my doctors have always wanted me to gain weight. (like they do everyone w/CF right?) So I finally just did it. I eat as much as I could, as often as I could. I made it like my job. I didn't always want to, but I tried anyway.
So I ended up going from 99pounds to 115pounds. YAY
So now the MD's aren't all over me anymore. It's nice.
I like the way I look with the new weight. My face is fuller, my arms are thicker. But the way my stomach looks really bothers me. I've never had 6-pack abs, but I really hate how my stomach looks NOW.
I've been asked by two different strangers, "Oh, wow! Are you pregnant?"
I was devastated (like ANY woman who is NOT pregnant would be).
I went shopping for under-garments that are supposed to help suck in your gut and found one that's pretty good.
It takes 2 inches off my stomach (I was hoping for a more dramatic change, but 2 inches is pretty good).
It is really thin and smooth, so you can wear under t-shirts and jeans - and no one is the wiser, very slick.
If you're interested, it's a SHAPING MID-THIGH BODYSUIT by the company SPANX.
I found it at NORDSTROMS, but it cost $68.00 (which I think is crazy expensive!!!!) luckily, my mom was nice enough to help me pay for it.
But I just heard the other day that Dr. Robert Rey (that dude from the reality show "Dr. 90210") is coming out with new shapewear that makes you one to two dress sizes smaller. It's called Instant Shape. It's going to be available at SEARS October 27, 2007.
Prices ranging from $27.50 to $60.00
(sorry if I sound like an info-mercial but I just found this out & I was excited to share it)
It's nice to know that we aren't alone
Stay strong, girls 
So I ended up going from 99pounds to 115pounds. YAY
So now the MD's aren't all over me anymore. It's nice.
I like the way I look with the new weight. My face is fuller, my arms are thicker. But the way my stomach looks really bothers me. I've never had 6-pack abs, but I really hate how my stomach looks NOW.
I've been asked by two different strangers, "Oh, wow! Are you pregnant?"
I was devastated (like ANY woman who is NOT pregnant would be).
I went shopping for under-garments that are supposed to help suck in your gut and found one that's pretty good.
It takes 2 inches off my stomach (I was hoping for a more dramatic change, but 2 inches is pretty good).
It is really thin and smooth, so you can wear under t-shirts and jeans - and no one is the wiser, very slick.
If you're interested, it's a SHAPING MID-THIGH BODYSUIT by the company SPANX.
I found it at NORDSTROMS, but it cost $68.00 (which I think is crazy expensive!!!!) luckily, my mom was nice enough to help me pay for it.
But I just heard the other day that Dr. Robert Rey (that dude from the reality show "Dr. 90210") is coming out with new shapewear that makes you one to two dress sizes smaller. It's called Instant Shape. It's going to be available at SEARS October 27, 2007.
Prices ranging from $27.50 to $60.00
(sorry if I sound like an info-mercial but I just found this out & I was excited to share it)
It's nice to know that we aren't alone