This is the first time i've posted - been reading lots now for a few months and have found it quite helpful.
Unfortunatley Im going through a very rough patch with my CF and am getting very discouraged.
Im 31 years old, diagnosed at age 9. Been very healthy up until about 5 years ago. Started getting some pretty bad chest infections and ending up in hospital for a PICC - which at the time seemed to be the end of the world. Boy was I wrong.
About 2 weeks ago my husband and I were camping and I had a tension pneumothroax. Scariest pain of my life. Stabbing pain and couldn't catch my breath. Made it to the hospital by ambulance just in time to releave the tension part of it, and got a chest tube put in to help inflat the lung again.
I am no starting in to week 3 and still have the pneumothorax. They changed to a bigger chest tube in hopes that it would suck more air out - which it did - but then had a big cough and seem to pop another air hole. They then decided to insert a second chest tube and add some Talc powder in hopes to glue the lung to the chest wall - therefore preventing another pneumo. Wrong - didn't work again, and I really reacted to the Talc. Im so scared and don't know what the next option is - other than surgery of course - which they go in and staple up the lung and Talc it again, but there is a pretty high risk with the anesetic - my FEV1 is only 32%.
So thats it in a nutshell. If there is anyone out there that can give me any comforting words and hope I'd really appreciate it.
Unfortunatley Im going through a very rough patch with my CF and am getting very discouraged.
Im 31 years old, diagnosed at age 9. Been very healthy up until about 5 years ago. Started getting some pretty bad chest infections and ending up in hospital for a PICC - which at the time seemed to be the end of the world. Boy was I wrong.
About 2 weeks ago my husband and I were camping and I had a tension pneumothroax. Scariest pain of my life. Stabbing pain and couldn't catch my breath. Made it to the hospital by ambulance just in time to releave the tension part of it, and got a chest tube put in to help inflat the lung again.
I am no starting in to week 3 and still have the pneumothorax. They changed to a bigger chest tube in hopes that it would suck more air out - which it did - but then had a big cough and seem to pop another air hole. They then decided to insert a second chest tube and add some Talc powder in hopes to glue the lung to the chest wall - therefore preventing another pneumo. Wrong - didn't work again, and I really reacted to the Talc. Im so scared and don't know what the next option is - other than surgery of course - which they go in and staple up the lung and Talc it again, but there is a pretty high risk with the anesetic - my FEV1 is only 32%.
So thats it in a nutshell. If there is anyone out there that can give me any comforting words and hope I'd really appreciate it.