FEV1 worse then it should be


New member
I wonder if you have a really bad asthmatic component to your CF. Just a thought. Inflammation can really hurt PFT's as well. Reflux can also cause asthmatic like issues from micro aspirations of your stomach contents into your lungs. It might be worth checking into.
Good luck, I hope they figure out what is going on with you.
Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I wonder if you have a really bad asthmatic component to your CF. Just a thought. Inflammation can really hurt PFT's as well. Reflux can also cause asthmatic like issues from micro aspirations of your stomach contents into your lungs. It might be worth checking into.
Good luck, I hope they figure out what is going on with you.
Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I wonder if you have a really bad asthmatic component to your CF. Just a thought. Inflammation can really hurt PFT's as well. Reflux can also cause asthmatic like issues from micro aspirations of your stomach contents into your lungs. It might be worth checking into.
Good luck, I hope they figure out what is going on with you.
Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I wonder if you have a really bad asthmatic component to your CF. Just a thought. Inflammation can really hurt PFT's as well. Reflux can also cause asthmatic like issues from micro aspirations of your stomach contents into your lungs. It might be worth checking into.
Good luck, I hope they figure out what is going on with you.
Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I wonder if you have a really bad asthmatic component to your CF. Just a thought. Inflammation can really hurt PFT's as well. Reflux can also cause asthmatic like issues from micro aspirations of your stomach contents into your lungs. It might be worth checking into.
<br />Good luck, I hope they figure out what is going on with you.
<br />Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I was going to say the same thing as JustDucky (btw I love that phrase, I use it all the time).

It sounds to me like inflammation is the cuprit. Baseline inflammation, asthma, irritants, allergies, side effects from inhaled meds, changes in temperature, intolerance to exercise - there are so many sources of inflammation. And yes, GERD can cause inflammation and coughing too.

Yikes, Ducky, you took the words right out of my bill (lol).


New member
I was going to say the same thing as JustDucky (btw I love that phrase, I use it all the time).

It sounds to me like inflammation is the cuprit. Baseline inflammation, asthma, irritants, allergies, side effects from inhaled meds, changes in temperature, intolerance to exercise - there are so many sources of inflammation. And yes, GERD can cause inflammation and coughing too.

Yikes, Ducky, you took the words right out of my bill (lol).


New member
I was going to say the same thing as JustDucky (btw I love that phrase, I use it all the time).

It sounds to me like inflammation is the cuprit. Baseline inflammation, asthma, irritants, allergies, side effects from inhaled meds, changes in temperature, intolerance to exercise - there are so many sources of inflammation. And yes, GERD can cause inflammation and coughing too.

Yikes, Ducky, you took the words right out of my bill (lol).


New member
I was going to say the same thing as JustDucky (btw I love that phrase, I use it all the time).

It sounds to me like inflammation is the cuprit. Baseline inflammation, asthma, irritants, allergies, side effects from inhaled meds, changes in temperature, intolerance to exercise - there are so many sources of inflammation. And yes, GERD can cause inflammation and coughing too.

Yikes, Ducky, you took the words right out of my bill (lol).


New member
I was going to say the same thing as JustDucky (btw I love that phrase, I use it all the time).
<br />
<br />It sounds to me like inflammation is the cuprit. Baseline inflammation, asthma, irritants, allergies, side effects from inhaled meds, changes in temperature, intolerance to exercise - there are so many sources of inflammation. And yes, GERD can cause inflammation and coughing too.
<br />
<br />Yikes, Ducky, you took the words right out of my bill (lol).


New member
What is the name of the fungus? Is it Trichosporon? It is not commonly found in CF lungs. If so it normally is located on the skin. From everything my husband has read it has some pretty nasty effects. Our daughter is being treated for it now. A word though, there is no standard course of treatment for it, so our daughters doctors have changed course of treatment 3 times in a week. She was on Amphotericin B for a week, and now they are sending her home on nebulized Amphotericin and Voraconizole. The normal course is 4 weeks but they think hers is localized and not systemic so nebulized should work better. I would look more into the fungus, even if your bloodwork doesn't show you are having allergic reaction. I wish you all the best


New member
What is the name of the fungus? Is it Trichosporon? It is not commonly found in CF lungs. If so it normally is located on the skin. From everything my husband has read it has some pretty nasty effects. Our daughter is being treated for it now. A word though, there is no standard course of treatment for it, so our daughters doctors have changed course of treatment 3 times in a week. She was on Amphotericin B for a week, and now they are sending her home on nebulized Amphotericin and Voraconizole. The normal course is 4 weeks but they think hers is localized and not systemic so nebulized should work better. I would look more into the fungus, even if your bloodwork doesn't show you are having allergic reaction. I wish you all the best


New member
What is the name of the fungus? Is it Trichosporon? It is not commonly found in CF lungs. If so it normally is located on the skin. From everything my husband has read it has some pretty nasty effects. Our daughter is being treated for it now. A word though, there is no standard course of treatment for it, so our daughters doctors have changed course of treatment 3 times in a week. She was on Amphotericin B for a week, and now they are sending her home on nebulized Amphotericin and Voraconizole. The normal course is 4 weeks but they think hers is localized and not systemic so nebulized should work better. I would look more into the fungus, even if your bloodwork doesn't show you are having allergic reaction. I wish you all the best


New member
What is the name of the fungus? Is it Trichosporon? It is not commonly found in CF lungs. If so it normally is located on the skin. From everything my husband has read it has some pretty nasty effects. Our daughter is being treated for it now. A word though, there is no standard course of treatment for it, so our daughters doctors have changed course of treatment 3 times in a week. She was on Amphotericin B for a week, and now they are sending her home on nebulized Amphotericin and Voraconizole. The normal course is 4 weeks but they think hers is localized and not systemic so nebulized should work better. I would look more into the fungus, even if your bloodwork doesn't show you are having allergic reaction. I wish you all the best


New member
What is the name of the fungus? Is it Trichosporon? It is not commonly found in CF lungs. If so it normally is located on the skin. From everything my husband has read it has some pretty nasty effects. Our daughter is being treated for it now. A word though, there is no standard course of treatment for it, so our daughters doctors have changed course of treatment 3 times in a week. She was on Amphotericin B for a week, and now they are sending her home on nebulized Amphotericin and Voraconizole. The normal course is 4 weeks but they think hers is localized and not systemic so nebulized should work better. I would look more into the fungus, even if your bloodwork doesn't show you are having allergic reaction. I wish you all the best