first ct scan



At age 3, Aidan was able to go through a sinus CT without sedation. i got to stay with him and talk to him. he just couldn't talk back. It worked out great. It did not take the 15 minutes they told me it would take. Aidan has had three sinus surgeries and he only just turned 4. I hate sinuses! Best of luck.



At age 3, Aidan was able to go through a sinus CT without sedation. i got to stay with him and talk to him. he just couldn't talk back. It worked out great. It did not take the 15 minutes they told me it would take. Aidan has had three sinus surgeries and he only just turned 4. I hate sinuses! Best of luck.



At age 3, Aidan was able to go through a sinus CT without sedation. i got to stay with him and talk to him. he just couldn't talk back. It worked out great. It did not take the 15 minutes they told me it would take. Aidan has had three sinus surgeries and he only just turned 4. I hate sinuses! Best of luck.



At age 3, Aidan was able to go through a sinus CT without sedation. i got to stay with him and talk to him. he just couldn't talk back. It worked out great. It did not take the 15 minutes they told me it would take. Aidan has had three sinus surgeries and he only just turned 4. I hate sinuses! Best of luck.



At age 3, Aidan was able to go through a sinus CT without sedation. i got to stay with him and talk to him. he just couldn't talk back. It worked out great. It did not take the 15 minutes they told me it would take. Aidan has had three sinus surgeries and he only just turned 4. I hate sinuses! Best of luck.
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<br />Megan


New member
I agree with the others - the sedation will probably only be used if she gets really upset and it shouldn't take 15 minutes. If she has a tendency to get really scared or upset about things like this you should ask for something for her to take orally that would just make her a little groggy so she would be more relaxed.

My son was quite a bit older, when he had his first CT scan but he is on the autism spectrum so I was really concerned about him feeling comfortable. I was able to go in with him and talk to him and have him take a look around first. He said it was much bigger than what he envisioned because even though we had all told him it was like a giant "donut" he still had it in his mind that it was somehow small like a donut and he didn't understand how that was going to work :) Anyway, he was fine and I was able to stand right next to the machine behind a plexiglass/plastic door type thing - I could see still see him through it so that made me feel better too.


New member
I agree with the others - the sedation will probably only be used if she gets really upset and it shouldn't take 15 minutes. If she has a tendency to get really scared or upset about things like this you should ask for something for her to take orally that would just make her a little groggy so she would be more relaxed.

My son was quite a bit older, when he had his first CT scan but he is on the autism spectrum so I was really concerned about him feeling comfortable. I was able to go in with him and talk to him and have him take a look around first. He said it was much bigger than what he envisioned because even though we had all told him it was like a giant "donut" he still had it in his mind that it was somehow small like a donut and he didn't understand how that was going to work :) Anyway, he was fine and I was able to stand right next to the machine behind a plexiglass/plastic door type thing - I could see still see him through it so that made me feel better too.


New member
I agree with the others - the sedation will probably only be used if she gets really upset and it shouldn't take 15 minutes. If she has a tendency to get really scared or upset about things like this you should ask for something for her to take orally that would just make her a little groggy so she would be more relaxed.

My son was quite a bit older, when he had his first CT scan but he is on the autism spectrum so I was really concerned about him feeling comfortable. I was able to go in with him and talk to him and have him take a look around first. He said it was much bigger than what he envisioned because even though we had all told him it was like a giant "donut" he still had it in his mind that it was somehow small like a donut and he didn't understand how that was going to work :) Anyway, he was fine and I was able to stand right next to the machine behind a plexiglass/plastic door type thing - I could see still see him through it so that made me feel better too.


New member
I agree with the others - the sedation will probably only be used if she gets really upset and it shouldn't take 15 minutes. If she has a tendency to get really scared or upset about things like this you should ask for something for her to take orally that would just make her a little groggy so she would be more relaxed.

My son was quite a bit older, when he had his first CT scan but he is on the autism spectrum so I was really concerned about him feeling comfortable. I was able to go in with him and talk to him and have him take a look around first. He said it was much bigger than what he envisioned because even though we had all told him it was like a giant "donut" he still had it in his mind that it was somehow small like a donut and he didn't understand how that was going to work :) Anyway, he was fine and I was able to stand right next to the machine behind a plexiglass/plastic door type thing - I could see still see him through it so that made me feel better too.


New member
I agree with the others - the sedation will probably only be used if she gets really upset and it shouldn't take 15 minutes. If she has a tendency to get really scared or upset about things like this you should ask for something for her to take orally that would just make her a little groggy so she would be more relaxed.
<br />
<br />My son was quite a bit older, when he had his first CT scan but he is on the autism spectrum so I was really concerned about him feeling comfortable. I was able to go in with him and talk to him and have him take a look around first. He said it was much bigger than what he envisioned because even though we had all told him it was like a giant "donut" he still had it in his mind that it was somehow small like a donut and he didn't understand how that was going to work :) Anyway, he was fine and I was able to stand right next to the machine behind a plexiglass/plastic door type thing - I could see still see him through it so that made me feel better too.


