<b>Old Lungs</b>
<b>FEV1:</b> below 16% (never been tested again the months after it read 16 because it was too tiring but i felt they were lower)
<b>o2 sats resting:</b> 85% - 90%
<b>o2 sats with physio, minimal exercise, 3 liter o2:</b> about 90%
<b>Heartrate resting:</b> 110 - 130
<b>New Lungs (with emphysema we just found out 1.5 months ago)</b>
<b>FEV1:</b> around 50%
<b>o2 sats resting:</b> 97% - 100%
<b>o2 with phsyio:</b> 95% - 98%
<b>Heartrate resting:</b> 90 - 100