am avoiding checkups because I cannot tolerate her attitude any longer. She is a very negative doctor and she seems to enjoy dwelling on he negative and only the negative. I have never had a doctor like her before and I was diagnosed at age 11, So I have had many doctors. Two years ago I was hospitalized due to an infection and she pretty much proved how uncaring and incompetent she was. She called in all my meds wrong, wrong dosage amount that is. If I hadn't known my dosages so well who knows what would have happened. She put me on an i.v. med that didn't kill the infection and lo and behold I was hospitalized again weeks later. Also, due to doctor miscommunication with her and another doctor I was subjected to having my p.i.c.c. line removed and replaced with another one in another arm when their was nothing wrong with the first one. I was also informed by her that I had Staph, put on meds for that also and then was later told it was just a contaminated blood sample. She has admitted to me that these mistakes were her fault although she has been FAR from apologetic. She is very arrogant, cold and uncaring and tries to make it seem that there is no hope for the future. Even though my health is still fairly good, I am not on oxygen and I do all my meds like I am supposed to. She is always riding my back and always give me some type of attitude. Do any other people have this type of problem with their doctor? And what do you do when SHE is the only CF doctor around. She has also prescribed several meds that I didn't need and told me to take them on a daily, Everyday, such as a laxative. The nurse actually told me the doctor told me to take them everyday, regularly. I am pretty sure that a laxative is NOT something you should take permanently, as it can cause serious problems and cause dependency. Also my doctor is not calling in my meds regularly and therefore I am without some of them for days at a time. She has been doing this for years and I am now fed up. The meds thing is starting to effect my health now. What Can I do???? nyone have some ideas? Help!!!!!! She is very unreliable!!