First visit since oregano


New member
Just went to my first doc appointment in Toronto. After taking Oregano oil for 2 months and inhaling it for 1 month, my lung function went from %57 to %87, 02 sats were 96 and my heart rate was 76 beats per minute.

This is even without trying monolaurin that makes the ergano oil even more effective.

Woot...go life!

Oh and uh....*coughs* thanks sean hahaha.....


New member
Just went to my first doc appointment in Toronto. After taking Oregano oil for 2 months and inhaling it for 1 month, my lung function went from %57 to %87, 02 sats were 96 and my heart rate was 76 beats per minute.

This is even without trying monolaurin that makes the ergano oil even more effective.

Woot...go life!

Oh and uh....*coughs* thanks sean hahaha.....


New member
I am SOOOOO happy to hear you had the excellent results that SeanDavis did. Did you do a sputum culture? I am curious as to what that would say! Good for you!


New member
I am SOOOOO happy to hear you had the excellent results that SeanDavis did. Did you do a sputum culture? I am curious as to what that would say! Good for you!


New member
ya i did...and it was so hard to get anything up....we'll see what they say about the results. I also get paid today, so i'm ordering the monolaurin tomorrow. For the first time in my life, i don't feel so I'm only gonna go downhill from here. They were so possitive...

For all you guys still considering it...seriously...just give it a shot. You can only benefit from it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">



New member
ya i did...and it was so hard to get anything up....we'll see what they say about the results. I also get paid today, so i'm ordering the monolaurin tomorrow. For the first time in my life, i don't feel so I'm only gonna go downhill from here. They were so possitive...

For all you guys still considering it...seriously...just give it a shot. You can only benefit from it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">



New member
AWESOME KIEL! Both myself and my lady were almost moved to tears hearing about the good news of your improvement. Today was a happy day for us, and this was the cherry on the top of the sundae! The more CF's I hear from who have given it a serious one month try, and stuck to it and not done it half a**ed, the more I hear that have had a great response to it. I'm still waiting for my last cultures result, and i'm hoping it shows no PA. But even if it still does show PA, I can guarantee you it's levels are dramatically reduced. I also had a very hard time producing ANYTHING for them to culture. After about 5 mins of hacking away with crystal clear lungs, I finally got up two small specs of mucous, with saliva. I still cough up a little goo in the morning before I go about my day, but It's MUCH different than before. Remember, our bodies will keep producing the mucous, the oils purpose is to kill off our lung bugs, and therefore get rid of our PA colonization and other undesireable microbes. If this oil use can at the least raise peoples PFT's by an average of 30+ points (have heard several results to attest to this, myself and Kiel included), even if we still stay colonized, it's a dramatic improvement...One that conventional medications obviously couldn't attain.


New member
AWESOME KIEL! Both myself and my lady were almost moved to tears hearing about the good news of your improvement. Today was a happy day for us, and this was the cherry on the top of the sundae! The more CF's I hear from who have given it a serious one month try, and stuck to it and not done it half a**ed, the more I hear that have had a great response to it. I'm still waiting for my last cultures result, and i'm hoping it shows no PA. But even if it still does show PA, I can guarantee you it's levels are dramatically reduced. I also had a very hard time producing ANYTHING for them to culture. After about 5 mins of hacking away with crystal clear lungs, I finally got up two small specs of mucous, with saliva. I still cough up a little goo in the morning before I go about my day, but It's MUCH different than before. Remember, our bodies will keep producing the mucous, the oils purpose is to kill off our lung bugs, and therefore get rid of our PA colonization and other undesireable microbes. If this oil use can at the least raise peoples PFT's by an average of 30+ points (have heard several results to attest to this, myself and Kiel included), even if we still stay colonized, it's a dramatic improvement...One that conventional medications obviously couldn't attain.


New member
I know...simply amazing. Of all the things they try, the antibiotics, dnase...the stuff that takes millions of dollars in research to fund...and then to's the oil of an herb that makes the biggest difference in my life. Same thing with the saline....I mean...why did it take them so long to try to use salt water to help our lungs...I've thought of it before...but i mean, I figured...geez, people must have thought of this before, otherwise we would have been doing it by now. Alas, here were are, 2006 and comming up with therapies that have always existed and should have been used a long time ago.

I guess sometimes we just have to step back and see the things we already have that could benefit us. Hurray to the hippies and the people that think out of the box. This for you <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Anyways...i have the future to think about <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">...cheers guys.

