flu shot


New member
Another thing about being high priority for the flu shot. There was opne flu season when there was a shortage and when my husband was too ill to get the flu shot at the beginning of the season. Those years they identified me and anyone who caref for him (like PCAs) as high priority and we were given the shot - just like doctors and nurses.


New member
Another thing about being high priority for the flu shot. There was opne flu season when there was a shortage and when my husband was too ill to get the flu shot at the beginning of the season. Those years they identified me and anyone who caref for him (like PCAs) as high priority and we were given the shot - just like doctors and nurses.


New member
I am the only one in my household that gets the flu shot. My husband does not get the shot.

I've had the flu only once in my life, it was in 1999 the year I started dating my husband who convinced me the flu shot was a bad thing and that I shouldn't have it. Boy was that a mistake, in April of that year I came down with the flu that kept me bedridden for 3 days which promptly turned into pneumonia. I have never gained my full capacity back after that lung infection.

So for me... I'll be getting the flu shot. I've never caught it from my husband so I do not insist that he get it.


New member
I am the only one in my household that gets the flu shot. My husband does not get the shot.

I've had the flu only once in my life, it was in 1999 the year I started dating my husband who convinced me the flu shot was a bad thing and that I shouldn't have it. Boy was that a mistake, in April of that year I came down with the flu that kept me bedridden for 3 days which promptly turned into pneumonia. I have never gained my full capacity back after that lung infection.

So for me... I'll be getting the flu shot. I've never caught it from my husband so I do not insist that he get it.


New member
I am the only one in my household that gets the flu shot. My husband does not get the shot.

I've had the flu only once in my life, it was in 1999 the year I started dating my husband who convinced me the flu shot was a bad thing and that I shouldn't have it. Boy was that a mistake, in April of that year I came down with the flu that kept me bedridden for 3 days which promptly turned into pneumonia. I have never gained my full capacity back after that lung infection.

So for me... I'll be getting the flu shot. I've never caught it from my husband so I do not insist that he get it.


Staff member
The flu shot we get indicateds thermasoil (mercury) free.

Anyone who is in close contact with us. DH, DS and I all get flu shots. As to my parents and my inlaws. My BIL and his entire family get their flu shots. Daycare provides.

Before DS was born, I always got flu shots and noticed that I didn't seem to get the nasty colds, upper respiratory bugs that I would get every fall and late winter.

BTW, DS's doctor also gives us all prescriptions for tamiflu, so if the flu starts going around preschool or our offices, we're to get it filled and start taking it. First year my intern showed up to work with influenza, so I filled my script and took it. My coworkers are all morons -- always show up to work sick to share various ailments and to spread germs and happiness.


Staff member
The flu shot we get indicateds thermasoil (mercury) free.

Anyone who is in close contact with us. DH, DS and I all get flu shots. As to my parents and my inlaws. My BIL and his entire family get their flu shots. Daycare provides.

Before DS was born, I always got flu shots and noticed that I didn't seem to get the nasty colds, upper respiratory bugs that I would get every fall and late winter.

BTW, DS's doctor also gives us all prescriptions for tamiflu, so if the flu starts going around preschool or our offices, we're to get it filled and start taking it. First year my intern showed up to work with influenza, so I filled my script and took it. My coworkers are all morons -- always show up to work sick to share various ailments and to spread germs and happiness.


Staff member
The flu shot we get indicateds thermasoil (mercury) free.

Anyone who is in close contact with us. DH, DS and I all get flu shots. As to my parents and my inlaws. My BIL and his entire family get their flu shots. Daycare provides.

Before DS was born, I always got flu shots and noticed that I didn't seem to get the nasty colds, upper respiratory bugs that I would get every fall and late winter.

BTW, DS's doctor also gives us all prescriptions for tamiflu, so if the flu starts going around preschool or our offices, we're to get it filled and start taking it. First year my intern showed up to work with influenza, so I filled my script and took it. My coworkers are all morons -- always show up to work sick to share various ailments and to spread germs and happiness.


New member
None of us (immeadiate family) get it.

I'm allergic to chicken and as JRPandTJP pointed out there are chicken cells in the flu shot.

Sean has always gotten a reaction to the flu shot and every year it got worse and worse. So, starting last year, he doesn't get it anymore. I pray every year that we stay healthy because I know the flu can be devistating to CFers.

The flu shot is not a live version of the virus. Therefore, you can't get the flu from the shot. I know there are millions of people that swear they get sick from it but it's merely a coincidence. Science is science. Now, there is a nasal version of the flu vaccine that contains the live virus, therefore, it is possible to actually contract the flu from that.


New member
None of us (immeadiate family) get it.

I'm allergic to chicken and as JRPandTJP pointed out there are chicken cells in the flu shot.

Sean has always gotten a reaction to the flu shot and every year it got worse and worse. So, starting last year, he doesn't get it anymore. I pray every year that we stay healthy because I know the flu can be devistating to CFers.

The flu shot is not a live version of the virus. Therefore, you can't get the flu from the shot. I know there are millions of people that swear they get sick from it but it's merely a coincidence. Science is science. Now, there is a nasal version of the flu vaccine that contains the live virus, therefore, it is possible to actually contract the flu from that.


New member
None of us (immeadiate family) get it.

I'm allergic to chicken and as JRPandTJP pointed out there are chicken cells in the flu shot.

Sean has always gotten a reaction to the flu shot and every year it got worse and worse. So, starting last year, he doesn't get it anymore. I pray every year that we stay healthy because I know the flu can be devistating to CFers.

The flu shot is not a live version of the virus. Therefore, you can't get the flu from the shot. I know there are millions of people that swear they get sick from it but it's merely a coincidence. Science is science. Now, there is a nasal version of the flu vaccine that contains the live virus, therefore, it is possible to actually contract the flu from that.


Staff member
My mother got the flu shortly after getting the flu shot last year; however, she attributes it to all the sick people in the clinic waiting room. And years ago I got a horrible upper respiratory bug that turned into pneumonia -- it happened a week or so after I'd been to the clinic for a tetanus shot. It was around flu season, and I imagine I picked up something at the clinic. So during cold and flu season, I try to avoid going to the clinic at all.


Staff member
My mother got the flu shortly after getting the flu shot last year; however, she attributes it to all the sick people in the clinic waiting room. And years ago I got a horrible upper respiratory bug that turned into pneumonia -- it happened a week or so after I'd been to the clinic for a tetanus shot. It was around flu season, and I imagine I picked up something at the clinic. So during cold and flu season, I try to avoid going to the clinic at all.


Staff member
My mother got the flu shortly after getting the flu shot last year; however, she attributes it to all the sick people in the clinic waiting room. And years ago I got a horrible upper respiratory bug that turned into pneumonia -- it happened a week or so after I'd been to the clinic for a tetanus shot. It was around flu season, and I imagine I picked up something at the clinic. So during cold and flu season, I try to avoid going to the clinic at all.


My daughter does get the flu shot but not everyone in our family does. I guess I keep thinking she goes to school every day and spends more time there than she does in our house. She is exposed to everything under the sun at school and there is no way to protect her from that. She has been so very fortunate and has remained very healthy inspite of it all.


My daughter does get the flu shot but not everyone in our family does. I guess I keep thinking she goes to school every day and spends more time there than she does in our house. She is exposed to everything under the sun at school and there is no way to protect her from that. She has been so very fortunate and has remained very healthy inspite of it all.


My daughter does get the flu shot but not everyone in our family does. I guess I keep thinking she goes to school every day and spends more time there than she does in our house. She is exposed to everything under the sun at school and there is no way to protect her from that. She has been so very fortunate and has remained very healthy inspite of it all.