Feeling lonely even with a partner


New member
Hey, ok. I'm not in a relationship right at this moment because my boyfriend broke up with me because he can't deal with the wait for a lung transplant and all the realities that come a long with it. But my dad and I and my sister all read this and have come to the same conclusion...
<br />
<br />This guy needs to be given the boot! A relationship is about give and take and it seems to me like he is doing a lot of taking and no giving. Even when I was dating my boyfriend, he would have to go to bed early some nights bc he would need to wake up early for field excercises (he was in the army) so I would go to bed early too, I maybe didn't go to sleep at the same time but I went to bed and read after he fell asleep. He compromised with me having to sleep with a loud Oxygen concentrator and he took extra care in where he parked and other thoughtful things so that I didn't get as short of breath or have to work as hard to do things. Your boyfriend needs to do the same thing for you! He should not be talking to you in snide remarks about your crying, he should be comforting your sad emotions. At the very least a break to figure out where you guys are at and what you are looking for in eachother.


New member
He's usually really good about cystic fibrosis and that's the thing...every once in a while he gets in his moods and I call them his selfish moods.
But honestly, most of the time he is really good about it and that is why I was asking if you guys thought I was asking too much...I guess I didn't give enough info...
He calls me after my classes and asks if I'm hungry should he start making something for me, he gets on me to do my treatments, he makes sure we leave if we are somewhere and others are smoking...etc, etc...
Now that you know how attentive he usually is, do you think I should excuse when he has his moments...
I just want to be fair to him, but I can't help but feel lonely in those moments...


New member
He's usually really good about cystic fibrosis and that's the thing...every once in a while he gets in his moods and I call them his selfish moods.
But honestly, most of the time he is really good about it and that is why I was asking if you guys thought I was asking too much...I guess I didn't give enough info...
He calls me after my classes and asks if I'm hungry should he start making something for me, he gets on me to do my treatments, he makes sure we leave if we are somewhere and others are smoking...etc, etc...
Now that you know how attentive he usually is, do you think I should excuse when he has his moments...
I just want to be fair to him, but I can't help but feel lonely in those moments...


New member
He's usually really good about cystic fibrosis and that's the thing...every once in a while he gets in his moods and I call them his selfish moods.
<br />But honestly, most of the time he is really good about it and that is why I was asking if you guys thought I was asking too much...I guess I didn't give enough info...
<br />He calls me after my classes and asks if I'm hungry should he start making something for me, he gets on me to do my treatments, he makes sure we leave if we are somewhere and others are smoking...etc, etc...
<br />Now that you know how attentive he usually is, do you think I should excuse when he has his moments...
<br />I just want to be fair to him, but I can't help but feel lonely in those moments...


New member
No one is perfect, let him have his moods if on the whole he makes you happy. I'm sure you're not perfect all the time- no one is- what if he was questioning your relationship every time you're crabby or bitchy? Everybody goes through the "he drives me nuts" times. No one else can tell you if you should keep him or boot him. But maybe you should forgive him his moments if he forgives yours. If men booted me every time I got pissy, I'd be dumped every other day!

~Aimee, 27 CF w/ PA & MRSA


New member
No one is perfect, let him have his moods if on the whole he makes you happy. I'm sure you're not perfect all the time- no one is- what if he was questioning your relationship every time you're crabby or bitchy? Everybody goes through the "he drives me nuts" times. No one else can tell you if you should keep him or boot him. But maybe you should forgive him his moments if he forgives yours. If men booted me every time I got pissy, I'd be dumped every other day!

~Aimee, 27 CF w/ PA & MRSA


New member
No one is perfect, let him have his moods if on the whole he makes you happy. I'm sure you're not perfect all the time- no one is- what if he was questioning your relationship every time you're crabby or bitchy? Everybody goes through the "he drives me nuts" times. No one else can tell you if you should keep him or boot him. But maybe you should forgive him his moments if he forgives yours. If men booted me every time I got pissy, I'd be dumped every other day!
<br />
<br />~Aimee, 27 CF w/ PA & MRSA


New member
My dad thinks you should excuse them. As long as he's staying attentative. Excuse the here and there selfishness bouts he has. Understand maybe needs some ME time and you can have your ME time at the same the time. But if he starts looking for more and more slack, re think it. This is really only a decision you can make.


New member
My dad thinks you should excuse them. As long as he's staying attentative. Excuse the here and there selfishness bouts he has. Understand maybe needs some ME time and you can have your ME time at the same the time. But if he starts looking for more and more slack, re think it. This is really only a decision you can make.


New member
My dad thinks you should excuse them. As long as he's staying attentative. Excuse the here and there selfishness bouts he has. Understand maybe needs some ME time and you can have your ME time at the same the time. But if he starts looking for more and more slack, re think it. This is really only a decision you can make.


New member
You're completely right...and he definitely deals with my share of moods and I know it...Most of the time I recognize it, but sometimes I forget. He really is great... My parents are going through a divorce and I'm in college struggling a bit so I need to take a step back and look at maybe what I'm really upset about...
Sometimes you just need someone to help you through when you may not be thinking straight. I'm glad I asked for help here. Thanks everyone!


New member
You're completely right...and he definitely deals with my share of moods and I know it...Most of the time I recognize it, but sometimes I forget. He really is great... My parents are going through a divorce and I'm in college struggling a bit so I need to take a step back and look at maybe what I'm really upset about...
Sometimes you just need someone to help you through when you may not be thinking straight. I'm glad I asked for help here. Thanks everyone!


New member
You're completely right...and he definitely deals with my share of moods and I know it...Most of the time I recognize it, but sometimes I forget. He really is great... My parents are going through a divorce and I'm in college struggling a bit so I need to take a step back and look at maybe what I'm really upset about...
<br />Sometimes you just need someone to help you through when you may not be thinking straight. I'm glad I asked for help here. Thanks everyone!


New member
I have this issue as well, so i absolutly feel for you. The only difference is that i dont have CF my gf does. most nights she procrasinates, she may look up something on the internet or whatever. then she will complain about feeling tired the next day lol.


New member
I have this issue as well, so i absolutly feel for you. The only difference is that i dont have CF my gf does. most nights she procrasinates, she may look up something on the internet or whatever. then she will complain about feeling tired the next day lol.


New member
I have this issue as well, so i absolutly feel for you. The only difference is that i dont have CF my gf does. most nights she procrasinates, she may look up something on the internet or whatever. then she will complain about feeling tired the next day lol.