New member
Zoe just had hers a couple of months ago. One thing the nurses told me to do seemed to help a lot. We 'practiced" at home. We pretended we were 'statues' and laid down on the floor, then I would pretend there was a donut like thing going over her head. I explained to her that it would make a little noise, but wouldn't touch her at all.The whole 'statue' thing really worked. Also, explaining to her that if she laid like a statue and didn't move, she wouldn't have to have an i.v. really made a difference. But if your child hasn't had many i.v.'s, not knowing what they are, that may not help you.
It does only take a few minutes and they let me hold her hand the whole time.
Good luck!


New member
Zoe just had hers a couple of months ago. One thing the nurses told me to do seemed to help a lot. We 'practiced" at home. We pretended we were 'statues' and laid down on the floor, then I would pretend there was a donut like thing going over her head. I explained to her that it would make a little noise, but wouldn't touch her at all.The whole 'statue' thing really worked. Also, explaining to her that if she laid like a statue and didn't move, she wouldn't have to have an i.v. really made a difference. But if your child hasn't had many i.v.'s, not knowing what they are, that may not help you.
It does only take a few minutes and they let me hold her hand the whole time.
Good luck!


New member
Zoe just had hers a couple of months ago. One thing the nurses told me to do seemed to help a lot. We 'practiced" at home. We pretended we were 'statues' and laid down on the floor, then I would pretend there was a donut like thing going over her head. I explained to her that it would make a little noise, but wouldn't touch her at all.The whole 'statue' thing really worked. Also, explaining to her that if she laid like a statue and didn't move, she wouldn't have to have an i.v. really made a difference. But if your child hasn't had many i.v.'s, not knowing what they are, that may not help you.
It does only take a few minutes and they let me hold her hand the whole time.
Good luck!


New member
Zoe just had hers a couple of months ago. One thing the nurses told me to do seemed to help a lot. We 'practiced" at home. We pretended we were 'statues' and laid down on the floor, then I would pretend there was a donut like thing going over her head. I explained to her that it would make a little noise, but wouldn't touch her at all.The whole 'statue' thing really worked. Also, explaining to her that if she laid like a statue and didn't move, she wouldn't have to have an i.v. really made a difference. But if your child hasn't had many i.v.'s, not knowing what they are, that may not help you.
It does only take a few minutes and they let me hold her hand the whole time.
Good luck!


New member
<br />Zoe just had hers a couple of months ago. One thing the nurses told me to do seemed to help a lot. We 'practiced" at home. We pretended we were 'statues' and laid down on the floor, then I would pretend there was a donut like thing going over her head. I explained to her that it would make a little noise, but wouldn't touch her at all.The whole 'statue' thing really worked. Also, explaining to her that if she laid like a statue and didn't move, she wouldn't have to have an i.v. really made a difference. But if your child hasn't had many i.v.'s, not knowing what they are, that may not help you.
<br />It does only take a few minutes and they let me hold her hand the whole time.
<br />Good luck!


New member
My daughter now 5.5wcf had a sinus CT at 4.5 years old. She is normally very compliant but it did freak her out a little bc it is loud. The person doing it let me lay on the table then moved it into the scanner to show her what it would be like, which really helped. At the very last second she started getting upset and I thought she wasn't going to do it so I promised her that she could pick out something from the gift shop if she held still and that did the trick! She even took the toy with her to hold during her sinus surgery 6 weeks later.

Hope the CT goes well!


New member
My daughter now 5.5wcf had a sinus CT at 4.5 years old. She is normally very compliant but it did freak her out a little bc it is loud. The person doing it let me lay on the table then moved it into the scanner to show her what it would be like, which really helped. At the very last second she started getting upset and I thought she wasn't going to do it so I promised her that she could pick out something from the gift shop if she held still and that did the trick! She even took the toy with her to hold during her sinus surgery 6 weeks later.

Hope the CT goes well!


New member
My daughter now 5.5wcf had a sinus CT at 4.5 years old. She is normally very compliant but it did freak her out a little bc it is loud. The person doing it let me lay on the table then moved it into the scanner to show her what it would be like, which really helped. At the very last second she started getting upset and I thought she wasn't going to do it so I promised her that she could pick out something from the gift shop if she held still and that did the trick! She even took the toy with her to hold during her sinus surgery 6 weeks later.

Hope the CT goes well!


New member
My daughter now 5.5wcf had a sinus CT at 4.5 years old. She is normally very compliant but it did freak her out a little bc it is loud. The person doing it let me lay on the table then moved it into the scanner to show her what it would be like, which really helped. At the very last second she started getting upset and I thought she wasn't going to do it so I promised her that she could pick out something from the gift shop if she held still and that did the trick! She even took the toy with her to hold during her sinus surgery 6 weeks later.

Hope the CT goes well!


New member
My daughter now 5.5wcf had a sinus CT at 4.5 years old. She is normally very compliant but it did freak her out a little bc it is loud. The person doing it let me lay on the table then moved it into the scanner to show her what it would be like, which really helped. At the very last second she started getting upset and I thought she wasn't going to do it so I promised her that she could pick out something from the gift shop if she held still and that did the trick! She even took the toy with her to hold during her sinus surgery 6 weeks later.
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<br />Hope the CT goes well!