Kiel <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I know...simply amazing. Of all the things they try, the antibiotics, dnase...the stuff that takes millions of dollars in research to fund...and then to's the oil of an herb that makes the biggest difference in my life. Same thing with the saline....I mean...why did it take them so long to try to use salt water to help our lungs...I've thought of it before...but i mean, I figured...geez, people must have thought of this before, otherwise we would have been doing it by now. Alas, here were are, 2006 and comming up with therapies that have always existed and should have been used a long time ago.

I guess sometimes we just have to step back and see the things we already have that could benefit us. Hurray to the hippies and the people that think out of the box. This for you <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Anyways...i have the future to think about <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">...cheers guys.

Kiel <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>very good news! maybe someday this will be mainstream<hr></blockquote>

I hope. But look at how many drugs we take now for so many of our symptoms associated with CF. Now calculate how much that cost is per month on an average for the average CF on the average CF medications. Just on my meds (which aren't that much compared to what other CF's are on), I calculate I might be 10-20k a MONTH, ATLEAST. Now ask yourself this: Would those same companies making QUADRILLIONS on our medications, want us to get off a good deal of them in favor of a 35.00 dollar bottle of simple oil from an herb? Aside from my antacid (which I don't even know if my body is that acidic anymore, so don't know if it's needed anymore) and eating enzymes, I can't think of any medication my OO wouldn't be able to replace. Of course i'm not advocating anyone stopping any of their current meds and replacing them with OO...I'm just stating their financial interest is in us (well, our insurance companies) being cash cows for never ending streams of drugs.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>very good news! maybe someday this will be mainstream<hr></blockquote>

I hope. But look at how many drugs we take now for so many of our symptoms associated with CF. Now calculate how much that cost is per month on an average for the average CF on the average CF medications. Just on my meds (which aren't that much compared to what other CF's are on), I calculate I might be 10-20k a MONTH, ATLEAST. Now ask yourself this: Would those same companies making QUADRILLIONS on our medications, want us to get off a good deal of them in favor of a 35.00 dollar bottle of simple oil from an herb? Aside from my antacid (which I don't even know if my body is that acidic anymore, so don't know if it's needed anymore) and eating enzymes, I can't think of any medication my OO wouldn't be able to replace. Of course i'm not advocating anyone stopping any of their current meds and replacing them with OO...I'm just stating their financial interest is in us (well, our insurance companies) being cash cows for never ending streams of drugs.


Super Moderator
WOW! That is great news. I really think I am going to start my daughter with on oil of oregano. There was a Kid-E-Kare cold and flu capsule with oregano, and other herbs that I think I will try...just because the dosing is more geared toward kids. It's great hearing all the good results on a this web site, but we have a story of our own.

My sister-in-law has chronic sinus infections, so when Sean posted about the OO and how it helped with sinus problems also I let her know about it. Anyway her is an update from her...

"By the way update on the Oil of oregano- while I am tired, pooped is
more like it- I feel I am successfully fighting off this sinus thing- my
sore throat disappeared the next day- in 10 years that has NEVER
happened!! It (the sore throat) is my FIRST sign- inevitable sign-
precursor- to what will come- which is the dreaded throat of fire, then
no voice, then pounding headache, then green boogers, then doctors
office, then antibiotics.... So far just a mild yellow discharge, no
green, no more sore throat- I am amazed!! I'll keep you updated but
for now I am quite stunned---just staving it off would be amazing enough
for me!! Thanks again for the lead on it! It's worth the agony of burn
and taste if this is the result!"

Anyway, just wanted to let you guys know, and
THANKS SEANDAVIS ((((((((((hugs))))))))))


Super Moderator
WOW! That is great news. I really think I am going to start my daughter with on oil of oregano. There was a Kid-E-Kare cold and flu capsule with oregano, and other herbs that I think I will try...just because the dosing is more geared toward kids. It's great hearing all the good results on a this web site, but we have a story of our own.

My sister-in-law has chronic sinus infections, so when Sean posted about the OO and how it helped with sinus problems also I let her know about it. Anyway her is an update from her...

"By the way update on the Oil of oregano- while I am tired, pooped is
more like it- I feel I am successfully fighting off this sinus thing- my
sore throat disappeared the next day- in 10 years that has NEVER
happened!! It (the sore throat) is my FIRST sign- inevitable sign-
precursor- to what will come- which is the dreaded throat of fire, then
no voice, then pounding headache, then green boogers, then doctors
office, then antibiotics.... So far just a mild yellow discharge, no
green, no more sore throat- I am amazed!! I'll keep you updated but
for now I am quite stunned---just staving it off would be amazing enough
for me!! Thanks again for the lead on it! It's worth the agony of burn
and taste if this is the result!"

Anyway, just wanted to let you guys know, and
THANKS SEANDAVIS ((((((((((hugs))))))))))