Just introducing myself, was doing some random late night reading and came across this board. I thought it might be interesting to join as I have C.F and have never spoken to or met another person with it, I live in a smaller Kansas town so the range of people I know is rather limited. I guess I should say alittle about myself, I'm 29 male who was diagnosed at 7. I was born in California moved here when I was 11. My hobbies include reading (Science Fact and Fiction) gaming, screaming profanities at myself in the mirror until I cry and smashing lawn gnomes with a baseball bat. I also enjoy eating loads and loads of food then mocking friends and family members when they talk about dieting and trying to lose weight. Gotta enjoy the few perks that come with C.F somehow. Anyway thats me, I'm glass half-full kinda guy.
edit: I should mention that I couldn't post in the "Who are you in a nut shell" thread as google chrome kept timing out when I clicked the last page.
edit: I should mention that I couldn't post in the "Who are you in a nut shell" thread as google chrome kept timing out when I clicked the last page.